Editorial Boards
- Editor, Springer Series on Advances in Delays and Dynamics, since July 2012.
- Associate Editor, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, since January 2015.
- Associate Editor, All about Systems and Control, since February 2014.
- Associate Editor, Automatica, 2011--2014.
- Founding Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Control Science and Engineering, February 2006--February 2010.
- Associate Editor, Contemporary Engineering Sciences, since October, 2007--present.
- Guest Editor, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, August 2005-June 2007.
- Associate Editor, 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, October 2008--present.
- Associate Editor, Automatica, March 2004--September 2006.
- Associate Editor, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, March 2004--June 2006.
- Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, August 2001--August 2003.
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, January 1997--December 2000.
Recent Committee Appointments
- Member, IFAC Fellow Search Committee, 2018-present.
- Member, IFAC Publication Committee, 2018-present.
- Member, IEEE Control Systems Society Fellow Evaluation Committee.
- IEEE Control Systems Society Chapter Activities Chair, 2015-2018.
- IEEE Control Systems Society Board of Governors, 2014.
- Member, IFAC Technical Committee on Modeling, Identication and Signal Processing, since 1994.
- Member, IFAC Technical Committee on Linear Control Systems, since 2002.
- Member, Technical Committee on Control Theory, Chinese Association of Automation, since January 2005.
Recent Conference Activities
- General Chair, 2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, Hong Kong, China, since January 2016.
- Program Chair, 2016 Chinese Control Conference, Chengdu, China, since 2014-2016.
- Member, International Program Committee, 18th IFAC Symposium on System Identication, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2018.
- Member, Advisory Committee, 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Hong Kong, China, July 2018.
- Member, Program Committee, 37th Chinese Control Conference, Wuhan, China, July 2018.
- Member, Program Committee, 16th European Control Conference, Limmassol, Cyprus, June 2018.
- Member, Program Committee, 36th Chinese Control Conference, Dalian, China, July 2017.
- Member, Program Committee, 15th European Control Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2016.
- Member, Program Committee, 14th European Control Conference, Linz, Austria, July 2015.
Recent Invited Speeches
- Keynote Speech, Annual Meeting of Technical Committee on Cyber Physical Systems, Shenyang, China, June 2018.
- Keynote Speech, 4th IEEE Symposium on Complex Systems and Cybernetics, Guangzhou, September 2017.
- Keynote Speech, the 9th Forum of Advanced Control Science and Engineering, Hangzhou, China, May 2017.
- Plenary Speech, the 36th Chinese Control Conference, Dalian, China, July 2017.
- Plenary Panel Speech, 30th Chinese Control Conference, Yantai, China, July 2011.
- Keynote Speech, Natural Science Foundation of China, August 2005.
- Plenary Speech, 2003 Chinese Control Conference, Yichang, P.R. China, August, 2003.