KALMAN FILTERING with Real-Time Applications

             Charles K. Chui    and    Guanrong Chen

PUBLISHER:    Springer-Verlag
              175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010
              phone:1-800-springer  FAX:212-473-6272
ISBNs:         3-540-54013-X   and   0-387-54013-X
PRICEs:        $39.50/$33.58

First edition, 1987; second edition, 1991; third edition 1998
Table of Contents
1.  Preliminaries --- 1
1.1 Matrix and Determinant Preliminaries --- 1
1.2 Probability Preliminaries --- 8
1.3 Least-Squares Preliminaries --- 15
Exercises --- 18

2.  Kalman Filter: An Elementary Approach --- 20
2.1 The Model --- 20
2.2 Optimality Criterion --- 21
2.3 Prediction-Correction Formulation --- 23
2.4 Kalman Filtering Process --- 27
Exercises --- 29

3.  Orthogonal Projection and Kalman Filter --- 33
3.1 Orthogonality Characterization of Optimal Estimates --- 33
3.2 Innovations Sequences --- 35
3.3 Minimum Variance Estimates --- 37
3.4 Kalman Filtering Equations --- 38
3.5 Real-Time Tracking --- 42
Exercises --- 45

4.  Correlated System and Measurement Noise Processes --- 49
4.1 The Affine Model --- 49
4.2 Optimal Estimate Operators --- 51
4.3 Effect on Optimal Estimation with Additional Data --- 52
4.4 Derivation of Kalman Filtering Equations --- 55
4.5 Real-Time Applications --- 61
4.6 Linear Deterministic/Stochastic Systems -- 63
Exercises --- 65

5.  Colored Noise --- 67
5.1 Outline of Procedure --- 67
5.2 Error Estimates --- 68
5.3 Kalman Filtering Process --- 70
5.4 White System Noise --- 73
5.5 Real-Time Applications --- 73
Exercises --- 75

6.  Limiting Kalman Filter --- 77
6.1 Outline of Procedure --- 78
6.2 Preliminary Results --- 79
6.3 Geometric Convergence --- 88
6.4 Real-Time Applications --- 93
Exercises --- 95

7.  Sequential and Square-Root Algorithms --- 97
7.1 Sequential Algorithm --- 97
7.2 Square-Root Algorithm --- 103
7.3 An Algorithm for Real-Time Applications --- 105
Exercises --- 107

8.  Extended Kalman Filter and System Identification --- 108
8.1 Extended Kalman Filter --- 108
8.2 Satellite Orbit Estimation --- 111
8.3 Adaptive System Identification --- 113
8.4 An Example of Constant Parameter Identification --- 115
8.5 Modified Extended Kalman Filter --- 118
8.6 Time-Varying Parameter Identification --- 124
Exercises --- 129

9.  Decoupling of Filtering Equations --- 131
9.1 Decoupling Formulas --- 131
9.2 Real-Time Tracking --- 134
9.3 The alpha-beta-gamma Tracker --- 136
9.4 An Example  --- 139
Exercises --- 140
10. Kalman Filtering for Interval Systemns --- 143
10.1 Interval Mathematics --- 143
10.2 Interval Kalman Filtering --- 154
10.3 Weighted-Average Interval Kalman Filtering --- 160
Exercises --- 162

11.  Wavelet Kalman Filtering --- 164
11.1 Wavelet Preliminaries --- 164
11.2 Signal Estimation and Decomposition --- 170
Exercises --- 177

12.  Notes --- 178
12.1 The Kalman Smoother --- 178
12.2 The alpha-beta-gamma-theta Tracker --- 180
12.3 Adaptive Kalman Filtering --- 182
12.4 Adaptive Kalman Filtering Approach to Wiener Filtering --- 184
12.5 The Kalman-Bucy Filter --- 185
12.6 Stochastic Optimal Control --- 186
12.7 Square-Root Filtering and Systolic Array Implementation --- 188

References --- 191
Answers and Hints to Exercises --- 197
Subject Index --- 1227