Oral Presentation
Each oral presentation of a full paper is given 30 minutes, inclusive of time for Q&A. As a courtesy for other speakers and the audience, we urge presenters to keep within this time limit. Speakers must report to their respective session chairs before the session. The list of session chairs will appear in the final program.
We will have a laptop available for presentation purpose. It will be able to support Microsoft Powerpoint (using the default Microsoft Windows fonts) and Adobe Acrobat. If you use special fonts, we suggest you consider using the latter with all fonts embedded. The easiest way to do things is to bring your presentation on a thumb drive (or a CD). Before your session begins, a student assistant will help you load your presentation onto the laptop. We discourage the use of your own laptop because of the time it takes to make the switch-over plus possible technical glitches that may arise.
We also strongly recommend that you email us your slides as an emergency backup. Please send it to the icfpt@icfpt2006.org.
Poster Presentation
If you are presenting a poster, you have a display board (120cm x 75cm) to put up your poster. Posters should be put up prior to the respective poster sessions and taken down after the session . Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient boards for all posters. So the latter is necessary to allow the next person to put up his posters. A student assistant will be at hand to help. We will supply pins and tapes for the mounting purpose.