
Control Oriented System Identification: An H∞ Approach
Jie Chen and Guoxiang Gu, 2000

Stability of Time-Delay Systems
K. Gu, V.L. Kharitonov, and J. Chen, 2003

Developments in Control Theory towards Glocal Control
L. Qiu, J. Chen, T. Iwasaki, and H. Fujioka (Eds.), 2011

Towards Integrating Control and Information Theories: From Information-Theoretic Measures to Control Performance Limitations
Song Fang, Jie Chen, and Hideaki Ishii, 2017

Limits of Stability and Stabilization of Time-Delay Systems: A Small-Gain Approach
Jing Zhu, Tian Qi, Dan Ma, and Jie Chen, 2018
Book Chapters
- J. Chen, M.K.H. Fan, and C.N. Nett, "The structured singular value and stability of uncertain polynomials: a missing link", in Control of Inexact Dynamic Models, eds. N. Sadegh and Y.H. Chen, ASME, 1991, pp. 15-23.
- J. Chen, C.N. Nett, and M.K.H. Fan, "A worst case identification method using time series data", in Modeling of Uncertainty in Control Systems, eds. R.S. Smith and M. Dahleh, Springer-Verlag, 1994, pp. 93-104.
- L. Qiu and J. Chen, "Time domain characterizations of performance limitations of feedback control", in Learning, Control, and Hybrid Systems, eds. Y. Yamamoto and S. Hara, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
- J. Chen and A.L. Tits, "Robustness analysis", in Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ed. J.G. Webster, Wiley, to be published in 1999.
- L. Qiu and J. Chen, "Time domain performance limitations of feedback control'', in Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, eds. A. Beghi, L. Finesso, and G. Picci, Il Poligrafo, 1998, pp. 369-372.
- J. Chen, "Intrinsic performance limits of linear feedback control", in Robustness in Identification and Control, eds. A. Garulli, A. Tesi, and A. Vicino, Springer, 1999, pp. 227-241.
- Z. Ren, L. Qiu, and J. Chen, "On performance limitations in Estimation", in Robustness in Identification and Control, eds. A. Garulli, A. Tesi, and A. Vicino, Springer, 1999, pp. 147-158.
- J. Chen and S. Hara, "Tracking performance with finite input energy", in Prospectives in Robust Control, ed. S.O.R. Moheimani, Springer, 2001, pp. 41-55.
- J. Chen and S. Hara, "Performance limits under control effort constraints", in Control and Modeling of Complex Systems: Cybernetics in the 21st Century, eds. K. Hashimoto, Y. Oishi, and Y. Yamamoto, Birkhauser, 2003, pp. 139-151.
- J. Chen and S.I. Niculescu, "Robust stability conditions of quasipolynomials by frequency sweeping", in Advances in Time-Delay Systems, eds. S.I. Niculescu and K. Gu, Springer, 2004, pp. 43-60.
- K. Gu, S.I. Niculescu, and J. Chen, "Computing maximum delay deviation allowed to retain stability in systems with two delays", in Applications of Time Delay Systems, eds. J.J. Loiseau and J.N. Chiasson, Springer, 2007, pp. 157-164.
- L. Alverge, J. Chen, and G. Gu, "Modeling and control of flexible structure in frequency domain", in Identification and Control: the Gap between Theory and Practice, eds. J.Q. Casin and R. S. Sanchez Pena, Springer, 2007, pp. 147-164.
- Y. Li, E. Tuncel, J. Chen, and W. Su, "Optimal tracking and power allocation over AWN feedback channels", in Developments in Control Theory towards Glocal Control, eds., L. Qiu, J. Chen, T. Iwasaki, and H. Fujioka, IET, 2012, pp. 37-47.
- J. Chen, "Fundamental limitation of feedback control", in Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, eds., T. Samad and J. Baillieul, Springer, 2014.
- T. Qi, J. Zhu, and J. Chen, "Delay Margin for Robust Stabilization of LTI Delay Systems", in Delays and Interconnections: Methodology, Algorithms and Applications, eds., G. Valmorbida, R. Sipahi, A. Seuret, and I. Boussaada, Springer, 2017.
Journal Papers
- J. Chen and J.S. Freudenberg, "Correction to 'Analysis and design of ill-conditioned plants, part 2: directionally uniform weightings and an example' and 'Plant directionality, coupling, and multivariable loopshaping'", International Journal of Control, vol. 53, no. 5, May 1990, pp. 1261-1262.
- J. Chen and J.S. Freudenberg, "Bounds on the three-block structured singular value", Control-Theory and Advanced Technology, vol. 6, no. 3, September 1990, pp. 473-481.
- J. Chen, "On relations between block relative gain and Euclidean condition number", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. AC-37, no. 1, January 1992, pp. 127-129.
- J. Chen, "Sufficient conditions on stability of interval matrices: connections and new results", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. AC-37, no. 4, April 1992, pp. 541-544.
- J. Chen and J.S. Freudenberg, "Robust performance with respect to diagonal input uncertainty", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. AC-37, no. 5, May 1992, pp. 658-663.
- J. Chen, "A supplemental note to 'bounds on the three-block structured singular value'", Control-Theory and Advanced Technology, vol. 8, no. 2, June 1992, pp. 367-371.
- J. Chen and C.N. Nett, "Bounds on generalized structured singular values via the Perron root of matrix majorants", Systems and Control Letters, vol. 19, December 1992, pp. 439-449.
- J. Chen, "Comments on 'A necessary and sufficient condition for the stability of nonnegative interval discrete systems''', IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. AC-38, no. 1, January 1993, pp. 189.
- J. Chen, J.S. Freudenberg, and C.N. Nett, "The role of condition number and relative gain array in robustness analysis'', Automatica, vol. 30, no. 6, June 1994, pp. 1029-1035.
- J. Chen, M.K.H. Fan, and C.N. Nett, "Structured singular value and stability of uncertain polynomials, part 1: the generalized'', Systems and Control Letters, vol. 23, no. 1, June 1994, pp. 53-65.
- J. Chen, M.K.H. Fan, and C.N. Nett, "Structured singular value and stability of uncertain polynomials, part 2: a missing link", Systems and Control Letters, vol. 23, no. 2, July 1994, pp. 97-109.
- J. Chen, G. Gu, and C.N. Nett, "Worst case identification of continuous time systems via interpolation'', Automatica, vol. 30, no. 12, December 1994, pp. 1825-1837.
- J. Chen, M.K.H. Fan, and C.C. Yu, "On D-stability and structured singular values'', Systems and Control Letters, vol. 24, January 1995, pp. 19-24.
- J. Chen and C.N. Nett, "The Carathéodory-Fejér Problem and H_infinity/l_1 identification: a time domain approach", IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 40, no. 4, April 1995, pp. 729-735.
- J. Chen, C.N. Nett, and M.K.H. Fan, "Optimal non-parametric system identification from arbitrary corrupt finite time series'', IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 40, no. 4, April 1995, pp. 769-776.
- J. Chen, "On computing the maximal delay intervals for stability of linear delay systems'', IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 40, no. 6, June 1995, pp. 1087-1093.
- J. Chen, C.N. Nett, and M.K.H. Fan, "Worst-case system identification in H_infinity: essentially optimal algorithms, error bounds, and validation of apriori information", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 40, no. 7, July 1995, pp. 1260-1265.
- J. Chen and C.N. Nett, "Sensitivity integrals for multivariable discrete-time systems'', Automatica, vol. 31, no. 8, August 1995, pp. 1113-1124.
- J. Chen and H.A. Latchman, "Frequency sweeping tests for asymptotic stability independent of delays'', IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 40, no. 9, Sept. 1995, pp. 1640-1645.
- J. Chen, D. Xu, and B. Shafai, "On sufficient conditions for stability independent of delay'', IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 40, no. 9, Sept. 1995, pp. 1675-1680.
- J. Chen, G. Gu, and C.N. Nett, "A new method for computing delay margins for stability of linear delay systems", Systems and Control Letters}, vol. 26, no. 2, Sept. 1995, pp. 107-117.
- K. Zhou and J. Chen, "Performance bounds for coprime factor controller reductions", Systems and Control Letters, vol. 26, no. 2, Sept. 1995, pp. 119-127.
- J. Chen, "Sensitivity integral relations and design tradeoffs in linear multivariable feedback systems", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 40, no. 10, Oct. 1995, pp. 1700-1716.
- J. Chen, "Static output feedback stabilization for SISO systems and related problems: solutions via generalized eigenvalues", Control-Theory and Advanced Technology, vol. 10, no. 4, part 5, Dec. 1995, pp. 2233-2244.
- J. Chen and S. Wang, "Validation of linear fractional uncertain modesl: solutions via matrix inequalities", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 41, no. 6, June 1996, pp. 844-849.
- J. Chen, G. Gu, C.N. Nett, and D. Xiong, "A canonical structure for constrained optimal control problems", Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 6, 1996, pp. 727-741.
- J. Chen, M.K.H. Fan, and C.N. Nett, "Structured singular values with non-diagonal structures, part 1: characterizations'' IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 41, no. 10, Oct. 1996, pp. 1507-1511.
- J. Chen, M.K.H. Fan, and C.N. Nett, "Structured singular values with non-diagonal structures, part 2: computation", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 41, no. 10, Oct. 1996, pp. 1511-1516.
- J. Chen, J. Farrell, C.N. Nett, and K. Zhou, "H_infinity identification of multivariable systems by tangential interpolation methods", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 41, no. 12, Dec. 1996, pp. 1822-1828.
- B. Shafai, J. Chen, and M. Kothandaraman, "Explicit formulae of real and complex stability radii for nonnegative and Metzlerian systems", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 42, no. 2, Feb. 1997, pp. 265-270.
- J. Chen, "Frequency domain tests for validation of linear fractional uncertain modesl", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol.42, no.6, June 1997.
- J. Chen, "Integral relations and transformation techniques: a new perspective", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol.42, no.7, July 1997.
- J. Chen, "Multivariable gain-phase and sensitivity integral relations and design tradeoffs", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 43, no. 3, March 1998, pp. 373-385.
- O. Toker and J. Chen, "On validation of structured uncertainty model sets", Systems and Control Letters, vol. 33, No. 3, March 1998, pp. 199 - 207.
- G. Gu, J. Chen, and E.B. Lee, "Parametric H-infinity loopshaping and weighted mixed sensitivity minimization", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 44, no. 4, April 1999, pp. 846-852.
- D. Xu, Z. Ren, G. Gu, and J. Chen, "LFT uncertain model validation with time- and frequency-domain measurements", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 44, no. 7, July 1999, pp. 1435-1441.
- J. Chen, "Integral Constraints and Performance Limits on Complementary Sensitivity", Systems and Control Letters, vol. 39, no. 1, Jan. 2000, pp. 45-53.
- J. Chen, L. Qiu, and O. Toker, "Limitations on maximal tracking accuracy", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 45, no. 2, Feb. 2000, pp. 326-331.
- J. Chen, "Logarithmic integrals, interpolation bounds, and performance limitations in MIMO systems", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 45, no. 6, June 2000, pp. 1098-1115.
- G. Gu and J. Chen, "A nearly interpolatory algorithm for $H_\infty$ identification with mixed time and frequency response data", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 46, no. 3, March 2001, pp. 464-476.
- J. Chen, Zhang Ren, Shinji Hara, and Li Qiu, "Optimal tracking performance: preview control and exponential signals", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 46, no. 10, Oct. 2001, pp. 1647-1653.
- J. Chen and Z. Ren, "A Comparison of small gain versus Lyapunov type robust stability bounds", Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control, Special Issue on Robustness Analysis and Design for Systems with Real Parametric Uncertainties, vol. 11, Dec. 2001, pp. 1408-1414.
- J. Chen and G. Gu, "Worst-case asymptotic properties of ${\cal H}_\infty$ identification", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Part 1: Fundamental Theory and Application, vol. 49, no. 4, April 2002, pp. 437-446.
- O. Toker, J. Chen, and L. Qiu, "Tracking performance limitations in LTI multivariable discrete-time systems", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Part 1: Fundamental Theory and Application, vol. 49, no. 5, May 2002, pp. 657-670.
- Z. Ren, X. Tang, and J. Chen, "Reconfigurable control system design by output feedback eigenstructure assignment", Control Theory & Applications, vol. 19, no. 3, June 2002, pp. 356-362.
- G. Chen, J. Chen, and R.H. Middleton, "Optimal tracking performance for SIMO systems", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 47, no. 10, Oct. 2002, pp. 1770-1775.
- L. Qiu, Z. Ren, and J. Chen, "Fundamental performance limitations in estimation problems'', Communications in Information and Systems, vol. 2, no. 4, Dec. 2002, pp. 371-384.
- B. Shafai, H. Wilson, J. Chen, "Robust stability of special class of polynomial matrices with control applications", Int. J. Computer and Electrical Engineering, 2003, pp. 781-800.
- J. Chen and R.H. Middleton, "New developments and applications in performance limitation of feedback control", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 48, no. 8, Aug. 2003, pp. 1297.
- J. Chen, S. Hara, and G. Chen, "Best tracking and regulation performance under control energy constraint", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 48, no. 8, Aug. 2003, pp. 1320-1336.
- W. Su, L. Qiu, and J. Chen, "Fundamental performance limitations in tracking sinusoidal signals", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 48, no. 8, Aug. 2003, pp. 1371-1380.
- W. Liu and J. Chen, "Model invalidation in $\ell_1$ using frequency-domain data", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 49, no. 6, June 2004, pp. 983-989.
- R.H. Middleton, J. Chen, and J.S. Freudenberg, "Tracking sensitivity and achievable H-infinity performance in preview control", Automatica, vol. 40, no. 8, Aug. 2004, pp. 1297-1306.
- K. Gu, S.I. Niculescu, and J. Chen, "On stability crossing curves for general systems with two delays", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 311, 2005, pp. 231-253.
- P. Fu, S.I. Niculescu, and J. Chen, "Stability of linear neutral time-delay systems: Exact conditions via matrix pencil solutions", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 51, no. 6, June 2006, pp. 1063- 1069.
- W. Su, L. Qiu, and J. Chen, "On performance limitation in tracking a sinusoid", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 51, no. 8, Aug. 2006, pp. 1320- 1325.
- P. Fu, J. Chen, and S.-I. Niculescu, "Generalized eigenvalue-based stability tests for 2-D linear systems: necessary and sufficient conditions", Automatica, vol. 42, no. 9, Sept. 2006, pp. 1569-1576.
- W. Su, L. Qiu, and J. Chen, "Performance limit of discrete-time systems in tracking multi-tone sinusoidal signals", Automatica, vol. 43, no. 1, Jan. 2007, pp. 15-30.
- W. Liu, J. Chen, and H. El-Sherief, "Probabilistic bounds for $\ell_1$ uncertainty model validation", Automatica, vol. 43, no. 6, June 2007, pp. 1064-1071.
- D.E. Davison and J. Chen, "Classical control revisited: Re-examining the basics in the field", IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 27, no. 1, Feb. 2007, pp. 20-21.
- J. Chen, K.H. Lundberg, D.E. Davison, and D.S. Bernstein, "The Final value theorem revisited: infinite limits and irrational functions", IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 27, no. 3, June 2007, pp. 97-99.
- D.E. Davison and J. Chen, "Classical control revisited part II: Rounding out the basics", IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 27, no. 3, June 2007, pp. 28-29.
- J. Chen, S.I. Niculescu, and P. Fu, "Robust stability of quasipolynomials: Frequency-sweeping conditions and vertex tests", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 53, no. 5, June 2008, pp. 1219-1234.
- J. Chen, S. Hara, L. Qiu, and R.H. Middleton, "Best achievable tracking performance in sampled-data control systems", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 53, no. 11, December 2008, pp. 2467-2479.
- W. Su, L. Qiu, and J. Chen, "An average performance limit of MIMO systems in tracking under certain information constraints", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 54, no. 8, Aug. 2009, pp. 2001-2006.
- W. Liu and J. Chen, "Probabilistic estimates for mixed model validation problems with H-Infinity type uncertainties", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 55, no. 6, June 2010, pp. 1488-1494.
- L. Ding, H. Wang, Z.H. Guan, and J. Chen, "Tracking under additive white Gaussian noise effect", IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 4, no. 11, Nov. 2010, pp. 2471-2478.
- J. Chen, P. Fu, S.I. Niculescu, and Z. Guan, "An eigenvalue perturbation approach to stability analysis, Part I: Eigenvalue series of matrixW", SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization, vol. 48, no. 8, December 2010, pp. 5564-5582.
- J. Chen, P. Fu, S.I. Niculescu, and Z. Guan, "An eigenvalue perturbation approach to stability analysis, Part II: When will zeros of time-delay systems cross imaginary?", SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization, vol. 48, no. 8, December 2010, pp. 5583-5605.
- B. Yan, S.X.-D. Tan, L. Zhou, J. Chen, R. Shen, "Decentralized and passive model order reduction of linear networks with massive ports", IEEE Trans. on VLSI Systems, vol. 30, no. 5, April 2012, pp. 865-877.
- J. Mei, W. Ren, J. Chen, and G. Ma, "Distributed adaptive coordination for multiple Lagrangian systems under a directed graph without using neighbors velocity information", Automatica, vol. 49, no. 6, June 2013, pp. 1723-1731. 20
- F. Vargas, E. Silva, and J. Chen, "Stabilization of two-input two-output systems over SNRconstrained channels", Automatica, vol. 49, no. 10, Oct. 2013, pp. 3133-3140.
- C-F. Mendez-Barrios, S-I. Niculescu, J. Chen, and M. Maya-Mendez, "Output feedback stabilization of SISO linear systems with I/O network-induced delays: an eigenvalue basedapproach", Int. J. Control, vol. 87, no. 2, 2014, pp. 346-362.
- J. Zhu and J. Chen, "Stability of systems with time-varying delays: An L1 small-gain perspective", Automatica, vol. 52, no. 2, Feb. 2015, pp. 260-265.
- J. Zhu, T. Qi, and J. Chen, "Small-gain stability conditions for linear systems with timevarying delays", Systems & Control Letters, vol. 81, no. 5, May 2015, pp. 42-48.
- Y. Li, J. Chen, E. Tuncel, and W. Su, "MIMO control over additive white noise channels: Stabilization and tracking by LTI controllers", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 61, no. 5, May 2015, pp. 1281-1296.
- J. Mei, W. Ren, and J. Chen, "Distributed consensus of second-order multi-agent systems with heterogeneous unknown inertias and control gains under a directed graph", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 61, no. 8, Aug. 2016, pp. 2019-2034.
- H. Zhang and J. Chen, "Bipartite consensus of multi-agent systems over signed graphs: state feedback and output feedback control approaches", Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 27, no. 1, Jan. 2017, pp 3-14.
- Y. Lv, Z. Li, Z. Duan, and J. Chen, "Distributed adaptive output feedback consensus protocols for linear systems on directed graphs with a leader of bounded input", Automatica, vol. 74, Dec. 2016, pp. 308-314.
- T. Qi, J. Zhu, and J. Chen, "On delay radii and bounds of MIMO systems", Automatica, vol. 77, March 2017, pp. 214-218.
- T. Qi, J. Zhu, and J. Chen, "Fundamental bounds on delay margin: When is a delay system stabilizable by LTI controllers?", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 3, March 2017, pp. 1314-1328.
- S. Fang, H. Ishii, and J. Chen, "Tradeos in networked feedback systems: From informationtheoretic measures to Bode-type integrals", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 3, March 2017, pp. 1046-1061.
- T. Qi, J. Chen, W. Su, and M. Fu, "Control under stochastic multiplicative uncertainties: Part I, fundamental conditions of stabilizability", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 3, March 2017, pp. 1269-1284.
- W. Su, J. Chen, M. Fu, and T. Qi, "Control under stochastic multiplicative uncertainties: Part II, optimal design for performance", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 3, March 2017, pp. 1285-1300.
- F. Song, J. Chen, and H. Ishii, "Design constraints and limits of networked feedback in disturbance attenuation: An information-theoretic analysis", Automatica, vol. 79, May 2017, pp. 65-77.
- H. Zhang, Y. Jiang, and J. Chen, "Sign-consensus of linear multi-agent systems over signed directed graphs", IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 6, June 2017, pp. 5075- 5083.
- Z. Li and J. Chen, "Robust consensus of linear feedback protocols over uncertain network graphs", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 8, Aug. 2017, pp. 4251-4258.
- H.B. Chen, S.X.-D. Tan, J. Peng, T. Kim, and J. Chen, "Analytical modeling of electromigration failure for VLSI interconnect tree considering temperature and segment length eects", IEEE Trans. on Device and Materials Reliability, vol. 17, no. 4, Aug. 2017, pp 653-666.
- T. Qi, L. Qiu, and J. Chen, "MAS consensus and delay limits under delayed output feedback", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 9, September 2017, pp 4660-4666.
- J. Chen, P. Fu, S-I. Niculescu, C.F. Mendez-Barrios, and H. Zhang, "Stability analysis of polynomially dependent systems by eigenvalue perturbation", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 11, November 2017, pp 5915-5922.
- S. Fang, J. Chen, and H. Ishii, "Power gain bounds of MIMO networked control systems: An entropy perspective", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, online early access, May 2018, pp. 1-8.
- D. Ma and J. Chen, "Delay margin of low-order systems achievable by PID controllers", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, online early access, June 2018, pp. 1-16.
Conference Papers
- J.S. Freudenberg and J. Chen, "Robustness of feedback systems with several sources of modelling error", Proc. 1988 Allerton Conf., Monticello, IL, September 1988.
- J. Chen and J.S. Freudenberg, "Robust performance in the presence of additive and multiplicative uncertainties", Proc. 1989 Allerton Conf. Montocello, IL September 1989, pp. 118-127.
- Chen and J.S. Freudenberg, "Robust performance with respect to diagonal input uncertainty", Proc. 28th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control Tampa, FL, December 1989, pp. 441-446.
- J. Chen and J.S. Freudenberg, "Robustness properties of feedback Systems with multiple sources of uncertainty", Proc. 1990 American Control Conf. San Diego, CA, May 1990, pp. 435-440. Invited Presentation
- J. Chen and J.S. Freudenberg, "Robust design for ill-conditioned plants with diagonal input uncertainty", Proc. 1990 Allerton Conf., Monticello, IL, October 1990, pp. 755-764.
- J. Chen, "A note on block relative gain and Euclidean condition number", Proc. 29th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec. 1990, pp. 1239-1240.
- J. Chen, M.K.H. Fan, and C.N. Nett, "The structured singular value and stability of uncertain polynomials: a missing link", 1991 ASME Annual Meeting , Atlanta, GA, Dec. 1991, pp. 15-23. Invited Presentation
- J. Chen, M.K.H. Fan, and C.N. Nett, "On robustness analysis with non-diagonal structured uncertainty", 30th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control Brighton, England, December 1991, pp. 25-30.
- J. Chen, M.K.H. Fan, and C.N. Nett, "On µ and polynomial stability problems", Proc. 1992 American Control Conf. Chicago, IL, June 1992, pp. 2200-2206. Invited Presentation
- J. Chen, C.N. Nett, and M.K.H. Fan, "Worst-case system identification in H_infinity: essentially optimal algorithms, error bounds, and validation of apriori information", Proc. 1992 American Control Conf. Chicago, IL, June 1992, pp. 251-257. Invited Presentation
- J. Chen, C.N. Nett, and M.K.H. Fan, "Optimal non-parametric system identification from arbitrary corrupt finite time series: a control-oriented approach", Proc. 1992 American Control Conf., Chicago, IL, June 1992, pp. 279-285. Invited Presentation
- J. Chen, J.S. Freudenberg, and C.N. Nett, "On relative gain array and condition number", Proc. 31st IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Tucson, AZ, December 1992, 219-224.
- J. Chen and C.N. Nett, "Bounds on generalized structured singular values", Proc. 31st IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Tucson, AZ, December 1992, pp. 249-250.
- R. Ravi, J. Chen, and C.N. Nett, "Computing nominal models for uncertain plants", Proc. 31st IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Tucson, AZ, December 1992, pp. 517-518.
- J. Chen, "Sensitivity integral relations and design tradeoffs in linear multivariable feedback systems", Proc. 1993 American Control Conf., San Francisco, CA, June 1993, pp. 3160-3164.
- J. Chen, G. Gu, and C.N. Nett, "Worst case identification of continuous time systems via interpolation", Proc. 1993 American Control Conf., San Francisco, CA, June 1993, pp. 1544-1548
- J. Chen, G. Gu, C.N. Nett, and D. Xiong, "A canonical structure for constrained optimal control problems", Proc. 1993 American Control Conf., San Francisco, CA, June 1993, pp. 1607-1611
- J. Chen, "Multivariable gain-phase and sensitivity integral relations and design tradeoffs", Proc. 32nd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, December 1993, pp. 2395-2400
- J. Chen and C.N. Nett, "Sensitivity integral relations in multivariable discrete-time systems", Proc. 32nd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, December 1993, pp. 811-816
- J. Chen and C.N. Nett, "The Caratheodory-Fejer Problem and H_infinity identification: a time domain approach", Proc. 32nd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, December 1993, pp. 68-73
- B. Shafai, M. Kothandaraman, and J. Chen, "Real and Complex Stability Radii for Nonnegative and Metzlerian Systems", Proc. 32nd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, December 1993, pp. 3482-3484
- J. Chen, D. Xu, and B. Shafai, "On sufficient conditions for stability independent of delay", Proc. 1994 American Control Conf., Baltimore, MD, June 1994, pp. 1929-1933.
- J. Chen, "On computing the maximal delay intervals for stability of linear delay systems", Proc. 1994 American Control Conf., Baltimore, MD, June 1994, pp. 1934-1938
- J. Chen and H.A. Latchman, "Asymptotic stability independent of delays: simple necessary and sufficient conditions", Proc. 1994 American Control Conf., Baltimore, MD, June 1994, pp. 1027-1031
- J. Chen, G. Gu, and C.N. Nett, "A new method for computing delay margins for stability of linear delay systems", Proc. 33rd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, Dec. 1994, pp. 433-437
- J. Chen, J. Farrell, C.N. Nett, and K. Zhou, "H_infinity identification of multivariable systems by tangential interpolation methods", Proc. 33rd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, Dec. 1994, pp. 4158-4163
- B. Shafai, J. Chen, H.H. Niemann, and J. Stoustrup, "Stability radius optimization and loop transfer recovery for uncertain dynamic systems", Proc. 33rd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, Dec. 1994, pp. 2985-2987
- J. Chen and S. Wang, "Validation of linear fractional uncertain models: solutions via matrix inequalities'' 1995 American Control Conf., Seattle, WA, June 1995, pp. 3071-3075
- J. Chen and S. Wang, "New time-domain algorithms for H_infinity identification", 1995 American Control Conf., Seattle, WA, June 1995, pp. 1976-1980
- G. Gu, J. Chen, and E.B. Lee, "Multivariable feedback control system design with H_infinity loopshaping", 1995 American Control Conf., Seattle, WA, June 1995, pp. 2369-2373
- K. Zhou and J. Chen, "Performance bounds for coprime factor controller reductions", 1995 American Control Conf., Seattle, WA, June 1995, pp. 4020-4024
- J. Chen, G. Gu, and K. Zhou, "Balanced truncation with relative/multiplicative error bounds in L_infinity norm", Proc. 34th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 1995, pp. 3086-3091
- J. Chen, "Frequency domain tests for validation of linear fractional uncertain modesl", Proc. IFAC Congress, Vol. I, San Francisco, June 1996, pp. 417-422
- J. Chen, "Integral relations and transformation techniques: a new perspective", 35th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, Dec. 1996, pp. 2954-2959
- J. Chen, L. Qiu, and O. Toker "Limitations on maximal tracking accuracy, part 1: tracking step signals", 35th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, Dec. 1996, pp. 726-731
- G. Gu, J. Chen, and O. Toker, "Computation of L_2[0, h] induced norms", 35th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, Dec. 1996, pp. 4046-4051
- O. Toker and J. Chen, "Time domain validation of structured uncertainty model sets", 35th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, Dec. 1996, pp. 255-260.
- D. Xu, Z. Ren, G. Gu, and J. Chen, "Uncertainty model invalidation: a mixed time and frequency domain approach", IASTED Int. Conf. on Modeling and Simulation, Pittsburgh, PA, May 1997
- J. Chen, L. Qiu, and O. Toker, "Limitations on maximal tracking accuracy, part 2: tracking ramp and sinusoidal signals", 1997 American Control Conf., Albuquerque, NM, June 1997, pp. 1757-1761
- O. Toker, J. Chen, and L. Qiu, "Limitations on optimal tracking performance of discrete-time systems", 1997 American Control Conf., Albuquerque, NM, June 1997, pp. 3887-3891
- L.Y. Wang and J. Chen, "Closed loop persistent identification of linear time-varying systems", Proc. 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification and Parameter Estimation, Fukuoka, Japan, July 1997, pp. 123-128
- J. Chen, "On logarithmic integrals and performance bounds for MIMO systems, part I: sensitivity integral inequalities", Proc. 36th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, Dec. 1997, pp. 3620-3625
- L.Y. Wang and J. Chen, "Persistent identification of unstable LTV systems", Proc. 36th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, Dec. 1997, pp. 750-757
- D. Xu, Z. Ren, G. Gu, and J. Chen, "LFT uncertain model validation with time and frequency domain measurements", Proc. 36th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, Dec. 1997, pp. 145-150
- J. Chen, "Frequency vs time domain robust stability bounds: an observation", Proc. 1998 World Automation Conf., Anchorage, AK, May 1998
- J. Chen, "On logarithmic complementary sensitivity integrals for MIMO systems", Proc. 1998 American Control Conf., Philadelphia, PA, June 1998
- L. Qiu and J. Chen, "Time domain performance limitations of feedback control", Proc. 13th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Padova, Italy, July 1998, pp. 369-372
- Z.P. Jiang, D. Hill, and J. Chen, "Robust adaptive control of systems with nonlinear unmodeled dynamics", Proc. 37th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Tampa, FL, Dec. 1998
- B. Shafai, V. Uddin, B. Wilson, and J. Chen, "A structurally constrained LMI approach to maximizing the real stability radius by state feedback", Proc. 1999 American Control Conf., San Diego, CA, June 1999, pp. 1886-1887
- J. Chen, "Integral constraints and performance limits on complementary sensitivity: discrete-time systems", Proc. IFAC Congress, Vol. E, Beijing, P.R. China, July 1997, pp. 295-300
- J. Chen, "Intrinsic performance limits of linear time-invariant feedback control", Proc. IFAC Congress, Vol. G, Beijing, P.R. China, July 1997, pp. 411-416
- J. Chen and G. Gu, "Worst-case asymptotic properties of linear algorithms for H-infinity identification", Proc. 38th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Phoenix, AZ, Dec. 1999, pp. 5314-5319
- S. Niculescu and J. Chen, "Frequency sweeping tests for asymptotic stability: a model transformation for multiple delays", Proc. 38th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Phoenix, AZ, Dec. 1999, pp. 4678-4683
- Z. Ren, L. Qiu, and J. Chen, "Performance limitations in estimation", Proc. 38th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Phoenix, AZ, Dec. 1999, pp. 3204-3209
- G. Gu and J. Chen, "A nearly interpolatory algorithm for $H_\infty$ identification with mixed time and frequency response data", Proc. 12th IFAC Symposium on System Identification and Parameter Estimation, Santa Barbara, CA, June 2000
- Z. Ren, J. Chen, X. Tang, and W. Yan, "A combined method based on neural network for control system fault detection and diagnosis", Proc. 2000. IEEE Int. Conf. Control Applications, Anchorage, AK, Sept. 2000, pp. 104-108
- Z. Ren, J. Chen, X. Tang, and W. Yan, "Fault feature extracting by wavelet transform for control system fault detection and diagnosis", Proc. 2000. IEEE Int. Conf. Control Applications, Anchorage, AK, Sept. 2000, pp. 485-489
- Z. Ren, J. Chen, Shinji Hara, and Li Qiu, "Optimal tracking performance: preview control and exponential signals", Proc. 39th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2000, pp. 1924-1929
- J. Chen, G. Chen, Z. Ren, and Li Qiu, "Extended argument principle and integral design constraints, part I: a unified formula for classical results", Proc. 39th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2000, pp. 4984-4989
- G. Chen, J. Chen, and Li Qiu, "Extended argument principle and integral design constraints, part II: new integral relations", Proc. 2001 Chinese Control Conf., Dalian, P.R. China, Aug. 2001, pp. 56-61
- S. Hara, J. Chen, and G. Chen, "A practical performance limiter for tracking", Proc. 30th SICE Symposium on Control Theory, Beppu, Japan, Nov. 2001
- G. Chen, J. Chen, and Li Qiu, "Extended argument principle and integral design constraints, part II: new integral relations", Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, Dec. 2001, pp. 3081-3086
- G. Chen, J. Chen, and R.H. Middleton, "Optimal tracking performance for SIMO systems", Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, Dec. 2001, pp. 4869-4874.
- J. Chen, S. Hara, and G. Chen, "Best tracking and regulation performance under control effort constraint", Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, Dec. 2001, pp. 3087-3092
- R.H. Middletone, J. Chen, and J.S. Freudenberg, "Achievable performance and sensitivity integral constraints in preview control", Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, Dec. 2001, pp. 3075-3080
- O. Toker and J. Chen, "Asymptotic tracking performance of sampled-data systems", Proc. 2002 American Control Conf., Anchorage, Alaska, June 2002, pp. 2967-2972
- J. Chen and S. Hara, "Best tracking and regulation performance: the two-parameter case", Proc. IFAC Congress, Barcelona, Spain, July 2002
- J. Chen, S. Hara, L. Qiu, and R.H. Middleton, "Best achievable tracking performance in sampled-data control systems", Proc. 41st IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 2002
- W. Su, L. Qiu, and J. Chen, "Performance limitations of discrete-time systems in tracking sinusoidal signals", Proc. 2003 Mediterranean Control Conference, Rhodes, Greece, June 2003.
- W. Su, L. Qiu and J. Chen, "Performance limitations of discrete-time systems in tracking sinusoidal signals", Proc. 2003 American Control Conference, Denver, CO, pp. 423-428, June 2003
- W. Su, L. Qiu, and J. Chen, "Fundamental Performance limitations in tracking sinusoidal signals", Proc. 2003 American Control Conference, Denver, CO, pp. 5335-5340, June 2003
- J. Chen and G. Chen, "Relationships between frequency domain integral constraints and time domain performance measures", Proc. 4th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Milan, Italy, June 2003
- J. Chen, "Control performance limitations: to achieve, or not to achieve", Proc. 2003 SICE Annual Meeting, Fukui, Japan, August 2003
- J. Chen and S.I. Niculescu, "Robust stability of quasipolynomials: frequency-sweeping conditions", Proc. 42nd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Maui, HI, pp. 5048-5053, Dec. 2003
- W. Liu and J. Chen, "Model validation in l-1 using frequency-domain data", Proc. 42nd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Maui, HI, pp. 6509-6514, Dec. 2003
- J. Chen and S.I. Niculescu, "Robust Stability of Quasipolynomials: Vertex Tests and Extensions", Proc. 2004 American Control Conference, Boston, MA, June 2004
- J. Chen, "On the minimal signal recovery error in multirate filterbank channel equalization", Proc. 2004 SICE Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, Aug. 2004, pp. 1088-1091
- J. Chen and G. Chen, "Some new thoughts and findings on Bode integrals", Proc. 2004 SICE Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, Aug. 2004, pp. 1092-1097
- W. Liu and J. Chen, "Probabilistic invalidation of uncertain models with Gaussian noise", Proc. 2004 Chinese Control Conf., Wuxi, P.R. China, August 2004
- W. Liu and J. Chen, "Probabilistic bounds for model invalidation assessment", Proc. 43rd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Paradise Island, Bahamas, Dec. 2004, pp. 376-381
- J. Chen and S.I. Niculescu, "Robust stability of quasipolynomials with commensurate delays", Proc. 43rd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Paradise Island, Bahamas, Dec. 2004, pp. 2887-2892
- W. Liu and J. Chen, "Probabilistic model validation problems with ${H}_\infty$ type uncertainty,' Proc. 2005 American Control Conference, Portland, OR, June 2005, pp. 1539-1544
- P. Fu, S.-I. Niculescu, and J. Chen, "Stability of linear neutral time-delay systems: exact conditions via matrix pencil solutions", Proc. 2005 American Control Conference, Portland, OR, June, 2005, pp. 4259-4264
- S.-I. Niculescu, P. Fu, and J. Chen, "Stability switches and reversals of linear systems with commensurate delays: a matrix pencil characterization", Proc. 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July, 2005
- W. Su, L. Qiu, and J. Chen, "On performance limitation in tracking sinusoids", Proc. 44th IEEE IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Seville, Spain, Dec. 2005, pp. 6204-6209
- J. Chen, P. Fu, and S.-I. Niculescu, "Asymptotic behavior of imaginary zeros of linear systems with commensurate delays", Proc. 45th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, Dec. 2006, pp. 1375-1380
- S.-I. Niculescu, P. Fu, and J. Chen, "On the stability of linear delay-differential algebraic systems: Exact conditions via matrix pencil solutio", Proc. 45th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, Dec. 2006, pp. 834-839
- J. Chen, P. Fu, and S.-I. Niculescu, "On robust stability of some parameter-dependent linear systems: solutions via matrix pencil techniques", Proc. 15th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Athens, Greece, June 2007
- J. Chen, P. Fu, and S.-I. Niculescu, "When will zeros of time-delay systems cross imaginary axis?'' Proc. 2007 European Control Conference, Kos Island, Greece, July, 2007, pp. 5631-5638
- P. Fu, S.-I. Niculescu, and J. Chen, "High-order analysis of critical stability properties of linear time-delay systems", Proc. 2007 American Control Conference, New York, NY, July, 2007, p. 4921-4926
- H. Sadaka, B. Shafai, R. Sipahi, and J. Chen, "An alternative characterization of robust stability and stability radius for linear time delay systems", Proc. 46th Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 2007, pp. 2112-2116
- B. Yan, L. Zhou, S. X.-D. Tan, J. Chen, and B. McGaughy, "DeMOR: Decentralized model order reduction of linear networks with massive ports", Proc. IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC 08), Anaheim, CA, 2008, pp. 409-414
- J. Chen, P. Fu, and S.-I. Niculescu, "An eigenvalue perturbation stability analysis approach with applications to time-delay and polynomially dependent systems", Proc. 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Chongqing, P.R. China, June 2008, pp. 307-312
- Y. Li, E. Tuncel, J. Chen, ''Optimal tracking over an additive white Gaussian noise channel", Proc. 2009 American Control Conference, Saint Louis, MO, June 2009, pp. 4026-4031
- H. Wang, L. Ding, Z. Guan, J. Chen, ''Limitations on Minimum Tracking Energy", Proc. 21st Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Guilin, China, June 2009
- Y. Li, E. Tuncel, J. Chen, ''Optimal tracking over an additive white noise feedback channel", Proc. 7th Asian Control Conference, Hong Kong, China, August 2009, pp. 501-506
- L. Ding, H. Wang, Z. Guan, J. Chen, ''Tracking under additive white Gaussian noise effect", Proc. 7th Asian Control Conference, Hong Kong, China, August 2009, pp. 477-482
- C. Mendez-Barrios, S.I. Niculescu, J. Chen, ''Some remarks on output feedback stabilization of SISO systems with I/O network-induced delays", Proc. 8th IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems, Sinaia, Romania, Sept. 2009
- Y. Li, E. Tuncel, J. Chen, ''Optimal tracking and power allocation over an additive white noise channel", Proc. 7th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, Christchurch, New Zealand, Dec. 2009, pp. 1541-1546
- Y. Li, E. Tuncel, J. Chen, W. Su, ''Optimal tracking performance of discrete-time systems over an additive white noise channel", Proc. 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China, Dec. 2009, pp. 2070-2075
- T. Qi, W. Su, J. Chen, ''Optimal Tracking and Performance Analysis for LTI Systems with Quantization Effect", Proc. 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China, Dec. 2009, pp. 4945-4950.
- Y. Li, E. Tuncel, and J. Chen, "Stabilization over additive white noise forward and feedback channels", Proc. 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Jinan, China, July 2010, pp. 1251-1256.
- T. Qi, W. Su, and J. Chen, "Tracking performance for output feedback control under quantization constraints", Proc. 30th Chinese Control Conference, Yantai, China, July 2011, pp. 6419-6424.
- T. Qi, W. Su, J. Chen, and M. Fu, "Optimal tracking design of an MIMO linear system with quantization eects", Proc. 18th IFAC Congress, Milan, Italy, August 2011, pp. 3268-3273.
- W. Su and J. Chen, "Minimum capacity in stabilizing an LTI system with quantized control inputs via output feedback", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, PRC, June 2012, pp. 259-264.
- F. Vargas, E. Silva, and J. Chen, "Stabilization of TITO systems over parallel SNR-constrained AWN channels", Proc. 7th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, vol. 7, Part 1, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2012.
- W. Su and J. Chen, "Minimum capacity in stabilizing an LTI system with quantized control inputs via output feedback", Proc. 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Melbourne, Australia, July 2012.
- G. Liu, W. Su, and J. Chen, "Optimal control of linear discrete-time systems with multiplicative noises", Proc. 31st Chinese Control Conference, Hehui, China, July 2012.
- F. Vargas, J. Chen, and E. Silva, "Necessary and sucient conditions for mean square stabilization over MIMO SNR-constrained channels", Proc. 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Mauii, Hawaii, December 2012.
- T. Qi, L. Qiu, and J. Chen, "Multi-agent consensus under delayed feedback: fundamental constraint on graph and fundamental bound on delay", Proc. 2013 American Control Conf., Washington, DC, USA, June 2013, pp. 952-957.
- J. Zhu, T. Qi, and J. Chen, "Small-gain stability conditions for linear systems with timevarying delays", Proc. 2013 American Control Conf., Washington, DC, USA, June 2013, pp. 1757-1762.
- T. Qi, L. Qiu, and J. Chen, "Consensus over directed graph: output feedback and topological constraints", Proc. 9th Asian Control Conf., Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013.
- F. Vargas, E. Silva, and J. Chen, "Explicit conditions for stabilization over noisy channels subject to SNR constraints", Proc. 9th Asian Control Conf., Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013.
- W. Su, J. Chen, M. Fu, and T. Qi, "Optimal control of linear discrete-time systems with quantization eects", Proc. 2014 Chinese Conference on Decision and Control, Changsha, China, May 2014.
- J. Mei, W. Ren, and J. Chen, "Consensus of Second-Order Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems under a Directed Graph", Proc. 2014 American Control Conf., Portland, OR, USA, June 2014.
- H. Zhang and J. Chen, "Bipartite Consensus of General Linear Multi-Agent Systems", Proc. 2014 American Control Conf., Portland, OR, USA, June 2014.
- T. Qi, J. Zhu, and J. Chen, "Fundamental bounds on delay margin: When is a delay system stabilizable?", Proc. 53rd Chinese Control Conf., Nanjing, China, July 2014, pp. 6006- 6013.
- W. Su, J. Chen, M. Fu, and T. Qi, "Optimal regulation of linear discrete-time systems with multiplicative noises", Proc. 2014 Chinese Control Conf., Nanjing, China, July 2014.
- T. Qi, L. Qiu, and J. Chen, "Topological constraints on consensus via delayed output feedback over directed graph", Proc. 2014 Chinese Control Conf., Nanjing, China, July 2014.
- H. Zhang and J. Chen, "Bipartite consensus of linear multi-agent systems over signed digraphs: An output feedback control approach", Proc. 2014 IFAC Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2014.
- S. Fang, H. Ishii, and J. Chen, "Control over additive white Gaussian noise channels: Bodetype integrals, channel blurredness, negentropy rate, and beyond", Proc. 2014 IFAC Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2014.
- W. Su, J. Chen, M. Fu, and T. Qi, "On stabilizability of MIMO systems over parallel noisy channels", Proc. 53rd IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Los Angeles, USA, December 2014.
- J. Mei, W. Ren, J. Chen, and B.D.O Anderson, "Consensus of linear multi-agent systems with fully distributed control gains under a general directed graph", Proc. 53rd IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Los Angeles, USA, December 2014.
- F.J. Vargas, J. Chen, and E. Silva, "On stabilizability of MIMO systems over parallel noisy channels", Proc. 53rd IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Los Angeles, USA, December 2014, pp. 6074-6079.
- Y. Li, J. Chen, E. Tuncel, and W. Su, "Optimal Tracking by LTI controllers over scaled MIMO additive white noise channels", Proc. 10th Asian Control Conf., Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, May 2015.
- T. Qi, J. Chen, W. Su, and M. Fu, "Feedback stabilization of MIMO systems in the presence of stochastic network uncertainties and delays", Proc. 2015 Chinese Control Conf., Hangzhou, China, July 2015, pp. 1605-1612.
- S. Fang, H. Ishii, and J. Chen, "Trade-os in information-limited feedback systems: MIMO Bode-type integrals and power allocation", Proc. 2015 IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, December 2015, pp. 6178-6183.
- T. Qi and J. Chen, "Fundamental bounds for stabilizability of continuous-time systems under stochastic multiplicative uncertainty and delay", Proc. 13th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2016.
- T. Qi, J. Zhu, and J. Chen, "Robust stabilizability of MIMO delay systems: Bounds on delay radii", Proc. 2016 IEEE International Conf. Real-time Computing and Robotics, Angkor Wat, Cambodia, June 2016.
- Z. Li and J. Chen, "Robust consensus of discrete-time linear agents over deterministic uncertain channels", Proc. 12th IEEE Int. Conf. Control and Automation, Kathmandu, Nepal, June 2016.
- Z. Li and J. Chen, "Robust consensus of multi-agent systems with stochastic uncertain channels", Proc. 2016 American Control Conf., Boston, USA, July 2016.
- Ye Jiang, Hongwei Zhang and Jie Chen, "Sign-consensus of linear multi-agent systems over signed graphs using a fully distributed protocol", Proc. 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, USA, December 2016, pp 3537-3541.
- Zhongkui Li and Jie CHEN, "Robust Consensus of Discrete-time Linear Agents over Deterministic Uncertain Channels", Proc. 12TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL AND AUTOMATION (ICCA), Kathmandu, Nepal, June 2016, pp 904-909.
- Zhongkui Li and Jie Chen, "Robust consensus of multi-agent systems with stochastic uncertain channels", Proc. 2016 American Control Conference, Boston, United States, July 2016, pp 3722-3727.
- J. Chen, P. Fu, S-I. Niculescu, C.F. Mendez-Barrios, and H. Zhang, "Stability and instability intervals of polynomially dependent systems: A matrix pencil analysis", Proc. 2017 American Control Conf, Seattle, USA, May 2017.
- Y. Chen, A. Zulqar, D. Ma, Y. Shi, and J. Chen, "On delay margin bounds of discretetime systems", Proc. 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, December 2017, pp. 3751-3756.
- D. Ma and J. Chen, "Delay robustness of low-order systems under PID control", Proc. 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, December 2017, pp. 4333- 4338.
- S. Fang, J. Chen, and H. Ishii, "Fundamental error bounds in state estimation: An informationtheoretic analysis", Proc. 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, December 2017, pp. 357-362.
- S. Fang, J. Chen, and H. Ishii, "Intrinsic limits of power reduction in MIMO networked control systems", Proc. 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, December 2017, pp. 4759-4764.
- Y. Jiang, H. Zhang, and J. Chen, "Sign-consensus of multi-Agent systems over signed graphs with intermittent communications", Proc. 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, December 2017, pp. 5973-5977.
- Y. Jiang, H. Zhang, H. Cai, and J. Chen, "Sign-consensus of multi-agent systems over fast switching signed graphs", Proc. 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, December 2017, pp. 1993-1998.
- R.A. Gonzalez, F.J. Vargas, and J. Chen, "Stabilization of MIMO systems over additive correlated noise channels subject to multiple SNR constraints", Proc. 2018 European Control Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, June 2018.
- A. Johansson, J. Wei, H.S. Sandberg, K.H. Johansson, and J. Chen, "Optimization of the H∞ norm of dynamic ow networks", Proc. 2018 American Control Conference, Milwaukee, USA, June 2018.
- A. Martnez-Gonzlez, C.F. Mendez-Barrios, S.-I. Niculescu, J. Chen, "Some remarks on the asymptotic behavior for quasipolynomials with two delays", Proc. 14th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, Budapest, Hungary, June 2018.
- D. Ma, J.Q. Chen, A. Liu, J. Chen, and S.-I. Niculescu, "Lower bounds on delay margin of second-order unstable systems", Proc. 14th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, Budapest, Hungary, June 2018.
- J.Q. Chen, S. He, and J. Chen, "Mean-square stability conditions for linear systems with random delays", Proc. 13th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Changsha, China, July 2018.
- A. Martnez-Gonzlez, C.F. Mendez-Barrios, S.-I. Niculescu, J. Chen, and J.G. Romero, "Insights in characterizing asymptotic behavior for quasipolynomials with two delays", Proc. 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Hong Kong, China, July 2018.
- S. Fang, J. Chen, and H. Ishii, "Fundamental limitations of feedback and networked feedback systems: An information-theoretic analysis", Proc. 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Hong Kong, China, July 2018.