60 GHz RFIC Transceiver for Short Range Instant Massive Data Sharing
The project is funded by HKSAR Innovation and Technology Commission

Antenna DesignDifferential feed dual polarized aperture antenna for RX and TX antennas was designed on the LTCC board. The designed antenna must be compact in size and without sacrificing the gain and bandwidth. The fabricated prototype of the dual polarized antenna is shown below. The entire antenna structure is symmetrical about the two orthogonal planes and the overall size of the antenna is 7.9mm×7.9mm×0.75mm (1.8λo×1.58λo×0.15λo). key performances of the dual polarized antenna:
Fig. 3. 60GHz differential feed dual polarized antenna. (a) Simulation geometry. (b) fabricated in LTCC substrate. |