• B.ENG.(Hons) (1988), Ph.D. (1991), University of Melbourne, Australia
  • IEEE Fellow (2006), IE Aust Fellow (2009), Chang Jiang Scholars Chair Professor (2009)


  • Associate Vice-President (Innovation), Director of CityU Academy of Innovation, and Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering, since 1/9/2023
  • Associate Vice-President (Innovation) and Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering, since 1/6/2023
  • Associate Vice-President (Strategic Research) and Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering, 21/2/2021–31/5/2023
  • Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong (CityU), since 21/10/2019


  • Chair Professor of Electronic Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) — 5/2005—10/2019 [Joined PolyU 1991] 
  • Member, University Council, PolyU — 2013-2015
  • Trustee, Board of Trustees, PolyU — 2013-2015 
  • Member, College Council, HKCC-PolyU — 2013-2015 
  • Head, Dept. of Electronic and Information Engineering, PolyU — 8/2005-12/2012 
  • Chairman/Member, various University’s Task Forces (described below)
  • Chairman, President’s Policy Issues Consultative Committee — 2007-2009
  • Chairman, Catering Committee — 2018–2019
  • Chairman, Grievance Committee — 2016-2019
  • Chairman, Culture Promotion Committee — 2010-2019
  • Chairman, Committee on General University Requirement — 2010-2013
  • Chairman, University Complementary Programme Committee — 2012-2015
  • Member, University Staffing Committee (Promotion & Appointment of Chair Professors) — 2016-2019
  • Member, University Level’s Research Committee, Knowledge Transfer Committee, Information Technology Services Steering Committee, Teaching & Learning Committee, AND Various Search Committees and Appointment Committees 



  • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II — 2016-2019
  • IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine — 2012-2015
  • IEICE Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications Japan — 2016-Present
  • IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Newsletter — 2007-Present

Deputy Editor-In-Chief

  • IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine — 2010-2011


  • International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications — 2012-2019

Member of Editorial Board

  • International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos — 2009-Present
  • IEEE Proceedings — 2021-2022

Associate Editor

  • IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics — 2014-Present 
  • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I — 1999—2001; 2007-2009
  • International Journal of Systems Science (UK based) — 2003-2012
  • IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics — 1998-Present

Guest Editor/Associate Editor

  • IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems — 2023
  • IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems — 2021
  • IET Power Electronics — 2018
  • IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification — 2015
  • IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics — 2014, 2009
  • IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics — 2013
  • IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine — 2010
  • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I — 2003
  • Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing — 2003
  • IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics and Communications — 2003-2007



  • Fellow, IEEE — 2006 [Citation: For contribution to power electronics circuits and applications]
  • Fellow, IE Australia — 2009

Research Awards

  • IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Associate Editor Excellence Award 2023
  • IEEE Charles A. Desoer Technical Achievement Award 2022
  • IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Best Paper (1st Place) Award 2022
  • IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Best Paper (2nd Place) Award 2021
  • Distinguished Service Award, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2020
  • IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Best Paper (2nd Place) Award 2017
  • IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Best Paper (2nd Place) Award 2015
  • Best Paper Award, RISP Journal of Signal Processing, Japan, 2014
  • Best Paper Award, International Conference on Communications Circuits and Systems 2008
  • Best Paper Award, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 2003
  • IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Best Paper Award 2001

Invention Awards

  • Gold Medal with Jury’s Congratulations (Or au Felicitations du Jury), 49th Int. Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, Switzerland 2024
  • IFIA Best Invention Medal and Gold Medal with Jury’s Congratulations, Asia Exhibition of Innovations and Inventions 2023
  • Grand Prize and Gold Medal with Jury’s Congratulations, Silicon Valley International Invention Festival 2019
  • Outstanding Product Award, China Hi-Tech Fair 2016
  • Silver Medal, International Invention Innovation Competition (iCAN), Canada 2016
  • Gold Medal, International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, Switzerland 2013
  • Gold Medal with Jury’s Congratulations, Int. Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, Switzerland 2009 

Distinguished Appointments

  • IEEE Distinguished Lecturer — 2018/19, 2010/11 & 2005/06
  • Distinguished Professor-at-Large Fellow, University of Western Australia, Australia — 2015
  • Gledden Senior Fellow, University of Western Australia, Australia — 2013 
  • Chang Jiang Scholars Chair Professor (長江學者), Ministry of Education China 2009
  • Distinguished International Research Fellow, University of Calgary, Canada — 2007

Honorary Professorship

  • Chang Jiang Scholars Chair Professor, Ministry of Education, China — 2010—2012 
  • Honorary Professor, University of Melbourne, Australia — 2016
  • Honorary Professor, Northeastern University, China — 2012
  • Honorary Professor, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia — 2011-2013)
  • University Consultant Professor, South China University of Technology, China — 2014
  • Adjunct Professor (and Guest Scholar), Sun Yat-sen University, China — 2018 (2020)
  • Adjunct Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology, China — 2013
  • Adjunct Professor, Dalian Nationalities University, China — 2013
  • Advisory Professor, Beijing Jiaotong University, China — 2010
  • Guest Professor, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China — 2009
  • Guest Professor, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China — 2007
  • Guest Professor, Wuhan University, China — 2006
  • Guest Professor, Southwest University, China — 2003

Work Related Awards (by PolyU)


  • Research Grants Achievement Award 2014
  • Faculty Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research (Team Award) 2013
  • Research Grants Achievement Award 2004
  • President's Award for Achievement in Research 2000
  • Faculty Best Researcher Award 2000
  • President's Award for Achievement in Research 1996


  • Best Teacher Award 2000
  • Excellent Teacher Award 1999
  • Excellent Teacher Award 1997


  • Merit Award, Technology Transfer Award 2012
  • Top Institutional Repository Contributor 2009


Government Committees

  • Member, CDC-HKEAA Committee on Design and Applied Technology — 2023-Present
  • Member, Steering Committee on Strategic Development of Information Technology in Education — 2023-present
  • Chairman, Quality Education Fund (QEF) Taskforce on eLearning Ancillary Facilities Programme — 2021-present
  • Member, Advisory Committee on Gifted Education, HKSAR Government — 2021-present
  • Member, Dissemination and Promotion Subcommittee of QEF, HKSAR Government — 2019-Present
  • Member, Enterprise Support Scheme Assessment Panel, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), HKSAR Government — 2017-Present 
  • Member, Innovation and Technology Support Programme Assessment Panel, ITF, HKSAR Government — 2015-Present
  • Member, Quality Education Fund (QEF) Steering Committee, HKSAR Government — 2013-2019
  • Member, Assessment & Monitoring Subcommittee of QEF, HKSAR Government — 2011-2017
  • Member, Assessment Panel, ISF, HKSAR Government — 1997-1999

Grant Panels

  • Member, Engineering Panel, European Research Council — 2023
  • Member, Engineering Panel, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) Joint Research Schemes — 2013-2019 
  • Member, Engineering Panel, National Science Foundation China / HK RGC — 2009-2012
  • Member, Engineering Panel, HK RGC — 2006-2013

IEEE & HKIE Committees (Selected)

  • Vice Chairman, IEEE CASS Fellows Evaluation Committee — 2024
  • Chairman, IEEE CASS Guillemin-Cauer and Darlington Awards Selection Committee — 2023
  • Member, IEEE CASS Mac van Valkenburg Award Selection Committee — 2023
  • Member, IEEE Smart Grid Steering Committee — 2022
  • Member, IEEE CASS President’s Advisory Committee — 2022-2023
  • Chairman, IEEE CASS Vitold Belevitch Award Selection Committee — 2021
  • Member, HKIE Accreditation Committee (Computer Science) — 2020–2021
  • Member, IEEE CAS Society Fellows Evaluation Committee — 2007, 2010, 2019, 2020, 2021
  • Member, IEEE CASS Mac van Valkenburg Award Selection Committee — 2020
  • Chairman, Selection Committee for IEEE CAS Outstanding Young Author Award — 2016–2019
  • Chairman, Steering Committee for IEEE Trans. on Network Science and Engineering — 2016-2020
  • Member, IEEE Fellows Committee — 2016
  • Member, IEEE Awards Committee — 2012-2015
  • Member, IEEE Long-range Strategy Committee — 2007
  • Member, HKIE Accreditation Panels (for Programmes of CityU, HKUST) — 2005-2019 
  • Chairman, IEEE Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits & Systems — 2008

Industry Services (selected)

  • Member, Assessment Panel, Incubation Programme, Hong Kong Science Park — 2017—Present
  • Assessor, Lite-On Technologies Research Fund — 2015—Present
  • Technology Advisor, Hong Kong Association of Critical Components — 2009—Present
  • Advisor, Hong Kong Electronics and Technologies Association — 2008—2010

Company Governance

  • Director, Nano and Advanced Materials Institute (NAMI) — 2021-Present
  • Member, Board of Governors, Hong Kong Sinfonietta — 2015—2021
  • Independent Non-executive Director, KML Technology Group — 2017–Present


Keynote Speaker

  • 57th IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS2024, May 19-23, 2024, Singapore
    • Topic: The Evolving Power Grid Towards a Greener Future
  • 24th Annual Seminar on Power Electronics and Motion Control and the First Jiangsu Power Supply Society Conference, Nanjing, December 15-17, 2023
  • 中國教育部絲綢之路國際產學研用合作會議電氣工程研討會 Ministry of Education China Silk Road International Industry-Academic-Research-Application Collaboration Conference (Electrical Engineering Forum), Xi’an, December 13, 2023
  • 20th Taiwan Power Electronics Symposium and 44th Power Engineering Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, December 1-2, 2023
  • International Conference on Wireless Power Transfer, Waihai, China, October 13-15, 2023
    • Topic: Implementing Negative Inductance
  • International Conference on Clean Energy for Carbon Neutrality (organized by CityU HKICE and French Academy of Sciences), Hong Kong, March 1-7, 2023
    • Talk: Complexity in Grid-Connected Power Electronics and its Impact on Power Grid Development
  • 19th Taiwan Annual Power Electronics Conference and 43rd Taiwan Power Engineering Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, December 1-2, 2022
    • 講題:當代電網在深化電力電子滲透及增加再生能源使用的過程中面臨之挑戰
  • 第三屆電子與通信學術前沿論壇,Harbin, December 18,  2021 
    • 講題:現代電網在電力電子滲透下的研究機遇
  • Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference 2021, Perth, Australia (virtual), September 2021
  • International Conference on Wireless Power Transfer, Nanjing (hybrid), June 2021
  • International Symposium on Computational Intelligence & Industrial Applications, Beijing (hybrid)  November 2020
  • 17th International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, Chongqing (virtual), October 2020
  • International Workshop on Complex-Systems for Future Technologies and Applications, Changsha (virtual), October 2020
  • 5th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering, Beijing (virtual), May 2020.
  • 16th International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, Berlin, Germany, October 2019
  • Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Swarm System Control Theory and Applications & Joint Innovation Workshop on Smart Grid and Energy Conversion, Oct 19-20, at BIT Beijing, 2019
  • Annual ShanghaiTech Symposium on Information Science and Technology, Shanghai, July 2019
  • 15th International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, Nanjing, October 2018
  • 第14屆全國複雜網絡學術會議 (CCCN 2018), Chongqing, China, October 2018
    • 講題:「有理」、「無理」的級聯故障分析
  • 第14屆中國網絡科學論壇 (CNetSci 2018), Nanjing, China, May 2018
    • 講題:解數據、構網絡、審時度勢
  • 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid (IGBSG 2018), Yilan, Taiwan, April 2018
  • 14th International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, Qatar, December 2o17
  • IET Symposium on Engineering and Operation Excellence through Technology Innovation, Hong Kong, Officiated by Secretary for Development of HKSAR Government, May 2017
  • Symposium on Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (SPEED), Nanjing, China, April 2016
  • 12th International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, Perth, October 2o15
  • 中國電機工程學會直流輸電及電力電子專業委員會學術年會, Wuhan, China, October 2014
  • Symposium on Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (SPEED), Wuhan, China, April 2014
  • Infineon Power Symposium, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks, June 2013
  • International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, Dresden, Germany, June 2010
  • 第5屆全國複雜網絡學術會議 (CCCN 2009), Qingdao, China, October 2009
    • 講題:複雜網絡的靡靡之音
  • International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, Budapest, Hungary, Sept 2008
  • 17th China Power Supply Conference, Hefei, October 2007
  • 20th China Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Guangzhou, June 2007
  • International Conference on Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics 2007, Hawaii, September 2007
  • IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Hong Kong, December 2005

Distinguished Lecture, Tutorial & Workshop Speaker

  • IEEE Distinguished Lecture, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Tainan Chapter, October 4, 2023
    • Modern power grid in the midst of power electronics penetration and increasing use of renewable sources
  • HKTech Forum on Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Environment, CityU, October 2022 
  • Distinguished Lecture Series on Electronics and Photonics, HKIAS, CityU, April 2022
  • Invited Overview Lecture, IEEE ISCAS 2020, Seville, Spain, October 2020
  • Short Course on Wireless Power Transfer, IEEE PES/PELS Beijing Chapter, December 2018
  • Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE International Elite School, Taipei, June 2018
  • IEEE International Future Energy Challenge Workshop, Taipei, July 2016
  • IEEE Power Electronics and Applications Conference and Exposition, Shanghai, November 2014
  • Asia Pacific Workshop on Chaos Control and Synchronization, Harbin, August 2007
  • European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Cork, Ireland, September 2005
  • IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems, Bangkok, May 2003

Visiting and Attachment Posts (China omitted)

  • Visiting Fellow, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany — 2017 
  • Key Technology Partnership Fellow, University of Technology Sydney, Australia — 2017
  • Distinguished Professor-at-Large Fellow, University of Western Australia, Australia — 2015
  • Gledden Senior Fellow, University of Western Australia, Australia — 2013
  • Distinguished International Research Fellow, University of Calgary, Canada — 2007
  • Sabbatical Visitor (2013-2014)
    • KAIST, Korea; National Taiwn University of Science and Technology, Taiwan;
    • University of California at Los Angeles, USA; University of Sydney, Australia;
    • Various Chinese universities
  • Sabbatical Visitor (2002-2003) 
    • University of Western Australia, Australia; RMIT University, Australia;
    • University of California at Berkeley, USA; Tokushima University, Japan; 
    • Meiji University, Japan; Various Chinese universities
  • Visiting Fellow, Artesyn Technologies Ltd, Hong Kong (Jun-Aug 1998)

Key Conference Chairs

  • Technical Program Co-Chair, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2020, Seville, Spain, May 17-20, 2020 (Virtual mode October 10-13, 2020)
  • Technical Program Co-Chair, IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition 2018, Shenzhen, China, November 4-7, 2018.
  • Honorary Chair, International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, Chongqing, China, October 19-21, 2018
  • Chair, International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications, Chongqing, China, October 12-13, 2018 
  • Vice Chair, International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications 2009—2017 
  • Technical Program Chair, IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia Conference, Melbourne, Australia 2016.
  • Vice Chair, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, Hong Kong 2015
  • Honorary Technical Program Chair and International Steering Committee Member, International Future Energy Electronics Conference, Taipei 2015.
  • Vice Chair, 11th Chinese Conference on Complex Networks, Beijing 2015
  • Technical Program Co-Chair, International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition, Shanghai  2014.
  • Technical Program Co-Chair, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications 2011, Kobe, Japan 2011
  • Technical Chair, IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2010
  • Vice Chair, Sixth Chinese National Conference on Complex Networks, Suzhou 2010 
  • Technical Program Chair, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications 2009
  • Vice Chair, Fourth Chinese National Conference on Complex Networks, Beijing 2008
  • Technical Track Chair (Nonlinear Circuits), European Conference on Circuit Theory & Design 2007
  • Co-Chair, International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, Guilin, China, 2007
  • Co-Chair, China Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2007
  • Technical Track Chair, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2006
  • Technical Track Chair, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technologies 2005
  • Technical Program Chair, International Workshop on Complex Networks and Systems 2005