Group News

3D Active Janus Antenna: Paper Accepted by Laser & Photonics Reviews

Our work on a 3D active Janus antenna is accepted for publicaiton. We report, to our best knowledge, the first 3D Janus source that can be excited by a co-axial cable, instead of via scattering an incident wave. With this device, demonstrate directional waveguide coupling over a bandwidth exceeding 20%, with a power efficiency over 50x improved from a passive Janus source. Congratulations to Xue Bo (PhD student) and Kayode (postdoc) on this work!

Sept 11, 2024

Xiaoluo Successfully Defenses his PhD Thesis

Mr. Xiaoluo HE (Sean) successfully defenses his PhD thesis titled "Design, Optimization and Application of Discrete Millimeter-Wave Metasurface" Congratulations Xiaoluo!

Sept 2, 2024

Welcome to our new PhD students, Harold Haolin DONG and Qiuyang LI

Mr. Qiuyang LI joins our research group as a PhD student. Harold, who has been our RA, will continue as a PhD student with us. Welcome to both!

Sept 2, 2024

Optical Metasurface Featured on IEEE Spectrum

An electronically-tunable space-time optical metasurface is featured on the IEEE Spectrum! This popular science article describes the latest invention from Prof. Harry Atwater's lab published on Nature Nanotechnology. I was invited to opine on the prospect of optical metasurfaces for Li-Fi, Lidar and beyond. (To be clear: I did not take part in this excellent research.)

Aug 15, 2024

Prof. Hui and team obtains the Theme-Based Research Scheme (TRS) Grant

Prof. Ron S. Y. Hui leads a team of researchers in a successful application for a TRS Grant. The project will develop next-generation high-frequency, high-power and high-efficiency wireless power transfer systems. Alex, as the Co-PI of this project, will develop effective metamaterial and metasurface shields for the WPT systems. We look forward to a productive project and synergistic collaborations!

July 15, 2024

Bo Xue and Tayyab Ali Khan win APS Honorable Mention Awards

Mr. Bo Xue and Mr. Tayyab Ali Khan, PhD students in our group, received the Honorable Mention award for their conference papers APS 2024. 34 students recieved this award out of a total of more than 300 student paper competition entries. Great work and congratulations to both!

July 15, 2024

Alex Group Participates in APS/URSI 2024

Dr. Chu Qi, Ms. Chen Xue, Mr. Tayyab A. Khan, Mr. Xiaoluo He, Mr. Bowen Ren and Mr. Bo Xue present papers at APS/URSI 2024 in Florence Italy. Thanks group for the great work!

July 15, 2024

Alex is Promoted to Associate Professor

Alex gets promoted to the post of Associate Professor (with tenure) at the City University of Hong Kong. My past and current students: I thank you for our wonderful collective work, and for the journey we have embarked on!

July 2, 2024

Kyle CHAN Joins Group

We welcome Mr. Kyle Chan to our team as a research assistant. He will be a full time RA in the summer then a part-time RA and MSc student in our programme in fall 2024.

July 2, 2024

Dr. Wenqiong CHEN Joins Group

We welcome Dr. Wenqiong Chen to our team as a postdoctoral fellow!

May 2, 2024

Honorable Mention for AP-S 2024

Congratulations to PhD students Xue Bo and Tayyab Ali Khan, who received Honorable Mentions at th IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium in Florence 2024. We look forward to attending the conference!

Apr 23, 2024

Terahertz PCB-Fabricated Metalenses: Inside Cover of Advanced Optical Materials

Our paper on the THz PCB-Fabricated Metalens is selected as the Inside Cover paper of the latest issue of Advanced Optical Materials. Congratulations again to the group!

Apr 15, 2024

Huygens Cylinder RF coil: Paper published by IEEE J-ERM

Our paper on the Huygens' cylinder is published by the Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology. We have proposed to improve the illumination homogeneity of high-field MRI using a novel RF coil built from electromagnetic equivalence theory. Congratulations to Xue Chen (PhD Student) and Gabriel G. Zhou (alumnus, now a PhD stduent at Duke) on this work!

Apr 1, 2024

Active Janus Sources: Paper published by Communications Physics

Our paper on the Active Janus Source is now published by Communications Physics. The work explores a new directive electromagnetic source (the Janus source) and how it achieves near-field coupling suppression. Congratulations to Xue Bo (PhD Student) and Kayode (PhD Graduate) on this work!

Mar 10, 2024

Kayode Continues as Postdoctoral Fellow

Kayode, our recent graduate, is continuing in our group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome back!

Mar 1, 2024

Chenyu Joins Group as an MSc Student

We (belatedly) welcome Ms. Chenyu SU to our group as a MSc dissertation student!

Mar 1, 2024

Active Janus Sources: Paper Accepted by Communications Physics

Our paper on the Active Janus Source is now accepted by Communications Physics.

Feb 21, 2024

Terahertz PCB-Fabricated Metalenses: Paper Published by Advanced Optical Materials

Our paper on the THz PCB-Fabricated Metalens is now published by Advanced Optical Materials. Congratulations again to Qi Chu, Xiaoluo and Bowen!

Jan 16, 2024

TTD-Metasurface Open Resonator Antena: Paper Published by OJAP

Our paper on the metasurface-enabled open resonator antenna is published by the Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation (Early Access). This is, to our best knowledge, the first time a broadband planar metasurface replaces a curved reflector inside a cavity. Congratulations to Mr. T. A. KHAN (PhD student) on this work!

Dec 29, 2023

Zeqiang wins an Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award

Dr. Zeqiang LIN (postdoctoral fellow) wins the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award from the China Association of Nuclear Industry Education. Congratulations Zeqiang! We look forward to reaping our research results here in the near future!

Dec 27, 2023

Experiment-Based Deep Learning Programming Metasurface: Paper Published by APL Machine Learning

Our paper on experiment-based deep learning with a programmable metasurface is published by APL Machine Learning. This is a collaboration work with Prof. Jensen Li (HKUST Physics) and Prof. Ray C. C. Cheung (CityU Electrical Engineering) Congratulations to our students Jingxin, Jiawei and Peixing!

Dec 21, 2023

Terahertz PCB-Fabricated Metalenses: Paper Accepted by Advanced Optical Materials

Our paper on the THz PCB-Fabricated Metalens is accepted by Advanced Optical Materials. Congratulations to Dr. Chu Qi (postdoc, first author), Mr. Xiaoluo He and Mr. Bowen Ren (PhD students)!

Dec 15, 2023

Kayode Successfully Defenses his PhD Thesis

Kayode has successfully defended his PhD thesis, titled "Directional beamforming and waveguiding with specialized electromagnetic dipoles". Congratulations Kayode!

Nov 7, 2023

Bipartite Dielectric Huygens Metasurface: Paper Published in Physica Scripta

Our paper on the bipartite dielectric Huygens' metasurface is published in Physica Scripta. Congratulations to Dr. Abhishek SHARMA (first author, now at Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey)!

Oct 26, 2023

Charles, Jenn and Harold Join Our Research Group

Mr. LEI Sheng (Charles) and Ms. XING Jian (Jenn) join our group as PhD students; DONG Haolin (Harold) joins our group as a research assistant. Welcome to the group everyone!

Oct 16, 2023

Achromatic Huygens Metalens: Paper Published on Nanophotonics

Our paper on the achromatic Huygens metalens is published on Nanophotonics. Congratulations to Xiaoluo HE (first author, PhD student), QI Chu (post-doc) and LEI Sheng (Charles) (UG student)!

Aug 18, 2023

Prof. K. M. Luk and Team obtains an RGC AoE Grant

Our team of researchers, lead by Prof. Luk, have won the Area of Excellence (AoE) award from the Research Grants Council of the Government of Hong Kong. Through the project “Advanced Antenna Technology for a Smart World” we aim to develop cutting-edge antenna and metasurface technologies for wide-ranging applications promoting smart living. We also look forward to training the next generation of antenna researchers. Congratulations to the team! We look forward to fruitful research and collaboration!

July 13, 2023

Xue Bo First Prize at the CityU EE Student Research Symposium 2023

PhD students Mr. Bo XUE wins First Prize in the Applied Electromagnetics division of the EE Student Research Symposium 2023. Congratulations Bo (now let's publish our work)!

Jun 1, 2023

Directional Dipole Dice: Paper Pubished by PNAS

Our paper on the "Directional Dipole Dice" is now published by The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Congratulations to everyone!

Jun 13, 2023

Xue Bo First Prize at the CityU EE Student Research Symposium 2023

PhD students Mr. Bo XUE wins First Prize in the Applied Electromagnetics division of the EE Student Research Symposium 2023. Congratulations Bo (now let's publish our work)!

Jun 1, 2023

Alex Obtains an ITC Grant

Our research proposal “Research and Commericalization of a High-Performance, Low-Cost Dual Band mm-Wave Antenna System” is funded under the Technology Collaboration Funding Scheme of the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) from the Government of Hong Kong. This project will be conducted in collaboration with Tongyu Communication Inc. in Guangdong, China. Congratulations to the team!

May 23, 2023

Directional Dipole Dice: Paper Accepted by PNAS

PhD students Ms. Yuqiong CHENG, Mr. Kayode OYESINA and Mr. Bo XUE's paper on the "Directional Dipole Dice" is accepted by The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). This work describes a helical scatterer that can be excited as a circular, Huygens or Janus dipole by tuning the incident wave, providing flexible control of the scatterer's near-field power coupling directionality. This work is in collaboration with Dr. Shubo Wang from CityU Physics and Dr. Dangyuan Lei from CityU MSE. Congratulations everyone!

May 17, 2023

Peixing wins the Merit Award for his Final Year Project

Undergraduate student Peixing LI wins a merit award for his Final Year Project. Congratulations Peixing!

May 9, 2023

Time-Varying OAM Metasurface: Paper Published by Advanced Photonics

Jingxin and Peixing's paper is now published by Advanced Photonics (see the acceptance news below). Congratulations!

Apr 18, 2023

Time-Varying OAM Metasurface: Paper Accepted by Advanced Photonics

Jingxin ZHANG (PhD student) and Peixing LI's (undergraduate researcher) paper on a time-varying OAM metasurface is accepted by Advanced Photonics. This work is in collaboration with Prof. Jensen Li from the HKUST and Dr. Ray Cheung from CityU. Congratulations guys!

Mar 27, 2023

Dr. QI Chu joins group

Dr. QI Chu rejoins our group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome back!

Dec 5, 2022

Xue Bo, Moustafa and Sheng Present the IEEE (HK) AP/MTT Postgraduate Conference

PhD student Bo XUE, research assistant Moustafa ABDELBAKY and undergraduate researcher Sheng LEI present at the 23rd The 23rd IEEE (HK) AP/MTT Postgraduate Conference. The conference was held online, hosted by the City University of Hong Kong and attracted participation from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. Congratulations to all; I hope it was a good learning experience!

Nov 19, 2022

Mr. Ali and Xiaoluo Present at ISAP 2022

PhD students Tayyab Ali KHAN and Xiaoluo HE present their research results in-person at ISAP 2022, which was held in Sydney, Australia. Good job to both! It is wonderful to have in-person research exchanges again!

Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2022

Dr. LIN Zeqiang joins group

Dr. LIN Zeqiang has joined our group as a Post-Doctoral Fellow. He has just received a PhD degree from the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Welcome Zeqiang!

Oct 26, 2022

Discretized Huygens' Metasurface: Paper Pubished in TAP

QI Chu's paper on the discrete Huygens' metasurface is published with the Aug. 2022 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Sep 15, 2022

Qi Chu successfully passes her PhD defence

Ms. QI Chu successfully passes her PhD defence and will become the first PhD graduate of the group. Congratulations and great work, QI Chu! We're happy for you!

Sept 1, 2022

New members join our group

We welcome three new members to our research group: DR. Muhammad Ismail KHAN joins us as a research associate; Mr. Moustafa ABDELBAKY (MSc graduate, 2021) returns as a research assistant; Mr. Kenny Tsz Hin HUI joins as an undergraduate researcher.

Aug 16, 2022

Alex obtains a GRF Grant

Alex's research proposal “Toward Electromagnetic Near-Field Suppression and Enhancement with Janus Antennas” is funded under the General Research Fund (GRF) from the Government Hong Kong. Congratulations to the team!

Jun 30, 2022

Transparent mm-wave RCS-reduction Metasurface: Paper Published by the Journal of Physics D

Xiaoluo's paper on the transparent mm-wave RCS-reduction metasurface has now been published. Congratulations again Xiaoluo.

Jun 20, 2022

Transparent mm-wave RCS-reduction Metasurface: Paper Accepted by the Journal of Physics D

Xiaoluo's paper titled “A compact transparent polarization-insensitive metasurface with broadband monostatic and bistatic radar cross-section reduction of millimeter-waves” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. Congratulations Xiaoluo!

Jun 1, 2022

Hank Bo-han CHEN and Fanqi MENG join team

We welcome Mr. Hank Bo-han CHEN and Ms. Fanqi MENG, undergraduate students, to the research team.

Jun 1, 2022

High-Efficiency Broadband Anomalous Reflection and Transmission Metasurfaces: 2 Papers Published

Qi Chu's two papers are published and available online:

C. Qi and A.M.H. Wong, “Discrete Huygens’ metasurface: Realizing anomalous refraction and diffraction mode circulation
with a robust, broadband and simple design,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Apr. 2022. (Early Access)

C. Qi and A.M.H. Wong, “Broadband efficient anomalous reflection using an aggressively discretized metasurface,” Optics Express, vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 15735-15746, Apr. 2022.

Apr 24, 2022

Minseok CHANG wins the Departmental Merit Award for his Final Year Project

Undergraduate student Minseok CHANG's Final Year Project "Toward Electromagnetic Hand Gesture Detection on a Cellular Phone" wins the departmental Merit Award. Well done Minseok, congratulations!

Apr 20, 2022

Broadband Anomalous Reflection Metasurface: Paper Accepted by Optics Express

Ms. QI Chu's paper titled “Broadband efficient anomalous reflection using an aggressively discretized metasurface” has been accepted for publication in Optics Express. Congratulations again to Qi Chu!

Mar 30, 2022

Discrete Huygens' Metasurface: Paper Accepted by TAP

Ms. QI Chu's paper titled “Discrete Huygens’ metasurface: Realizing anomalous refraction and diffraction mode circulation with a robust, broadband and simple design” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Congratulations Qi Chu!

Mar 20, 2022

Yang PENG, Sheng LEI and Wenkai LI join group

We welcome undergraduate researchers Yang PENG, Sheng LEI and Wenkai LI into our group!

Jan 31, 2022

Mr. Ali and Abhishek present at APS 2021

Post-Doctoral fellow Dr. Abhishek SHARMA and PhD student Mr. Tayyab Ali KHAN present their conference papers at the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APS 2021), organized in hybrid from Singapore. This is first occurence of the APS/URSI conference outside of North America.

Dec 10, 2021

Peixing presents at APMC 2021

Undergraduate student Mr. Peixing LI presents at the Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), convened online from Brisbane, Australia..

Nov 28, 2021

Qi Chu presents at Metamaterials 2021

PhD student Ms. QI Chu presents at Metamaterials 2021, convened online and organized from New York, USA.

Sep 25, 2021

Nibbles HE wins the Outstanding OIS Award

Undergraduate researcher and FYP student Mr. Nibbles HE wins the Outstanding OIS Award for his research work this summer, under the remote supervision of Prof. Sharawi from L'École Polytechnique de Montréal. Nibbles' work is on beam steering with a 5G active antenna array. Congratulations Nibbles, I look forward to seeing your experimental results!

Sept 6, 2021

Bowen REN, Bo XUE and Jingxin ZHANG join group

Incoming PhD students Mr. Bowen REN, Mr. Bo XUE and Mr. Jingxin ZHANG join our group in varying capacities. Welcome to Hong Kong and welcome to our team, let's have fun pursuing research together!

Sept 3, 2021

Moustafa ABDELBAKY Successfully Defenses His MSc Dissertation

Mr. Moustafa ABDELBAKY has successfully defended his MSc Dissertation, and has satisfied all requirements to graduate with the MSc degree. Congratulations Moustafa, we wish you the best on your future endeavours!

Aug 15, 2021

Research Group Video Launched

The Department of Electrical Engineering launches our research group video. See it on youtube or our Team webpage!

Jul 13, 2021

Abhishek Presents at IEEE CONECCT 2021

Post-Doctoral fellow Dr. Abhishek SHARMA presents at the International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (IEEE CONECCT), convened in hybrid mode from Bangalore, India.

Jul 11, 2021

Mr. Ali wins Best Presentation Award at the CityU EE Research Student Symposium 2021

Mr. Ali wins the Best Presentation Award (Applied Electromagnetics Session) at the CityU EE Research Student Symposium 2021. The winning work is on constructing an open resonator antenna with a wideband true-time-delay metasurface. Good work Mr. Ali! We look foward to disseminate the experiment results soon!

Jun 4, 2021

Active Huygens' Box: Paper Pubished in TAP

Alex's paper on the Active Huygens' Box is published with the Mar. 2021 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Mar 4, 2021

Collaborative Research Fund: Harnessing the "Fog" of Ambient RF Waves

Our research team, led by Prof. Ross MURCH from the HKUST, has won the Collaborative Research Fund -- a multi-million dollor (HKD) grant funded by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council to support large-scale collaborative research. Through this fund, the team will perform holistic research towards harnessing ambient RF waves. As a Co-Investigator, Alex will co-ordinate research efforts on RF ambient wave-shaping and contribute to the wave-sensing and demonstration iniatives.

Jan 8, 2021

Moustafa ABDELBAKY Joins Group

Mr. Moustafa ABDELBAKY joins our group as an MSc student. Moustafa, welcome to our team!

Jan 4, 2021

APMC 2020 Concludes Successfully

APMC 2020 has come to a successful conclusion. We've hosted more than 400 talks and more than 50 invited speakers. We look forward to attending APMC 2021 in-person at Brisbane, Australia!

Dec 11, 2020

Abhishek, Kayode and XUE Chen present at APMC 2020

Post-Doctoral fellow Dr. Abhishek SHARMA and PhD students Mr. Kayode A. Oyesina and Ms. XUE Chen present their conference papers at this year's Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, convened online and organized by a team at the City University of Hong Kong.

Dec 8, 2020

Xiaoluo HE Joins Group

We are delighted to welcome back Mr. Xiaoluo HE into our research group as a PhD student! Xiaoluo was previously an MSc alnumus and a research assistant in our group.

Sep 1, 2020

Mr. Ali and Kayode win CityU Academic Awards

PhD students Mr. Tayyab Ali KHAN an Mr. Kayode A. OYESINA have won the Outstanding Academic Performance Award (Mr. Ali) and the Research Tuition Scholarship (both) from the CityU School of Graduate Studies. Congratulations to both!

Aug 25, 2020

Active Huygens' Box: Paper Pubished in TAP

Alex's paper on the Active Huygens' Box is published in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. (Early Access)

Jul 28, 2020

Abhishek, XUE Chen and Tayyab Ali KHAN present at APS 2020

Post-Doctoral fellow Dr. Abhishek SHARMA and PhD students Ms. XUE Chen and Mr. Tayyab Ali KHAN present their conference papers at this year's IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (virtual). Let's hope we can attend in person next year!

Jul 5, 2020

Abhishek presents at EuCAP 2020

Post-Doctoral fellow Dr. Abhishek SHARMA presents his conference paper at the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Copenhagen, June 2020). The conference has gone virtual and take place online in the month of June. Congratulations Abhishek, hopefully next time you can attend in person!

Jun 1, 2020

Kayode's paper is published in AWPL

PhD. student Mr. Kayode A. OYESINA's paper, “Metasurface-enabled cavity antenna: Beam steering with dramatically reduced fed elements” is published on IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (Link here). This is the first student-authored journal paper within the group. Congratulations Kayode!

Feb 14, 2020

QI Chu presents at the Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2019, Singapore)

PhD. student Ms. QI Chu presents two conference papers at the Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (Singapore, Dec 10-13, 2019). Congratulations on a job well done, and safe travels to the Technion!

Dec 10-13, 2019

Xiaoluo and Gabriel present at the IEEE SZ/HK AP/MTT Postgraduate Conference

Mr. Xiaoluo HE (MSc graduate, research assistant) and Mr. Gabriel G. L. ZHOU (undergraduate researcher) present their conference papers at the IEEE Shenzhen-Hong Kong AP/MTT local chapter conference. It is a first conference experience (hopefully the first of many!) for both. Congratulations to both of you!

Nov 2, 2019

Alex Becomes a Senior...

... Member of the IEEE. I thank my referees who kindly provided references in my Senior Member application.

Oct 20, 2019

QI Chu wins the National Sandwich PhD Scholarship Award

PhD student Ms. Qi Chu wins a National Sandwich PhD Scholarship, given by the Government of Israel, for a 3-month exchange study to the Technion, Israel. She will be supervised by Dr. A. Epstein during her study. Congratulations Qi Chu!

Oct 8, 2019

QI Chu wins Outstanding Academic Performance Award

PhD student Ms. Qi Chu is awarded the CityU Outstanding Academic Performance Award this year. Congratulations Qi Chu!

Sep 2, 2019

T.A. KHAN and Chen XUE Join Group

We are delighted to have Mr. Tayyab A. Khan and Ms. Chen Xue join our research group as PhD students. Welcome to the team!

Sep 2, 2019

MSc Students Graduate with Degrees

MSc students Zongshang LI and Xiaoluo HE have gone through oral examinations and expect to obtain their MSc degrees. Zongshang will begin work with OPPO while Xiaoluo qill continue as a research assistant in this group. Congratulations to both! It has been my pleasure to have you in my group.

Aug 13, 2019

Kayode wins an Honorable Mention Award

PhD student Kayode A. Oyesina wins an Honorable Mention Awaard for his submission to the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (Atlanta, Jul. 2019). Good job Kayode!

Jul 5, 2019

Alex Obtains an ECS Grant

Alex obtains an Early Career Scheme Grant on “Passive and Active Metasurface-Enabled Mm-wave Antenna Systems”.

Jul 1, 2019