Year 2016 |
Title: |
北京邮电大学访问香港城市大学 |
Date: |
12th December, 2016 |
Time: |
11:15 am - 12:30 pm |
List of Delegation: |
Prof. Xiangming WEN |
Vice President |
Chunxia REN |
Director, Senior Engineer
International Office
Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan Affairs Office |
Prof. Shaozhang NIU |
School of Computer Science |
Ya-nan SHENG |
Vice Director
Academic Affairs Office |
Prof. Gang LI |
School of Marxism |
Prof. Ming FANG |
Depury Director, Innovation Base of Teaching Center for Foundational Technology Experiment
Director, Experiment of Computer School |
Prof. Yunxiao ZU |
School of Electronic Engineering |
Photos: |
Title: |
Visit from National Cheng Kung University |
Date: |
6th December, 2016 |
Time: |
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |
List of Delegation: |
Prof Woei-Shyan LEE |
Distnguished Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dean, College of Engineering |
Prof Jyh-Ming TING |
Distinguished Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Associate Dean, College of Engineering
President, Taiwan Association for coating and Thin Film Technology |
Prof Te-Lu LIAO |
Distinguished Professor, Department of Engineering Science
Associate Dean, College of Engineering |
Prof Heiu-Jou SHAW |
Professor, Department of System and Naval Mechatronic Engineering |
Prof Tsorng-Juu (Peter) Liang |
Distinguished Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering
Vice Dean, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
Photos: |
Title: |
Visit from Fujikon Industrial Co, Ltd. |
Date: |
2nd December, 2016 |
Time: |
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm |
List of Delegation: |
Mr Johnny YEUNG |
Chairman |
Mr Tom LI |
Executive Vice President (Business Development) |
Dr Vincent LAM |
Senior Vice President (R & D) |
Mr Dennis CHAN |
Senior Electronic Engineering Manager |
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Title: |
國立交通大學拜訪 |
Date: |
1st December, 2016 |
Time: |
10:00 am - 11:30 am |
Delegation: |
Photos: |
Title: |
Visit from Ten Pao Group Holdings Ltd. |
Date: |
30th November, 2016 |
Time: |
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |
List of Delegation: |
Mr Sam Wang |
General Manager, Group R&D Centre |
Mr Chongjun-yan |
Techincal Manager, Research Institude |
Mr Superya Zhu |
Dr, Professor, Senior Engineer, Director of Research Institude, Research Institude |
Photos: |
Title: |
Visit from Innovation and Technology Commission |
Date: |
24th November, 2016 |
Time: |
4:00 pm - 4:25 pm |
List of Delegation: |
Ms Annie CHOI |
Commissioner for Innovation and Technology |
Ms Zorina WAN |
Assistant Commissioner (Policy and Development) |
Mr Carlton MAN |
Manager (Policy and Development) |
Photos: |
Title: |
中國科協代表團與京港學術交流中心拜訪 |
Date: |
20th October, 2016 |
Time: |
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm |
List of Delegation: |
葉永烜 院士 |
中央研究院院士 |
台灣聯合大學系統副校長 |
陳宇 教授 |
中國科協代表團 |
中國科學技術大學教授中科院量子物理與量子資訊卓越創新中心 |
陳劍 先生 |
中國科協代表團 |
中國科協國際聯絡部副部長 |
仇志偉 先生 |
中國科協代表團 |
中國科協國際聯絡部港澳臺交流處項目主管 |
鄒重華 博士 |
京港學術交流中心 |
學術與培訓部主管 |
鍾小姐 |
京港學術交流中心 |
Photos: |
Title: |
香港中国企业协会资讯科技行业委员会代表团 |
Date: |
23th August, 2016 |
Time: |
11:00 am - 11:40 am |
List of Delegation: |
丁强先生 |
中国联通国际有限公司、CEIT秘书长兼常务董事 |
执行副总裁 |
郭黎明先生 |
中兴通讯(香港)有限公司 |
总经理 |
李金鹏先生 |
中国通讯服务香港有限公司 |
业务发展部副经理 |
孙沫女士 |
中交通信(香港)有限公司 |
综合业务部总经理 |
张元熹先生 |
中国铁通香港有限公司 |
综合部总经理 |
许莎莎女士 |
中国铁通香港有限公司 |
高级经理 |
何泉先生 |
中国工商银行(亚洲)有限公司 |
科技部副总经理 |
汤超先生 |
中国工商银行(亚洲)有限公司 |
高级主任 |
宾再君先生 |
中国邮政香港有限公司 |
集邮业务总监 |
Mr Tony Wong |
香港华为国际有限公司 |
Marketing Manager |
Mr Keith Wong |
香港华为国际有限公司 |
Senior Solution Manager |
Ms Kathy Ng |
香港华为国际有限公司 |
Senior Sales Manager |
Mr Stephen Chan |
H3C Technologies |
Sales Manager |
孔坚先生 |
用友软件(香港)有限公司 |
高级业务拓展总监 |
董嘉扬女士 |
信和集团 |
中国区总经理 |
贺诗雯女士 |
信和集团 |
张莉女士 |
中国移动国际有限公司 |
中资企业客户部主管 |
嘉宾 |
中国移动国际有限公司 |
嘉宾 |
中联办 |
程婷婷 |
中国联通国际有限公司 |
经理 |
Photos: |
Title: |
Visit from Imperial College Alumni Association of Hong Kong (ICAAHK) |
Date: |
22th August, 2016 |
Time: |
10:00 am - 11:00 am |
Delegation: |
Imperial College Alumni Association of Hong Kong (ICAAHK)
Photos: |
Title: |
北京市科委 龙华东副处长一行 |
Date: |
4th August, 2016 |
Time: |
4:35 pm - 5:20 pm |
List of Delegation: |
北京市科委科宣处副处长 |
龙华东 |
北京市国际科学技术合作协会秘书长 |
王彤彦 |
北京市国际科学技术合作协会对外合作部长 |
刘睿 |
北京市科委人才交流中心主任助理 |
黄峥 |
北京市科委人才交流中心研发部长 |
张蕊 |
京泰集团资产运营部负责人 |
王知林 |
京泰国际商务中心市场发展部经理 |
马秀莉 |
北京人才工作领导小组香港人才联络处主任助理 |
马云飞 |
Photos: |
Title: |
Orientation for Council Members of CityU |
Date: |
15th July, 2016 |
Time: |
3:15 pm – 3:45 pm |
List of Delegation: |
Ms Halina POON Suk-han 潘淑嫻 |
Principal |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School |
Ms XU Qian 徐茜 |
Elected Postgraduate Student Member |
Student of Doctor of Juridical Science |
Photos: |
Title: |
Visit From the panel of 5-Year Review of Academic Excellence for EE |
Date: |
2nd June, 2016 |
Time: |
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm |
List of Delegation: |
Chair |
Professor Robin Evans
Laureate Professor
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The University of Melbourne |
Members |
Professor Connie Chang Hasnain
Associate Dean for Strategic Alliances,College of Engineering
Chair, Nanoscale Science and Engineering Graduate Group John R.Whinnery Distinguished Chair Professor
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department University of California, Berkeley |
Professor Inderjit S. Dhillon
Gottesman Family Centennial Professor
Director, Center for Big Data Analytics
Department of Computer Science
University of Texas at Austin |
Photos: |
Title: |
The Hong Kong Real Property Federation’s Visit to CityU |
Date: |
4th May, 2016 |
Time: |
11:00 am – 11:45 am |
List of Delegation: |
榮譽顧問 |
Sr. K.K. Chan BBS, JP |
建造業議會主席 |
會長 |
Mr. Anthony Chan MH, JP |
澳娛中國集團有限公司董事總經理 |
執行委員會主席 |
Dr. W. M. Woo BBS |
迪奧國際建業有限公司董事長 |
監事長 |
Mr. Richard Ho |
德勤關黃陳方會計師行審計服務合夥人 |
第一副監事長 |
Dr. Y. Shum |
溢盈國際集團有限公司執行董事 |
副會長兼泛珠三角分域主席 |
Mr. C. H. Wong |
萊蒙國際集團有限公司董事長, 主席兼聯席行政總裁 |
義務秘書長 |
Mr. David Lee |
協成發有限公司董事 |
副會長兼華北分域主席 |
Mr. C. K. Fung |
馮志堅顧問有限公司董事長 |
副會長兼台灣分域主席 |
Mr. Stephen Yuen MH |
滙貫•南豐投資管理有限公司主席 |
副會長兼海外分域主席 |
Mr. Tim Lo |
合富輝煌集團控股有限公司執行董事 |
副會長兼房地產融資主席 |
Ms Sharon Law CFA |
世邦魏理仕資本顧問 (CBRE Capital Advisors) 亞太區資深董事 |
副會長兼青俊委員會主席 |
Mr. Victor Sung |
羅迅測計師行助理董事 |
副會長 |
Dr. Simon Siu |
光弘集團有限公司董事 |
Mr. Checkley Sin |
國藝娛樂文化集團有限公司主席 |
Mr. Kyran Sze |
建時地產有限公司主席 |
Mr. Stephen Kuok |
其士國際集團有限公司聯席主席兼董事總經理 |
Mr. William Chow (友人 Mr. Willin Chan) |
國際專業管理研究中心董事長 |
Mr. T. S. Ho |
邦德置業有限公司董事總經理 |
Mr. Johnman Zhang |
中國投資開發有限公司行政總裁 |
監事 |
Mr. Alfred Cai |
惠記集團有限公司高級顧問 |
會員 |
Ms Sandy Chan |
廣宇顧問有限公司董事 |
Mr. Anthony Ip |
新亞文商書院副校長 |
Mr. Solomon Ngan |
怡安保險顧問有限公司總監 |
Mr. Adrian Chau |
順源建築有限公司董事 |
Mr. Eric Chan |
安柏建材有限公司董事 |
Mr. K.K. Wong |
黃波記有限公司董事總經理 |
Ms Alvina Chan |
大中華投資策略研究學會有限公司總幹事 |
Mr. James Chan |
卓劃專業有限公司董事 |
Mr. Freedom Wong |
百寶倉器材有限公司董事 |
Ms Dorothy Lam |
香港房地產協會行政秘書 |
Photos: |
Title: |
Visit From Professor Chang Chun-Yen |
Date: |
3rd May, 2016 |
Time: |
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm |
Delegation: |
Professor Chang Chun-Yen,
National Endowed Chair Professor;
President Emeritus, National Chiao Tung University
Photos: |
Title: |
Visit From Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR |
Date: |
3rd May, 2016 |
Time: |
11:50 am – 12:20 pm |
Delegation: |
Mr Nicholas Yang Wei-hsiung, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR
Photos: |
Title: |
Visit From Kyushu University |
Date: |
9th March, 2016 |
Time: |
3:30 pm - 4:15 pm |
Delegation: |
Students from Agriculture Programme
Photos: |
Title: |
Orientation for Council Members of CityU |
Date: |
4th February, 2016 |
Time: |
3:15 pm - 4:00 pm |
Delegation: |
Dr Peter HO Ka-nam 何稼楠 Managing Director
Techworld Industries Ltd
Mr Thomas CHEUNG Tsun-yung 張俊勇 Chairman
China Growth Group Limited
Photos: |
Title: |
1st meeting of City University of Hong Kong State Key Laboratory of Terahertz and Millimeter Waves and ZTE |
Date: |
3rd February, 2016 |
Time: |
10:00 am - 12:30 pm |
Delegation: |
ZTE Corporation, ZTE (H.K.) Limited, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation
List of Delegation: |
中興通訊股份有限公司 (ZTE Corporation)
李儒岳 , 無綫產品經營部 無線研究院 算法部 無綫技術預研總監 (Yu-Ngok Ruyue Li, Technical Director-Advanced Research, Wireless Product R7D Institute-Algorithm Dept.)
中興通訊(香港) 有限公司 ZTE (H.K.) Limited
李建長 (市場&運營總監) Kent Lee, Marketing & Operation Director
香港科技園公司 Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation
楊柏能, 資訊及通訊科技群組經理 Katson Yeung (Manager, Information & Communications Technology Cluster)
Photos: |
Title: |
Visit from Macao Polytechnic Institute |
Date: |
20th January, 2016 |
Time: |
10:30 am - 12:00 noon |
Delegation: |
Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI)
List of Delegation: |
Rd. Chan Wai Cheong – Secretary General of MPI
Prof. Marcus Im – Director of School of Public Administration
Dr. Vivian Lei – Director of Academic Affairs Department of MPI
Dr. Kei We – Associate Professor of Computing
Prof. Wang LiLi – SKL of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, Beihang University (Academic Partner of MPI)
Photos: |
Title: |
广州生产力促进中心访问香港城市大学 |
Date: |
15th January, 2016 |
Time: |
3:00 pm - 3:45 pm |
Delegation: |
Photos: |
Title: |
Visit from University of Macau |
Date: |
8th January, 2016 |
Time: |
11:00 am - 12:00 noon |
Delegation: |
University of Macau
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