Novelty and Originality of Student Project Work Manifested in Final Year Project Competition 2017

The Final Year Project Competition 2017 was successfully held on 20 April 2017. A total of 23 projects entered semi-final of the competition which was a poster session. All semi-finalists were that enthusiastic and professional in introducing their innovative and novel ideas in their project works. Six of them were immediately selected after the semi-final to compete in the final round held on the same day.

Featured Panel Discussion

The judging team involving three external guests namely, Dr Brian Li, Managing Director of GP Industries Limited; Mr Emil Chan, Chief Executive Officer, Starthub Holding Limited; and Dr Alfred Ng, Executive Director & Chief Technology Officer, Suga International Holdings Limited; and our EE faculty were that impressed by the novelty and innovation in the student works and so as the excellent preparation of finalists for their project presentation and Q & A.


Winners of the FYP Competition 2017:

Featured Panel Discussion

Student Name: LIU Aruhan
Programme-Major: BENG4-ECE
Supervisor: Prof XUE, Quan
Project Title: Design a High-selectivity Microstrip Line Bandpass Filter working at 2.5 GHz

1st runner-up
Student Name: WONG Chun Kit
Programme-Major: BENG2-ECE
Supervisor: Prof CHAN, C H
Project Title: A Terahertz (THz) Near-Field Scanning System

2nd runner-up
Student Name: YUNG Ka Yi
Programme-Major: BENG4-INFE
Supervisor: Prof LEUNG, Andrew
Project Title: Node Selection Algorithm for Fault-tolerant Extreme Learning Machines

3rd runner-up
Student Name: WONG Samson Yiu Ting
Programme-Major: BENG4-INFE
Supervisor: Dr CHEUNG, Ray
Project Title: iOS Application to recognize CityU timetable content

4th runner-up
Student Name: KU Chia Chen P
Programme-Major: BENG4-CE
Supervisor: Prof PUN Edwin
Project Title: Study of Luminescence Properties in Rare Earth Doped Glasses

5th runner-up
Student Name: HE Mengran
Programme-Major: BENG4-CE
Supervisor: Prof ZUKERMAN, Moshe
Project Title: Performance Evaluation of Optical Burst Switching (OBS) Network

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