

English: High Gain and Wideband Complementary Antenna (Patent Pending)
Chinese : 高增益及寬帶互補天线

The invention is a novel antenna with high gain and wideband characteristics. It can also be used as an element for constructing antenna arrays. The design of base station antennas for modern wireless communications normally has two focuses, one is the operating bandwidth and the other is the gain. If the gain of the array element increases by 3dB, the total number of array elements can be reduced by half for the same overall gain, thus reducing the array antenna size. Therefore, invention of antenna element with wideband and high gain characteristics is very important. Our developed antennas are structurally simple and low profile. It has an impedance bandwidth of 50% and average gain of 10dBi.

Wideband mode antenna

Measured and simulated gain against frequency for the wideband mode antenna antennas.

High gain mode antenna

Measured and simulated gain against frequency for the high gain mode antenna antennas.

High gain mode antenna current distribution