    author = {M. Zukerman and I. Rubin},
    title = {Queue size and delay analysis for a communication system subject to traffic activity mode changes},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Communications},
    volume = {34},
    number = {6},
    pages = {622-628},
    month = {Jun.},
    year = {1986},
    abstract = {We consider a discrete single-server queueing/communication system, in which the arrival distribution is changing stochastically with time. The distribution of the number of messages to arrive within a time slot depends on a traffic activity process of modes. This process of modes is a two-state Markov chain: mode 0 and mode 1, which represent light and heavy traffic conditions, respectively. The transition probabilities of this Markov chain [herein called mode duration parameters (MDP's)] determine the distribution of the duration of time the process stays in each mode. Expressions for thez-transform, expectation, and variance are obtained for the steady-state queue size and delay. A special consideration is given to the effect of the MDP's on the system performance, and the limiting cases (where the MDP's approach zero) are studied.}