Archive of Topics

Presentation slides of some past workshops can be found in this page.

IWCSN 2020, Chongqing + Virtual

  1. Attacks and robustness of complex network controllability - Guanrong Chen
  2. Synchronization of Kuramotooscillator Networks - Xiang Li
  3. Detecting Internet Worms,Ransomware, and Blackouts Using Recurrent Neural Networks - Ljiljana Trajkovic
  4. Coronavirus modelling in Australia Using Networks (Part 1) - Michael Small
  5. Quantifying Stability in Deterministic and Stochastic Complex Networks and Its Application to Power Grids - Juergen Kurths
  6. How complex can an integrated circuit be …? - Maciej Ogorzalek
  7. Convergence and Synchronization in Networks of Piecewise Smooth Dynamical Systems - Mario di Bernardo
  8. Hybrid Adaptive Learning Control of Complex Systems - Zhihong Guan
  9. Recent Advances in Control and Evolution of Complex Networks - Jinhu Lü
  10. Power Electronics Penetrated Power Grid: From Nonlinear Circuits to Complex Networks - Michael Tse

IWCSN 2019, Berlin

Plenary Presentations

  1. Multilayer networks: fundamental theory and applications - Ginestra Bianconi
  2. Network dynamics as an inverse problem - Marc Timme
  3. Data-driven Discovery of Cyber-Physical Systems - Yuan Ye
  4. A surrogate for Markov chains: Testing for determinism in symbolic dynamics on transition networks - Michael Small
  5. On controllability of Boolean control networks - Lu Jianquan
  6. Prediction of mesoscale weather extremes - Petra Friederichs
  7. Bayesian Consensus Clustering in Networks - Ljupco Kocarev
  8. Brain-inspired Computing and Hybrid Intelligence - Guan Zhi-Hong
  9. Characterizing the exceptional 2014 Drought Event in Sao Paulo by Drought Eriod Length - Elbert Macau
  10. Does "Tit-for-Tat" Strategy Best Protect a Smart Power Grid? -- An Attack-Defense Perspective of Robustness Assessment in Cyber Coupled Power Systems - Michael Tse
  11. Past2Future: A complex network perspective on the Earth system's evolution - Kira Rehfeld
  12. Complex Networks in Finance & Climate - Veronika Stolbova
  13. Efficient Computational Approaches and Their Applications in Smart Grid - Huang Tingwen
  14. Media coverage and firearm acquisition in the aftermath of a mass shooting - Maurizio Porfiri
  15. - Peter Ditlevsen
  16. Recurrence Networks to Study Thermoacoustic Transitions in Turbulent Combustors - R. I. Sujith
  17. Stability of future power grids - A network science perspective - Dirk Witthaut
  18. Complex Networks - Ljiljana Trajkovic
  19. Traveling amplitude death in coupled pendula - Tomasz Kapitaniak
  20. Averaging principles and noise-induced dynamics in the presence of Non-Gaussian levy noise - Xu Yong
  21. Studying the Robustness of Network Controllability against Destructive Attacks - Chen Guanrong

Parallel Session Presentations

  1. Generalization properties of neural networks trained on Lorenz systems - Sebastian Scher
  2. Sampling extreme heat waves in numerical climate models with a rare event algorithm - Francesco Ragone
  3. Predictability of Dansgaard-Oeschger events from Greenland ice cores - Johannes Lohmann 
  4. Data-driven analysis and prediction of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation collapse using non-stationary optimal mode decomposition and non-linear modelling - Frank Kwasniok
  5. Can we predict weather and project climate using machine learning techniques - Davide Faranda
  6. Detecting regime transitions of the nocturnal and Polar atmospheric boundary-layer - Nikki Verkauteren
  7. Neuronal Synchronous Transitions Mediated by Chaos: Theory and Experiment - Rosa Epaminondas
  8. Hidden Structure of Human Connectome - Bosiljka Tadic
  9. Exponential synchronization of fractional order complex chaotic systems and application through digital cryptography - Yadavn Vijay Kumar
  10. Recurrence quantification analysis of microdroplets interacting with laser signal - Mitra Vramori
  11. Border effect corrections for diagonal line based Recurrence Quantification Analysis measures - Kai Hauke Kraemer
  12. Weighted recurrence networks and entropy measure for analysis of data - Ambika G
  13. Multiplex Recurrence Networks - Deniz Eroglu
  14. Recurrence networks reveal abrupt transitions in time series with uncertainties - Bedartha Goswami
  15. Understanding close binary stars through recurrence networks - Sandip V. George
  16. Depicting scale properties of extreme rainfalls over Japan using complex networks - Ugur Ozturk
  17. On the impacts of ENSO events: A novel research based on complex climate network - Naiming Yuan
  18. A network-theory approach for studying Earth-surface processes - Alejandro Tejedor
  19. Complex networks in Whole Earth System Analysis: from data crunching to dynamic modelling - Jonathan F. Donges
  20. Stochastically driven hubs induce coherence resonance and synchronisation - Tiago Pereira
  21. Travelling chimera states - Oleh Omel'chenko
  22. Noise induced solitary and chimera states in network of excitable systems - Nadezhda Semenova
  23. Dynamic consensus networks with two time scales - Hildeberto Jardon Kojakhmetov
  24. 3D instabilities of active networks made of biopolymers and motor proteins - Isabella Guido 
  25.  Disease Ecology: from the perspective of complex systems and network science - Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad
  26. Combined influence of network topology and synaptic strength on information transmission in hierarchical modular networks of spiking neurons - Antonio Roque
  27. Recurrence Quantification Analysis of Heart Rate Variability during continuous incremental exercise test in obese subjects - Giovanna Zimatore
  28. Considering the dynamics of the power grid frequency - Mehrnaz Anvari
  29. Optimal placement of inertia and primary control : a matrix perturbation theory approach - Laurent Pagnier
  30. Rate of change of frequency under line contingencies in high voltage electric power networks with uncertainties - Robin Delabays
  31. With data-driven modelling towards a successful energy transition - Benjamin Schaefer
  32. On the impact of stochastic wind feed-in on frequency quality - Katrin Schmietendorf
  33. Climate network percolation reveals the expansion and weakening of the tropical component under global warming - Jingfang Fan
  34. Neural Network Estimates of Global Oceanic Heat Content from Tidal Magnetic Fields - Jan Saynisch
  35. Model selection for DeFoReSt: a strategy for recalibrating decadal predictions - Alexander Pasternack
  36. Global teleconnection pattens of extreme rainfall - Niklas Boers
  37. Forecasting Indian Summer Monsoon: from Complex Network to Tipping elements approach - Elena Surovyatkina
  38. Long-term collective action under risk of collapse - Wolfram Barfuss
  39. Fundamental Structures in Temporal Communication Networks - Sune Lehmann
  40. Spread of infectious diseases in temporal networks - Hartmut Lentz
  41. A network-based microfoundation of Granovetter’s threshold model for social tipping - Marc Wiedermann
  42. Predicting dynamical systems with echo state networks with different topology - Christoph Räth
  43. Dynamical networks and data analysis - Ulrich Parlitz
  44. The concept of self-control of vibration in Physical system - Blaise Romeo Nana Nbendjo
  45. Topological universality of on-demand ride-sharing efficiency - Nora Molkenthin
  46. Bistable firing patterns: one way to understand how epileptic seizures are triggered - Fernando S. Borges
  47. Properties and scientific curiosities about the cortico-cortical network of the human brain - Kelly Larosz
  48. INLAND estimation of surface properties relevant to climate studies in Brazil - Manoel Cardoso
  49. Inhomogeneous synchronized states in the Kuramoto--Sakaguchi model with identical oscillators symmetrically coupled - Rene Orlando Medrano Torricos
  50. Collective dynamics of random Janus oscillator networks - Thomas Peron
  51. Linking Micro to Macro: Dynamics of cascading failures on complex networks - Nico Wunderling
  52. LMonte Carlo Basin Bifurcation Analysis - Maximilian Gelbrecht


  1. A. G. M. Zaman A Novel Parallel Computing Framework for Multi-Criterial calibration of WGHM
  2. Abhirup Banerjee Recurrence Analysis of Flood Events
  3. Abhishek Das Cells integrate spatiotemporal gradients using Non-Turing computations
  4. Albano Rikani Topology structure of the past and the future international migration network
  5. Aleksandra Wolanin Understanding drivers of crop yield variability by extracting important features from remote sensing and meteorological data with deep learning
  6. Alessandra Gouvêa Benefits and challenges of dynamic community detection into analyzing of wildfires events
  7. Ankit Agarwal Detection of short- and long-range teleconnections in SST patterns on different time scales
  8. Anton Plietzsch A Generalized Linear Response Theory of Complex Networks with an Application to Fluctuations in Power Grids
  9. Antonio Roque Combined influence of network topology and synaptic strength on information transmission in hierarchical modular networks of spiking neurons
  10. Arunas Tamasevicius Global and local control of the networks of globally coupled Fitzhugh-Nagumo oscillators
  11. Chen Gong Repulsively coupled Kuramoto-Sakaguchi phase oscillators ensemble subject to common noise
  12. Dadiyorto Wendi Overcoming Challenges in Constructing a Reliable Recurrence Plot and Quantification Analysis with Regards to Noisy Observational Dataset
  13. Didier Vega-Oliveros Analysis of users behavior in encrypted group messages via interaction temporal networks
  14. Dietmar Auhl Polymer Networks - Experimental and Theoretical Studies over Large Ranges
  15. Erik Teichmann Partial Synchrony in Oscillatory Ensembles with Inhibitory and Excitatory Coupling
  16. Ewandson Luiz Lameu Delay-induced synchronized patterns in neuronal networks with plasticity
  17. Fabian Baumann Opinion Polarization in Leader-Follower-Systems
  18. Flavio Iannelli Epidemic spreading in random networks with scale-free mobility rates
  19. Florian Stelzer Performance boost of time-delay reservoir computing by non-resonant clock cycle
  20. Forough Hassanibesheli t.b.a.
  21. Francois M. Moukam Kakmeni Periodic soliton trains and informational code structures in the improved soliton model for biomembrane and nerves
  22. Frank Kwasniok Robust extreme value analysis: the bulk matching method
  23. Frederik Wolf Climate network perspective on ITCZ dynamics and its response to global warming
  24. Giorgia Di Capua Tropical and mid-latitude teleconnections interacting with the Indian summer monsoon rainfall: A Theory-Guided Causal Effect Network approach
  25. Hannes Vogel t.b.a.
  26. Helder Casa Grande Symmetries effects on the dynamics of phase oscillators model
  27. Jess Chinichian Calulating Dynamic Network Reconfiguration and Node Versatility"
  28. Jonathan F. Donges The physics of governance networks: critical transitions in contagion dynamics on multilayer adaptive networks with application to the sustainable use of renewable resources
  29. Juliana Lacerda Topologies that favor synchronization in power grids
  30. Jun Meng System Sample Entropy – a promising precursor for El Nino intensity
  31. Jussara Dias Optimization of control parameters of a particle model with dynamics of coupled second order phase oscillators
  32. Leandro Anghinoni Stochastic time series analysis based on complex network community modelling
  33. Leonardo Santos Vulnerability in Complex Networks – a brief literature overview
  34. Leonardo Ferreira From spatiotemporal data to chronological networks: An application to wildfire analysis
  35. Lourival Lima An averaging principle for foliated stochastic systems: examples in homogeneous space
  36. Lukas Halekotte On the Edge: Extinction Thresholds and the Periphery of Pollination Networks
  37. Maheswaran Rathinasamy Wavelet-based multiscale similarity measure for complex networks
  38. Marie Brunel Fire practice on Brazilian managed grasslands and its implementation in LPJmL 4.0
  39. Markus Drüke Improving the LPJmL5.1-SPITFIRE vegetation-fire model using satellite data
  40. Matheus Palmero Chaotic transport in symplectic maps: Applications in plasma dynamics
  41. Matthias Kemter Using multilayer complex networks to understand changes in flood generation
  42. Maximilian Gelbrecht Monte Carlo Basin Bifurcation Analysis
  43. Nico Wunderling Risk analysis of tipping cascades in the Climate system
  44. Nitin Babu George Advance of Indian Summer Monsoon: Dynamics of Outgoing Longwave Radiation
  45. Omri Tal t.b.a.
  46. Pacifique Batungwanayo Agroclimatic Constraints Characterization for Rainfed Agriculture in Northeastern Burundi
  47. Paulo Ruffino An averaging principle for small perturbations of energy preserving random systems
  48. Rakesh Kumar Effects of time-varying impulses on exponential stability of inertial BAM neural network via matrix measure approach
  49. Rene Yamapi Dynamics of Disordered Complex Network of Coupled Hindmarsh-Rose Neuronal Models
  50. Ricardo Sovek Oyarzabal Multistability in Amazon rainforest
  51. Rico Berner Interplay of adaptivity and multiplexing in networks of coupled oscillators
  52. Robert Ronge Ensembles of Excitable Units - Perturbation away from Watanabe-Strogatz Theory
  53. Roman Medvedev Seasonal variability in Monsoon timming in Central Part of South India
  54. Sandip George Recurrence network measures to classify binary stars
  55. Sebastian Vellmer Mean field theory for sparse networks considering temporal correlations of spike trains
  56. Simon Vock Hierarchical clusters on adaptive complex networks with random topology
  57. Sneha Kachhara Recurrence Network Measures of ECG data sets
  58. Suetani Hiromichi Manifold learning approach to individuality of human EEG signals through LogDet divergence of Phase Synchrony
  59. Tingwei Quan High-precision Automatic Neurite Detection via Unsupervised Learning of Deep
  60. Tommaso Cornelis Rosati Large-times behavior of the KPZ equation driven by noise which is space-time white or fractional in time
  61. Torbern Schröder Behaviour of SFDEs
  62. Vander Freitas Symmetric circular clusters of non-overlapping particles and chaotic almost-circular trajectories
  63. Vanderlei Parro Correlation between postural control and alertness
  64. Victor Nicolai Friedhoff Approaching Synaptic Plasticity - Kinetic 3D modelling of IP3 receptors in Purkinje cells
  65. Yang Liu Framework of Evolutionary Algorithm for Investigation of Influential Nodes in Complex Networks
  66. Yong Deng t.b.a.
  67. Yunfei Li Singularity cities
  68. Zhao Liang Analyzing the Bills-Voting Dynamics and Predicting Corruption Convictions Among Brazilian Congressmen Through Temporal Networks

IEEE IWCSN 2018, Nanjing

  1. Minimum Agent-Movement LeaderFollower Persistent Formation for Switching Topologies - Philip Chen
  2. Analysis of Daily Rainfall Data in China from 1961-2011 and Application to Prediction - Michael Tse
  3. Similarity and Measures of Complex Networks - Zengqiang Chen
  4. Characterizing the Researcher’s Features by Network Analysis - Zengru Di
  5. Edge Consensus on Networked Systems - Xiaofan Wang
  6. Complex Network Analysis of Public Transport Networks - Ivan Ho
  7. Predictability of Extreme Climate Events via a Complex Network Approach - Jürgen Kurths
  8. Introduction to Hybrid Intelligent Networks - Zhihong Guan
  9. Optimal Causation Entropy Principle and Entropic Regression for Nonlinear System Identification under Large Noise and Outliers - Jie Sun
  10. Power Network Science - David Hill
  11. Machine Learning Algorithms for Detection of Network Intrusions - Ljiljana Trajkovic
  12. Collaboration/cooperation in Groups of Agents - Ljupco Kocarev

IEEE IWCSN 2017, Doha

  1. Local Activity, Memristor, and 137 - Leon Chua
  2. Controlling the Collective Behaviour of Complex Networks - Mario di Bernardo
  3. Synchronization of Complex Networks and Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems - Zhiseng Duan
  4. Hybrid Intelligent Networks - Zhihong Guan
  5. Risks and Dynamics in Future Power Systems under Climate Change - Juergen Kurths
  6. Fault Tolerant Cyber-Physical Systems - Marios M. Polycarpou
  7. Ordinal networks and characterizing dynamics from time series - Michael Small
  8.  Performance Comparison Between Neuroadaptive Control and Robust Adaptive Control - Yong-Duan Song
  9. Applications of Computational Intelligence in Condition-Based Maintenance - Kay Chen Tan
  10. Coordination Control of Dynamical Networks with Time-varying Topology - Yang Tang
  11. Machine Learning for Complex Networks - Ljiljana Trajković
  12. Cascading Failures in Power Systems - Mchael Tse
  13. Grid Modernization: Challenges, Heterogeneous Mobile Sensor Networks - Xiaofan Wang
  14. Recent Advances and New Challenges for Distributed Cooperative Control and Optimization in Complex Networks - Wenwu Yu
  15. Supervised Learning and Control Method to Improve Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms - Meng-Chu Zhou
  16. Running Sparse and Low-Precision Neural Networks: When Algorithm Meets Hardware - Yiran Chen

IEEE IWCSN 2015, Perth

Program can be found in

IEEE IWCSN 2014, Shanghai

Program can be found in

IEEE IWCSN 2013, Vancouver 

  1. On pinning control and controllability of complex networks - Ron Chen
  2. Pinning-based social learning in complex networks - Xiaofan Wang
  3. Control of nonlinear network dynamics: applications to cascade control and network repurposing - Adilson Motter
  4. Finding communities in weighted graphs, digraphs, and hypergraphs: A game-theoretic perspective - Marcello Pelillo
  5. Deflection routing in complex networks - Ljiljana Trajkovic
  6. What preferential attachment doesn't do - Michael Small
  7. Spectral properties of graph covers - Bojan Mohar
  8. Big Data: Opportunities and Challenges for Complex Networks - Jinhu Ju
  9. Master stability function approaches to analyze stability of the synchronous evolution for hypernetworks and of synchronized clusters for networks with symmetries - Francesco Sorrentino
  10. Time delay in complex systems: vibrational resonance and synchronization - Miguel Sanjuan
  11. Probing human interactive dynamics with temporal complex networks - Xiang Li
  12. How Facebook grows? Do Twitter, Weibo, LinkedIn, WeChat grow in different ways? - Michael Tse
  13. Complex networks on-chip - Maciej Ogorzalek
  14. Dynamical networks with on-off stochastic connections - Igor Belykh
  15. Oscillations suppression, synchronization, and modulation - Wei Lin

IWCSN 2012, Minneapolis 

Program can be found in

IWCSN 2011, Melbourne 

Download all files in one zip

  1. Planning and Control of Future Smart Massive Networks - David Hill
  2. Towards the Modeling of the AS-level Internet - Guanrong Chen
  3. Synchronization, Control and Coordination of Complex Networks via Contraction Theory - Mario di Bernardo
  4. Global Relative Parameter Sensitivities of the Feed-Forward Loops in Genetic Networks - Jinhu Lü
  5. Models, Modules and Motifs – The Challenge of Complex Networks - David Green
  6. From Brains to Grains: Unraveling the Physics of Sand Through Structural and Functional Networks Derived From X-ray Tomography - Antoinette Tordesillas
  7. Predicting Epileptic Episodes? - Iven Mareels
  8. Spectral Analysis and Dynamical Behavior of Complex Networks - Ljiljana Trajkovic
  9. Shape Grammars for Description and Optimization of Geometric Design in 3D - Maciej Ogorzalek
  10. Orchestral Conducting: A Practical Consensus Problem - Michael Tse
  11. Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems: Some Recent Advances - Xinghuo Yu
  12. A Citation Network Study in Data Fusion - Kathy Horadam
  13. Graph Sequence Segmentation via Information Theory - Graham Farr

IWCSN 2010, Beijing 

Download all files in one zip

  1. Theory of Game-based Control Systems - Lei Guo
  2. Networked Control of Power Networks - David Hill
  3. Get Panic or Synchronized in the Network of Stocks - Michael Tse
  4. Complex Networks Issues in Smart Grids - Xinghuo Yu
  5. Control and Synchronization of Evolving Dynamical Networks - Mario di Bernardo 
  6. A Triumvirate of Complex Network Methods to Study Granular Materials - David Walker
  7. Laplacian Spectra of Complex Networks and Their Effects on Synchronizability - Guanrong Chen
  8. Spectral Analysis and Dynamical Behavior of Complex Networks - Ljiljana Trajkovic
  9. 3D Integrated Circuits - A Real Complex Network Challenge - Maciej Ogorzalek 
  10. Hardware Efficient Random Numbers Generation with Chaos - Gianluca Setti
  11. Some Graph-Theoretical Criteria for Control in Networks of Dynamical Systems - Chai Wah Wu
  12. Synchronization and Graph Topology - Igor Belykh

IWCSN 2009, Bristol 


  1. Introduction to Complex Networks - Guanrong Chen
  2. Nonlinear Contraction Analysis: A Tutorial - Jean-Jacques Slotine
  3. Traffic Networks - Eddie Wilson
  4. Epidemics on Networks - Caroline Colin
  5. Mining Network Traffic Data - Ljiljana Trajkovic

Workshop Presentations

  1. Feedback Networks: Stability and Synthesis  - David Hill
  2. Dynamics on Complex Networks: from Brain to Climate - Jurgen Kurths
  3. Modularity, Polyrhythms, and What Robotics May Yet Learn from the Brain - Jean-Jacques Slotine
  4. Entanglement in Quantum Mechanics and Network Laplacians  - Chai Wah Wu
  5. Composing Music from Complex Networks - Michael Tse
  6. Analysis of Internet Topologies  - Ljiljana Trajkovic
  7. Naming Game on Complex Networks - Guanrong Chen
  8. The Spread of Infectious Diseases Through Complex Contact Networks - Erik Volz
  9. Strategic Behavior and Social Network Structure  - Mike Kearns
  10. Infrastructure Networks: Data, Statics and Dynamics - David Arrowsmith

IWCSN 2008, Canberra


  1. Complex Networks - David Hill
  2. Synchronization of Complex Networks - Guanrong Chen
  3. Control of Complex Networks - Xiaofan Wang

Workshop Presentations

  1. Welcome and Introduction - David Hill
  2. Applications of Nodes and Edges - Michael Tse
  3. Network Synchronizability Analysis: A Graph Theoretic Approach - Guanrong Chen
  4. Some Recent Developments in Flocking Control - Xiaofan Wang
  5. Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks with Switching Topology - Jun Zhao
  6. Enhancing Synchronizability in Systems of Non-identical Kuramoto Oscillators - Markus Brede
  7. Synchronization of Kuramoto Model with Multi-SF Property - Jin Fan
  8. Localization of Forcing Sites to Facilitate Synchronization in Systems Coupled Via Complex Networks - Chai Wah Wu
  9. Complex Dynamical Networks: Control and Synchronization - Jinhu Lü
  10. Quantum Feedback Networks - Matt James
  11. Stability Analysis of TCP/RED Communication Algorithms - Ljiljana Trajkovic
  12. Stochastic Models for Population Networks - Phil Pollet
  13. Complex Systems from DNA to Development - Janet Wiles
  14. Unified Approach to Controller Design for Systems with Quantization and Time Scheduling - Dragan Nesic
  15. From Kuramoto to Boyd: Applying Networked Dynamical Systems to Military Command and Control -  Alexander Kolloniatis

IWCSN 2007, Guilin

  1. Metabolic networks: organization, biomass production, and other issues - Leihan Tang
  2. Flocking of multi-agents with virtual leaders - Xiaofan Wang
  3. Novel hypothesis on the self-regulation of genetic information: scenario from one-dimensional DNA code into spatio-temporal order - Kenichi Yoshikawa
  4. Synchrony and consensus in complex networks: an overview - Chai Wah Wu
  5. Synchronizability and  controllability of complex networks - Mario Di Bernardo
  6. dentification and monitoring of complex networks based on synchronization - Wallace Tang
  7. Chaos-based generation of optimal spreading sequences for DS-UWB sensor networks - Gianluca Setti
  8. Optimal networks, congestion and Braess' paradox - David Arrowsmith
  9. Mining network traffic data - Ljiljana Trajkovic
  10. Fractal applications in electronics - Maciej Ogorzalek
  11. Synchronization in dynamic networks - David Hill
  12. Constructing error-correction codes from scalefree networks - Francis Lau 

IWCSN 2006, Vancouver

  1. Border Collision Bifurcations: Theory and Applications - Soumitro Banerjee
  2. Pinning Control of Complex Networks - Guanrong Chen
  3. QoS Routing and Admission Control of High-Priority Connection-Oriented Flows While Protecting TCP Traffic - Daniel C. Lee
  4. A Fast Lightweight Approach to Origin-Destination Traffic Matrix Estimation through Partial Measurements - Gang Liang
  5. Heterogeneous Congestion Control Protocols - Steven Low
  6. Fractals for Electronic Applications - Maciej Ogorzalek
  7. An EMI Reduction Methodology Based on Nonlinear Dynamics - Gianluca Setti
  8. Discontinuity-Induced Bifurcations in TCP/RED Communication Algorithms - Ljiljana Trajkovic
  9. Application of Complex Networks in Traffic Analysis of Communication Networks - Michael Tse
  10. SOCP Relaxation of Sensor Network Localization - Paul Y. Tseng

IWCSN 2005, Hong Kong (Distributed on CD-ROM)

  1. Statistical learning for time-series-based model building with applications in bio-medicine and chemistry - Maciej Ogorzalek
  2. Chaotic point processes - theory and applications - Wolfgang Schwarz
  3. Dynamics of discontinuous maps and their applications in analysing the dynamics of circuits - Soumitro Banerjee
  4. Modeling TCP/RED: a dynamical approach - Ljiljana Trajkovic
  5. Why exact theory is necessary in chaos communications research - Anthony Lawrance
  6. Data traffic, topology of networks and congestion - David Arrowsmith
  7. Public-key cryptography using chaotic maps - Ljupco Kocarev
  8. High throughput true random number generation based on chaotic maps - Gianluca Setti
  9. Bifurcation and synchronization in firing activities of coupled neural systems - Qishao Lu
  10. Synchronization and consensus in networks of systems with nonreciprocal coupling - Chai Wah Wu
  11. Complex network models of disease transmission: SARS in Hong Kong - Michael Small

International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity in Information and Communication Technology 2004, Bologna

  1. Bifurcation Analysis in Power Electronics and Applications - Michael Tse
  2. The Frobenius-Perron Operator: Applications to Chaotic Dynamics - Jose Luis Rodriguez Marrero
  3. System Theory and Communication Networks: An Overview on Some Recent Results - Patrick Thiran
  4. Modelling and Characterization of Traffic in Deployed Networks - Ljiljana Trajkovic
  5. Shannon's Challenge and Iterative Coding Systems - Ruediger Urbanke
  6. Nonlinear Dynamics of Iterative Decoding Systems - Ljupco Kocarev
  7. Complex Networks: Small World, Scale Free and Beyond - Guanrong Chen
  8. Synchronization in Networks of Coupled Nonlinear Systems with Delay in Nonreciprocal Time-Varying Coupling - Chai Wah Wu
  9. Multistability, Clustering and Other Interesting Behaviors in Simple Driver-Dissipative Lattices - Manuel Velarde
  10. Mobile Agents in Innovatove System Modelling - Pier Paolo Adriani
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