Transportation from the airport to the hotel on 12 Dec 2006
When arrive, please look for our staffs with the FPT06 sign post waiting on arrival (2nd) floor. They can guide you to FPT06 service area at the airport.
Morning transportation service begins at 6.00, and then every 30 minutes until noon.
Afternoon transportation service is from12.00, and then every 45 minutes until 18.00.
Please note that there will be 400 Baht charge for this service. For participants who arrive before or after this service range (6:00-18:00), you can use public transportation, taxi or limousine those are available 24hrs. Please contact the airport information for more details.
Room reservation (if you already registered and want to come back for the room)
Early Registration/Hotel deadline: 10 November 2006
Author Registration deadline: 4 September 2006
Camera-ready papers due: 31 August 2006
Closing the Gap between FPGAs and ASICs Prof. Jonathan Rose, Chair ECE Department of Toronto University and a world-leading researcher in Field-Programmable Technology
FPGAs deliver the key technology of our time, nano-scale electronics, to more people in more different ways than ASICs will ever be able to do - provided that you count by number of designs created..... (read more)
Applications of programmable logic in modern particle physics experiments Prof. Geoff Hall, Physics Department of Imperial College on FPGAs in Particle Physics Experiments at CERN
The newest generation of particle physics experiments is in the final stages of construction in CERN, Geneva in preparation for data taking at a new accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which will be the world’s highest energy machine... (read more)