Foundation Dinner 2023

231105-3 foundationDinner

Both fun and honored to have accompanied the new President in the Foundation Dinner held on November 4, 2023. Like everyone else, I was amazed by the new President's extraordinary singing skills, especially with challenging songs like "Can’t Help Falling in Love" and "My Way.” I am sure we will hear him sing again soon!

Banquet in Honour of Professor Way Kuo’s Presidency 2023

An absolute honour to be invited to accompany Prof Kuo as he sang for the 300+ guests in his farewell banquet held on May 4, 2023 at the Grand Ball Room of Kerry Hotel. I believe his choice of the classic song “Fairy Tale 傳說” would hold a special significance for him personally, and I can’t help but wonder if his other selection “天涯海角” subtly reflected the university motto “beyond boundaries” which he tirelessly advocated over the past decade.

EE Dinner Performance 2023

It was quite a challenge to accompany all teams in the singing contest at the EE annual dinner. I was on keyboard, and worked with two talented guitarists. Thanks to the innovative performance of all the contestants, we had great fun during the rehearsals and managed to keep our fans happy in the performance. The short footage on the right was extracted from the performance of a supertalented EE professor with whom I had the privilege to accompany.

Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition 2022

The Sam Yu Society Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition was finally held in September 16-18, 2022 at the Central Library this year after repeated rescheduling due to the covid pandemic. Amateurish though, I did two 6-feet regular script (楷書), a running script (行書) and another official script (隸書) for the exhibition. 


地點:銅鑼灣 中央圖書館展覽廳

Click here to download the exhibition brochure


CityU-Learning Classroom (淺談蝴蝶效應 in Cantonese)

During the COVID intermittent work-from-home period, I delivered a repackaged lecture on "Butterfly Effects" as part of CityU Learning Classroom which was targeted for secondary school students. Apparently the term “Butterfly Effects” rang a bell to the school kids, and enrolment was overwhelming. Eventually everyone was admitted and the number exceeded the expected limit. 

2021年3月,疫情期間,復課遙遙無期,城大舉辦了線上課堂 (CityU-Learning Classroom) 給香港中學生。我獲邀為該線上課堂做了一場科普講座,題為「差之毫釐,謬以千里— 淺談蝴蝶效應」。沒猜到「蝴蝶效應」極受學生歡迎,報名非常踴躍,線上參與的學生人數超出預期上限。

Click to see YouTube recording


Leapfrog: A Terminal Game for My Students 送給學生的懷舊螢幕電腦遊戲  

On the 30th Anniversary of my quitting the 4-year long PT programer job in Australia back in 1990, I decided to write a little old-fashion terminal game during a weekend in the COVID no-travel time for my students who had never seen this kind of dumb terminal games before! The game was written in C++, and the source can be downloaded here. See Makefile and README to compile the game. Macbook Pro (Intel) users can probably run the executable directlty.
在零外遊的日子裡,回憶30年前在墨爾本的 bloodstock 數據中心編寫互動程式的輝煌紀錄,週末在家決定編寫一個 dumb terminal game 來懷緬一下。 歡迎學生下載遊戲的 C++程式,自行 compile,作課餘消遣。 Unix/Linux 用家可參考 Makefile 檔案編譯遊戲程式,Macbook Pro (Intel) 的用家亦可直接行使預先編譯的 executable。


Reader’s Theatre “Inherit the Wind

I was lucky enough to be a cast member sharing the stage with King Sir and Mr Ngai Ping-long in the reader's theatre "Inherit the Wind”. This was my first theatre performance, and a rare chance to experience acting and the fun of being on stage, and at the same time to reflect on the many questions about life brought up by this thought-evoking play.

難得有機會在演讀劇場「承受清風」中飾演兩個小配角,與偶像King Sir 和倪秉郎先生同台演出。在享受演讀的樂趣之餘,也乘機從所飾演的角色中細味人生和反思劇本帶出的意義,體會到人雖然擁有與生俱來的思考自由,但往往受制於社會傳統觀念,加上自我規範和約束,無法衝破禁錮思想的樊籠。

Hong Kong’s Mosaic History — A General Education Lecture 
「香港生活文化色彩」— 通識教育課程嘉賓講座

Despite our Chinese root, Hong Kong’s lifestyle and culture are incredibly diversified. Evidences of foreign influence are visible from all walks of life. From our cup of milk tea at Cha Chaan Ting to the indispensable Japanese rice cooker that we use everyday, Hong Kong people’s life has been deeply influenced by the Russian, English, French, Italian, Japanese and recently Korean.  In this lecture I took students through a "time-lapse” tour of our cultural history. 


Talk Show with Celebrated Lyricist Cheng Kok-Kong 

🙏 Heartfelt thanks to Mr Cheng Kok-Kong and the PolyU’s Artist-in-Residence programme team for the opportunity to perform and host the artist’s talk show. In 2018, PolyU invited Hong Kong’s celebrated lyricist Mr Cheng Kok-Kong as its Artist-in-Residence. A series of programmes were staged including an exhibition, a workshop and a meet-the-artist session.

2018年,香港著名作詞家鄭國江先生擔任理大駐校藝術家,主持一系列節目,包括個人展覽、填詞課程及座談。 🙏 感謝鄭老師和理大文化推廣處節目製作團隊毋嫌才疏技拙,容我在鄭老師的節目中獻醜!多謝各位觀眾包涵!

Exploration of Xinjiang, Vietnam and Malaysia with Dr Joseph Ting