Presentation slides of some past workshops can be found in this page.
IWCSN 2020, Chongqing + Virtual
- Attacks and robustness of complex network controllability - Guanrong Chen
- Synchronization of Kuramotooscillator Networks - Xiang Li
- Detecting Internet Worms,Ransomware, and Blackouts Using Recurrent Neural Networks - Ljiljana Trajkovic
- Coronavirus modelling in Australia Using Networks (Part 1) - Michael Small
- Quantifying Stability in Deterministic and Stochastic Complex Networks and Its Application to Power Grids - Juergen Kurths
- How complex can an integrated circuit be …? - Maciej Ogorzalek
- Convergence and Synchronization in Networks of Piecewise Smooth Dynamical Systems - Mario di Bernardo
- Hybrid Adaptive Learning Control of Complex Systems - Zhihong Guan
- Recent Advances in Control and Evolution of Complex Networks - Jinhu Lü
- Power Electronics Penetrated Power Grid: From Nonlinear Circuits to Complex Networks - Michael Tse
IWCSN 2019, Berlin
Plenary Presentations
- Multilayer networks: fundamental theory and applications - Ginestra Bianconi
- Network dynamics as an inverse problem - Marc Timme
- Data-driven Discovery of Cyber-Physical Systems - Yuan Ye
- A surrogate for Markov chains: Testing for determinism in symbolic dynamics on transition networks - Michael Small
- On controllability of Boolean control networks - Lu Jianquan
- Prediction of mesoscale weather extremes - Petra Friederichs
- Bayesian Consensus Clustering in Networks - Ljupco Kocarev
- Brain-inspired Computing and Hybrid Intelligence - Guan Zhi-Hong
- Characterizing the exceptional 2014 Drought Event in Sao Paulo by Drought Eriod Length - Elbert Macau
- Does "Tit-for-Tat" Strategy Best Protect a Smart Power Grid? -- An Attack-Defense Perspective of Robustness Assessment in Cyber Coupled Power Systems - Michael Tse
- Past2Future: A complex network perspective on the Earth system's evolution - Kira Rehfeld
- Complex Networks in Finance & Climate - Veronika Stolbova
- Efficient Computational Approaches and Their Applications in Smart Grid - Huang Tingwen
- Media coverage and firearm acquisition in the aftermath of a mass shooting - Maurizio Porfiri
- - Peter Ditlevsen
- Recurrence Networks to Study Thermoacoustic Transitions in Turbulent Combustors - R. I. Sujith
- Stability of future power grids - A network science perspective - Dirk Witthaut
- Complex Networks - Ljiljana Trajkovic
- Traveling amplitude death in coupled pendula - Tomasz Kapitaniak
- Averaging principles and noise-induced dynamics in the presence of Non-Gaussian levy noise - Xu Yong
- Studying the Robustness of Network Controllability against Destructive Attacks - Chen Guanrong
Parallel Session Presentations
- Generalization properties of neural networks trained on Lorenz systems - Sebastian Scher
- Sampling extreme heat waves in numerical climate models with a rare event algorithm - Francesco Ragone
- Predictability of Dansgaard-Oeschger events from Greenland ice cores - Johannes Lohmann
- Data-driven analysis and prediction of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation collapse using non-stationary optimal mode decomposition and non-linear modelling - Frank Kwasniok
- Can we predict weather and project climate using machine learning techniques - Davide Faranda
- Detecting regime transitions of the nocturnal and Polar atmospheric boundary-layer - Nikki Verkauteren
- Neuronal Synchronous Transitions Mediated by Chaos: Theory and Experiment - Rosa Epaminondas
- Hidden Structure of Human Connectome - Bosiljka Tadic
- Exponential synchronization of fractional order complex chaotic systems and application through digital cryptography - Yadavn Vijay Kumar
- Recurrence quantification analysis of microdroplets interacting with laser signal - Mitra Vramori
- Border effect corrections for diagonal line based Recurrence Quantification Analysis measures - Kai Hauke Kraemer
- Weighted recurrence networks and entropy measure for analysis of data - Ambika G
- Multiplex Recurrence Networks - Deniz Eroglu
- Recurrence networks reveal abrupt transitions in time series with uncertainties - Bedartha Goswami
- Understanding close binary stars through recurrence networks - Sandip V. George
- Depicting scale properties of extreme rainfalls over Japan using complex networks - Ugur Ozturk
- On the impacts of ENSO events: A novel research based on complex climate network - Naiming Yuan
- A network-theory approach for studying Earth-surface processes - Alejandro Tejedor
- Complex networks in Whole Earth System Analysis: from data crunching to dynamic modelling - Jonathan F. Donges
- Stochastically driven hubs induce coherence resonance and synchronisation - Tiago Pereira
- Travelling chimera states - Oleh Omel'chenko
- Noise induced solitary and chimera states in network of excitable systems - Nadezhda Semenova
- Dynamic consensus networks with two time scales - Hildeberto Jardon Kojakhmetov
- 3D instabilities of active networks made of biopolymers and motor proteins - Isabella Guido
- Disease Ecology: from the perspective of complex systems and network science - Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad
- Combined influence of network topology and synaptic strength on information transmission in hierarchical modular networks of spiking neurons - Antonio Roque
- Recurrence Quantification Analysis of Heart Rate Variability during continuous incremental exercise test in obese subjects - Giovanna Zimatore
- Considering the dynamics of the power grid frequency - Mehrnaz Anvari
- Optimal placement of inertia and primary control : a matrix perturbation theory approach - Laurent Pagnier
- Rate of change of frequency under line contingencies in high voltage electric power networks with uncertainties - Robin Delabays
- With data-driven modelling towards a successful energy transition - Benjamin Schaefer
- On the impact of stochastic wind feed-in on frequency quality - Katrin Schmietendorf
- Climate network percolation reveals the expansion and weakening of the tropical component under global warming - Jingfang Fan
- Neural Network Estimates of Global Oceanic Heat Content from Tidal Magnetic Fields - Jan Saynisch
- Model selection for DeFoReSt: a strategy for recalibrating decadal predictions - Alexander Pasternack
- Global teleconnection pattens of extreme rainfall - Niklas Boers
- Forecasting Indian Summer Monsoon: from Complex Network to Tipping elements approach - Elena Surovyatkina
- Long-term collective action under risk of collapse - Wolfram Barfuss
- Fundamental Structures in Temporal Communication Networks - Sune Lehmann
- Spread of infectious diseases in temporal networks - Hartmut Lentz
- A network-based microfoundation of Granovetter’s threshold model for social tipping - Marc Wiedermann
- Predicting dynamical systems with echo state networks with different topology - Christoph Räth
- Dynamical networks and data analysis - Ulrich Parlitz
- The concept of self-control of vibration in Physical system - Blaise Romeo Nana Nbendjo
- Topological universality of on-demand ride-sharing efficiency - Nora Molkenthin
- Bistable firing patterns: one way to understand how epileptic seizures are triggered - Fernando S. Borges
- Properties and scientific curiosities about the cortico-cortical network of the human brain - Kelly Larosz
- INLAND estimation of surface properties relevant to climate studies in Brazil - Manoel Cardoso
- Inhomogeneous synchronized states in the Kuramoto--Sakaguchi model with identical oscillators symmetrically coupled - Rene Orlando Medrano Torricos
- Collective dynamics of random Janus oscillator networks - Thomas Peron
- Linking Micro to Macro: Dynamics of cascading failures on complex networks - Nico Wunderling
- LMonte Carlo Basin Bifurcation Analysis - Maximilian Gelbrecht
- A. G. M. Zaman A Novel Parallel Computing Framework for Multi-Criterial calibration of WGHM
- Abhirup Banerjee Recurrence Analysis of Flood Events
- Abhishek Das Cells integrate spatiotemporal gradients using Non-Turing computations
- Albano Rikani Topology structure of the past and the future international migration network
- Aleksandra Wolanin Understanding drivers of crop yield variability by extracting important features from remote sensing and meteorological data with deep learning
- Alessandra Gouvêa Benefits and challenges of dynamic community detection into analyzing of wildfires events
- Ankit Agarwal Detection of short- and long-range teleconnections in SST patterns on different time scales
- Anton Plietzsch A Generalized Linear Response Theory of Complex Networks with an Application to Fluctuations in Power Grids
- Antonio Roque Combined influence of network topology and synaptic strength on information transmission in hierarchical modular networks of spiking neurons
- Arunas Tamasevicius Global and local control of the networks of globally coupled Fitzhugh-Nagumo oscillators
- Chen Gong Repulsively coupled Kuramoto-Sakaguchi phase oscillators ensemble subject to common noise
- Dadiyorto Wendi Overcoming Challenges in Constructing a Reliable Recurrence Plot and Quantification Analysis with Regards to Noisy Observational Dataset
- Didier Vega-Oliveros Analysis of users behavior in encrypted group messages via interaction temporal networks
- Dietmar Auhl Polymer Networks - Experimental and Theoretical Studies over Large Ranges
- Erik Teichmann Partial Synchrony in Oscillatory Ensembles with Inhibitory and Excitatory Coupling
- Ewandson Luiz Lameu Delay-induced synchronized patterns in neuronal networks with plasticity
- Fabian Baumann Opinion Polarization in Leader-Follower-Systems
- Flavio Iannelli Epidemic spreading in random networks with scale-free mobility rates
- Florian Stelzer Performance boost of time-delay reservoir computing by non-resonant clock cycle
- Forough Hassanibesheli t.b.a.
- Francois M. Moukam Kakmeni Periodic soliton trains and informational code structures in the improved soliton model for biomembrane and nerves
- Frank Kwasniok Robust extreme value analysis: the bulk matching method
- Frederik Wolf Climate network perspective on ITCZ dynamics and its response to global warming
- Giorgia Di Capua Tropical and mid-latitude teleconnections interacting with the Indian summer monsoon rainfall: A Theory-Guided Causal Effect Network approach
- Hannes Vogel t.b.a.
- Helder Casa Grande Symmetries effects on the dynamics of phase oscillators model
- Jess Chinichian Calulating Dynamic Network Reconfiguration and Node Versatility"
- Jonathan F. Donges The physics of governance networks: critical transitions in contagion dynamics on multilayer adaptive networks with application to the sustainable use of renewable resources
- Juliana Lacerda Topologies that favor synchronization in power grids
- Jun Meng System Sample Entropy – a promising precursor for El Nino intensity
- Jussara Dias Optimization of control parameters of a particle model with dynamics of coupled second order phase oscillators
- Leandro Anghinoni Stochastic time series analysis based on complex network community modelling
- Leonardo Santos Vulnerability in Complex Networks – a brief literature overview
- Leonardo Ferreira From spatiotemporal data to chronological networks: An application to wildfire analysis
- Lourival Lima An averaging principle for foliated stochastic systems: examples in homogeneous space
- Lukas Halekotte On the Edge: Extinction Thresholds and the Periphery of Pollination Networks
- Maheswaran Rathinasamy Wavelet-based multiscale similarity measure for complex networks
- Marie Brunel Fire practice on Brazilian managed grasslands and its implementation in LPJmL 4.0
- Markus Drüke Improving the LPJmL5.1-SPITFIRE vegetation-fire model using satellite data
- Matheus Palmero Chaotic transport in symplectic maps: Applications in plasma dynamics
- Matthias Kemter Using multilayer complex networks to understand changes in flood generation
- Maximilian Gelbrecht Monte Carlo Basin Bifurcation Analysis
- Nico Wunderling Risk analysis of tipping cascades in the Climate system
- Nitin Babu George Advance of Indian Summer Monsoon: Dynamics of Outgoing Longwave Radiation
- Omri Tal t.b.a.
- Pacifique Batungwanayo Agroclimatic Constraints Characterization for Rainfed Agriculture in Northeastern Burundi
- Paulo Ruffino An averaging principle for small perturbations of energy preserving random systems
- Rakesh Kumar Effects of time-varying impulses on exponential stability of inertial BAM neural network via matrix measure approach
- Rene Yamapi Dynamics of Disordered Complex Network of Coupled Hindmarsh-Rose Neuronal Models
- Ricardo Sovek Oyarzabal Multistability in Amazon rainforest
- Rico Berner Interplay of adaptivity and multiplexing in networks of coupled oscillators
- Robert Ronge Ensembles of Excitable Units - Perturbation away from Watanabe-Strogatz Theory
- Roman Medvedev Seasonal variability in Monsoon timming in Central Part of South India
- Sandip George Recurrence network measures to classify binary stars
- Sebastian Vellmer Mean field theory for sparse networks considering temporal correlations of spike trains
- Simon Vock Hierarchical clusters on adaptive complex networks with random topology
- Sneha Kachhara Recurrence Network Measures of ECG data sets
- Suetani Hiromichi Manifold learning approach to individuality of human EEG signals through LogDet divergence of Phase Synchrony
- Tingwei Quan High-precision Automatic Neurite Detection via Unsupervised Learning of Deep
- Tommaso Cornelis Rosati Large-times behavior of the KPZ equation driven by noise which is space-time white or fractional in time
- Torbern Schröder Behaviour of SFDEs
- Vander Freitas Symmetric circular clusters of non-overlapping particles and chaotic almost-circular trajectories
- Vanderlei Parro Correlation between postural control and alertness
- Victor Nicolai Friedhoff Approaching Synaptic Plasticity - Kinetic 3D modelling of IP3 receptors in Purkinje cells
- Yang Liu Framework of Evolutionary Algorithm for Investigation of Influential Nodes in Complex Networks
- Yong Deng t.b.a.
- Yunfei Li Singularity cities
- Zhao Liang Analyzing the Bills-Voting Dynamics and Predicting Corruption Convictions Among Brazilian Congressmen Through Temporal Networks
IEEE IWCSN 2018, Nanjing
- Minimum Agent-Movement LeaderFollower Persistent Formation for Switching Topologies - Philip Chen
- Analysis of Daily Rainfall Data in China from 1961-2011 and Application to Prediction - Michael Tse
- Similarity and Measures of Complex Networks - Zengqiang Chen
- Characterizing the Researcher’s Features by Network Analysis - Zengru Di
- Edge Consensus on Networked Systems - Xiaofan Wang
- Complex Network Analysis of Public Transport Networks - Ivan Ho
- Predictability of Extreme Climate Events via a Complex Network Approach - Jürgen Kurths
- Introduction to Hybrid Intelligent Networks - Zhihong Guan
- Optimal Causation Entropy Principle and Entropic Regression for Nonlinear System Identification under Large Noise and Outliers - Jie Sun
- Power Network Science - David Hill
- Machine Learning Algorithms for Detection of Network Intrusions - Ljiljana Trajkovic
- Collaboration/cooperation in Groups of Agents - Ljupco Kocarev
IEEE IWCSN 2017, Doha
- Local Activity, Memristor, and 137 - Leon Chua
- Controlling the Collective Behaviour of Complex Networks - Mario di Bernardo
- Synchronization of Complex Networks and Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems - Zhiseng Duan
- Hybrid Intelligent Networks - Zhihong Guan
- Risks and Dynamics in Future Power Systems under Climate Change - Juergen Kurths
- Fault Tolerant Cyber-Physical Systems - Marios M. Polycarpou
- Ordinal networks and characterizing dynamics from time series - Michael Small
- Performance Comparison Between Neuroadaptive Control and Robust Adaptive Control - Yong-Duan Song
- Applications of Computational Intelligence in Condition-Based Maintenance - Kay Chen Tan
- Coordination Control of Dynamical Networks with Time-varying Topology - Yang Tang
- Machine Learning for Complex Networks - Ljiljana Trajković
- Cascading Failures in Power Systems - Mchael Tse
- Grid Modernization: Challenges, Heterogeneous Mobile Sensor Networks - Xiaofan Wang
- Recent Advances and New Challenges for Distributed Cooperative Control and Optimization in Complex Networks - Wenwu Yu
- Supervised Learning and Control Method to Improve Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms - Meng-Chu Zhou
- Running Sparse and Low-Precision Neural Networks: When Algorithm Meets Hardware - Yiran Chen
IEEE IWCSN 2015, Perth
Program can be found in
IEEE IWCSN 2014, Shanghai
Program can be found in
IEEE IWCSN 2013, Vancouver
- On pinning control and controllability of complex networks - Ron Chen
- Pinning-based social learning in complex networks - Xiaofan Wang
- Control of nonlinear network dynamics: applications to cascade control and network repurposing - Adilson Motter
- Finding communities in weighted graphs, digraphs, and hypergraphs: A game-theoretic perspective - Marcello Pelillo
- Deflection routing in complex networks - Ljiljana Trajkovic
- What preferential attachment doesn't do - Michael Small
- Spectral properties of graph covers - Bojan Mohar
- Big Data: Opportunities and Challenges for Complex Networks - Jinhu Ju
- Master stability function approaches to analyze stability of the synchronous evolution for hypernetworks and of synchronized clusters for networks with symmetries - Francesco Sorrentino
- Time delay in complex systems: vibrational resonance and synchronization - Miguel Sanjuan
- Probing human interactive dynamics with temporal complex networks - Xiang Li
- How Facebook grows? Do Twitter, Weibo, LinkedIn, WeChat grow in different ways? - Michael Tse
- Complex networks on-chip - Maciej Ogorzalek
- Dynamical networks with on-off stochastic connections - Igor Belykh
- Oscillations suppression, synchronization, and modulation - Wei Lin
IWCSN 2012, Minneapolis
Program can be found in
IWCSN 2011, Melbourne
- Planning and Control of Future Smart Massive Networks - David Hill
- Towards the Modeling of the AS-level Internet - Guanrong Chen
- Synchronization, Control and Coordination of Complex Networks via Contraction Theory - Mario di Bernardo
- Global Relative Parameter Sensitivities of the Feed-Forward Loops in Genetic Networks - Jinhu Lü
- Models, Modules and Motifs – The Challenge of Complex Networks - David Green
- From Brains to Grains: Unraveling the Physics of Sand Through Structural and Functional Networks Derived From X-ray Tomography - Antoinette Tordesillas
- Predicting Epileptic Episodes? - Iven Mareels
- Spectral Analysis and Dynamical Behavior of Complex Networks - Ljiljana Trajkovic
- Shape Grammars for Description and Optimization of Geometric Design in 3D - Maciej Ogorzalek
- Orchestral Conducting: A Practical Consensus Problem - Michael Tse
- Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems: Some Recent Advances - Xinghuo Yu
- A Citation Network Study in Data Fusion - Kathy Horadam
- Graph Sequence Segmentation via Information Theory - Graham Farr
IWCSN 2010, Beijing
- Theory of Game-based Control Systems - Lei Guo
- Networked Control of Power Networks - David Hill
- Get Panic or Synchronized in the Network of Stocks - Michael Tse
- Complex Networks Issues in Smart Grids - Xinghuo Yu
- Control and Synchronization of Evolving Dynamical Networks - Mario di Bernardo
- A Triumvirate of Complex Network Methods to Study Granular Materials - David Walker
- Laplacian Spectra of Complex Networks and Their Effects on Synchronizability - Guanrong Chen
- Spectral Analysis and Dynamical Behavior of Complex Networks - Ljiljana Trajkovic
- 3D Integrated Circuits - A Real Complex Network Challenge - Maciej Ogorzalek
- Hardware Efficient Random Numbers Generation with Chaos - Gianluca Setti
- Some Graph-Theoretical Criteria for Control in Networks of Dynamical Systems - Chai Wah Wu
- Synchronization and Graph Topology - Igor Belykh
IWCSN 2009, Bristol
- Introduction to Complex Networks - Guanrong Chen
- Nonlinear Contraction Analysis: A Tutorial - Jean-Jacques Slotine
- Traffic Networks - Eddie Wilson
- Epidemics on Networks - Caroline Colin
- Mining Network Traffic Data - Ljiljana Trajkovic
Workshop Presentations
- Feedback Networks: Stability and Synthesis - David Hill
- Dynamics on Complex Networks: from Brain to Climate - Jurgen Kurths
- Modularity, Polyrhythms, and What Robotics May Yet Learn from the Brain - Jean-Jacques Slotine
- Entanglement in Quantum Mechanics and Network Laplacians - Chai Wah Wu
- Composing Music from Complex Networks - Michael Tse
- Analysis of Internet Topologies - Ljiljana Trajkovic
- Naming Game on Complex Networks - Guanrong Chen
- The Spread of Infectious Diseases Through Complex Contact Networks - Erik Volz
- Strategic Behavior and Social Network Structure - Mike Kearns
- Infrastructure Networks: Data, Statics and Dynamics - David Arrowsmith
IWCSN 2008, Canberra
- Complex Networks - David Hill
- Synchronization of Complex Networks - Guanrong Chen
- Control of Complex Networks - Xiaofan Wang
Workshop Presentations
- Welcome and Introduction - David Hill
- Applications of Nodes and Edges - Michael Tse
- Network Synchronizability Analysis: A Graph Theoretic Approach - Guanrong Chen
- Some Recent Developments in Flocking Control - Xiaofan Wang
- Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks with Switching Topology - Jun Zhao
- Enhancing Synchronizability in Systems of Non-identical Kuramoto Oscillators - Markus Brede
- Synchronization of Kuramoto Model with Multi-SF Property - Jin Fan
- Localization of Forcing Sites to Facilitate Synchronization in Systems Coupled Via Complex Networks - Chai Wah Wu
- Complex Dynamical Networks: Control and Synchronization - Jinhu Lü
- Quantum Feedback Networks - Matt James
- Stability Analysis of TCP/RED Communication Algorithms - Ljiljana Trajkovic
- Stochastic Models for Population Networks - Phil Pollet
- Complex Systems from DNA to Development - Janet Wiles
- Unified Approach to Controller Design for Systems with Quantization and Time Scheduling - Dragan Nesic
- From Kuramoto to Boyd: Applying Networked Dynamical Systems to Military Command and Control - Alexander Kolloniatis
IWCSN 2007, Guilin
- Metabolic networks: organization, biomass production, and other issues - Leihan Tang
- Flocking of multi-agents with virtual leaders - Xiaofan Wang
- Novel hypothesis on the self-regulation of genetic information: scenario from one-dimensional DNA code into spatio-temporal order - Kenichi Yoshikawa
- Synchrony and consensus in complex networks: an overview - Chai Wah Wu
- Synchronizability and controllability of complex networks - Mario Di Bernardo
- dentification and monitoring of complex networks based on synchronization - Wallace Tang
- Chaos-based generation of optimal spreading sequences for DS-UWB sensor networks - Gianluca Setti
- Optimal networks, congestion and Braess' paradox - David Arrowsmith
- Mining network traffic data - Ljiljana Trajkovic
- Fractal applications in electronics - Maciej Ogorzalek
- Synchronization in dynamic networks - David Hill
- Constructing error-correction codes from scalefree networks - Francis Lau
IWCSN 2006, Vancouver
- Border Collision Bifurcations: Theory and Applications - Soumitro Banerjee
- Pinning Control of Complex Networks - Guanrong Chen
- QoS Routing and Admission Control of High-Priority Connection-Oriented Flows While Protecting TCP Traffic - Daniel C. Lee
- A Fast Lightweight Approach to Origin-Destination Traffic Matrix Estimation through Partial Measurements - Gang Liang
- Heterogeneous Congestion Control Protocols - Steven Low
- Fractals for Electronic Applications - Maciej Ogorzalek
- An EMI Reduction Methodology Based on Nonlinear Dynamics - Gianluca Setti
- Discontinuity-Induced Bifurcations in TCP/RED Communication Algorithms - Ljiljana Trajkovic
- Application of Complex Networks in Traffic Analysis of Communication Networks - Michael Tse
- SOCP Relaxation of Sensor Network Localization - Paul Y. Tseng
IWCSN 2005, Hong Kong (Distributed on CD-ROM)

- Statistical learning for time-series-based model building with applications in bio-medicine and chemistry - Maciej Ogorzalek
- Chaotic point processes - theory and applications - Wolfgang Schwarz
- Dynamics of discontinuous maps and their applications in analysing the dynamics of circuits - Soumitro Banerjee
- Modeling TCP/RED: a dynamical approach - Ljiljana Trajkovic
- Why exact theory is necessary in chaos communications research - Anthony Lawrance
- Data traffic, topology of networks and congestion - David Arrowsmith
- Public-key cryptography using chaotic maps - Ljupco Kocarev
- High throughput true random number generation based on chaotic maps - Gianluca Setti
- Bifurcation and synchronization in firing activities of coupled neural systems - Qishao Lu
- Synchronization and consensus in networks of systems with nonreciprocal coupling - Chai Wah Wu
- Complex network models of disease transmission: SARS in Hong Kong - Michael Small
International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity in Information and Communication Technology 2004, Bologna
- Bifurcation Analysis in Power Electronics and Applications - Michael Tse
- The Frobenius-Perron Operator: Applications to Chaotic Dynamics - Jose Luis Rodriguez Marrero
- System Theory and Communication Networks: An Overview on Some Recent Results - Patrick Thiran
- Modelling and Characterization of Traffic in Deployed Networks - Ljiljana Trajkovic
- Shannon's Challenge and Iterative Coding Systems - Ruediger Urbanke
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Iterative Decoding Systems - Ljupco Kocarev
- Complex Networks: Small World, Scale Free and Beyond - Guanrong Chen
- Synchronization in Networks of Coupled Nonlinear Systems with Delay in Nonreciprocal Time-Varying Coupling - Chai Wah Wu
- Multistability, Clustering and Other Interesting Behaviors in Simple Driver-Dissipative Lattices - Manuel Velarde
- Mobile Agents in Innovatove System Modelling - Pier Paolo Adriani