Year 2017 |
Title: |
Visit from Infineon Technologies China |
Date: |
5th December, 2017 |
Time: |
10:30 am - 11:30 am |
Delegation: |
Ms. Maggie Zhou | Manager of China University Program, Infineon Technologies China |
Dr. Hao Xin | Infineon BD Manager for Power, Infineon Technologies China |
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Title: |
浙江大學訪問香港城市大學 |
Date: |
14th November, 2017 |
Time: |
2:30 pm - 3:15 pm |
Delegation: |
宋永華 | 浙江大學常務副校長 |
吳 贇 | 浙江大學港澳台事務辦公室事務主管 |
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Title: |
中國科學技術部訪問香港城市大學 |
Date: |
5th November, 2017 |
Time: |
10:25 am - 10:50 am |
Delegation: |
黃 衛 | 副部長 |
賀德方 | 政策法規與監督司司長 |
許 倞 | 創新發展司司長 |
葉玉江 | 基礎研究司司長 |
秦 勇 | 高新科技發展及產業化司司長 |
吳學梯 | 資源配置與管理司副司長 |
徐 捷 | 港澳台辦公室副主任 |
吳 程 | 中國科學技術交流中心副主任 |
孫燕榮 | 社會發展科技司綜合與督導處處長 |
許洪彬 | 中國科學技術交流中心台港澳處處長 |
李春景 | 辦公廳秘書處副調研員 |
李 嫣 | 中國科學技術交流中心台港澳處副處長 |
王 濤 | 中國科學技術交流中心項目主管 |
劉志明 | 中央政府駐港聯絡辦教科部副巡視員 |
王 博 | 中央政府駐港聯絡辦教科部 |
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Title: |
中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署來訪香港城市大學 |
Date: |
2nd November, 2017 |
Time: |
3:20 pm - 4:00 pm |
List of Delegations: |
謝鋒特派員 | |
崔瑩主任 | 國際部 |
任紅岩副主任 | 政研室
孫文鵬二秘 | 國際部 |
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Title: |
Stevens Institute of Technology Visit City University of Hong Kong |
Date: |
27th October, 2017 |
Time: |
2:35 pm - 3:15 pm |
List of Delegations: |
Professor Christophe Pierre | Provost |
Professor Jean Zu | Dean, Schaefer School of Engineering and Science |
Professor Jon Wade | Professor, School of Systems and Enterprise |
Mr Paul Easterling | Assistant Provost for Graduate Studies |
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Title: |
Conseillers Du Commerce Exterieur De La France |
Date: |
27th October, 2017 |
Time: |
1:05 pm - 1:50 pm |
Delegation: |
Mr Giraud Rodolphe, Economic Attachem General Consulate, French Government
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Title: |
Visit from Professor Petar Uskokovic, University of Belgrade |
Date: |
20th October, 2017 |
Time: |
10:30 am - 11:00 am |
Delegation: |
Professor Petar Uskokovic, Vice Dean of Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy from Belgrade, University of Belgrade
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Title: |
Visit from Aaron Bobick, Dean of Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis |
Date: |
9th October, 2017 |
Time: |
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm |
Delegation: |
Aaron Bobick, Dean of Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis
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Title: |
中國科學院寧波材料技術與工程研究所訪問香港城市大學 |
Date: |
28th September, 2017 |
Time: |
10:15 am - 11:00 am |
Delegation: |
張瑞麗 | 中科院寧波材料所在委副書記,副所長 |
烏學東 | 中科院寧波材料所研究員 |
戴高樂 | 中科院寧波材料所研究生部主任 |
劉婷婷 | 中科院寧波材料所投資主任 |
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Title: |
浙江科技代表團拜訪香港城市大學 |
Date: |
27th September, 2017 |
Time: |
8:10 am - 8:30 am |
Delegation: |
周國輝 | 浙江省科學技術廳廳長 |
陽作軍 | 杭州市科學技術委員會主任 |
曾肖芃 | 浙江省科學技術廳港澳台科技合作辦公室主任 |
王一琦 | 浙江省對外科學技術交流中心主任 |
夏文莉 | 浙江大學科學技術研究院常務副院長 |
龐保平 | 杭州市臨安區副區長 |
張宇環 | 浙江省科學技術廳港澳台科技合作辦公室主任科員 |
孔堅恆 | 青山湖科技城管委會科技產業發展局科員 |
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Title: |
Visit of Ambassador Kurt W. Tong, Consul General of the United States of America to Hong Kong and Macau |
Date: |
7th September, 2017 |
Time: |
4:15 pm - 5:00 pm |
Delegation: |
Ambassador Kurt W. Tong, Consul General of the United States of America to Hong Kong and Macau
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Title: |
UGC Visit |
Date: |
7th September, 2017 |
Time: |
12:21 pm - 12:36 pm |
List of Delegation: |
Mr Carlson TONG | Chairman of UGC |
Prof Chris BRINK | Emeritus Vice-Chancellor, Newcastle University, UK and Former Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Stellenbosch University, South Africa |
Prof Adrian DIXON | Emeritus Professor of Radiology, University of Cambridge, UK |
Dr KAM Pok-man | Certified Public Accountant , HK |
Mr KWOK Wing-keung | Principal, Carmel Holy Word Secondary School, HK |
Dr Michael MAK Hoi-hung | Medical practitioner, HK |
Sir Howard NEWBY | Immediate Past Vice-Chancellor, University of Liverpool, UK |
Prof Richard SALLER | Vernon R. and Lysbeth Warren Anderson Dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences and the Kleinheinz Family Professor of European Studies , Stanford University, USA |
Prof Wei SHYY | Executive Vice-President and Provost, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK |
Dr Michael SPENCE | Vice-Chancellor and Principal, The University of Sydney, Australia |
Prof Angelina YUEN | Vice President (Institutional Advancement and Partnership), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK |
Dr Richard ARMOUR | Secretary-General |
Mr David LEUNG, Deputy Secretary-General (2) |
Miss Winnie WONG | Deputy Secretary-General(1) |
Ms Kitty CHAN | Assistant Secretary-General (Finance) |
Miss Katherine JUE | Assistant Secretary-General (Development) |
Ms Prudence LI | Assistant Secretary-General (Research)(3) |
Ms Iona SHAM | Assistant Secretary-General (Quality Assurance) |
Mr Kelvin SIU | Assistant Secretary-General (Capital) |
Mrs Lybra LAI | Departmental Secretary |
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Title: |
Visit by Trinity College Dublin, Ireland |
Date: |
6th September, 2017 |
Time: |
13:45 pm - 14:30 pm |
List of Delegation: |
Henry Rice | Professor and Head of the School of Engineering |
Brian Broderick | Professor, School of Engineering |
Deirbhle O'Reilly | Global Officer, School of Engineering |
Quentin Crowley | Assistant Professor, School of Natural Sciences |
Jeremy Piggott | Assistant Professor, School of Natural Sciences |
Niamh Burke | International Partnerships Officer |
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Title: |
Visit By INL |
Date: |
1st September, 2017 |
Time: |
5:15 pm - 6:00 pm |
List of Delegation: |
Prof , Dr Lars Montelius | Director General, INL |
Msc Paula Galvão | Chief Officer, Business & Strategic Development |
Prof, Dr, Paulo Ferreira | Head of Department of Advanced Electron Microscopy Imaging and Spectroscopy |
Prof, Dr, Lorenzo Pastrana | Head of Department of Life Sciences |
Dr Manuel Banobre-Lopez | Group Leader of the Diagnostic Tools and Methods Group, Life Science Department |
Dr Joao Gaspar | Head of the Micro and Nanofabrication Department |
Dr Ricardo Ferreira | Group Leader of the Spintronics Group, Nanoelectronics Department |
Dr Sascha Sadewasser | Group Leader of Spintronics |
Dr Martin Lopez-Garcia | Staff researcher of NanoPhotonics, Photonic Structures and Devices |
Mr Patrik Lundstrom | CEO, Obducat Group |
Mr Bjorn Segerblom | Senior Advisor & member of INL Industrial Advisory Board and Chairman of Obducat Board |
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Title: |
Visit Wong's International (Holdings) Ltd. |
Date: |
10th August, 2017 |
Time: |
3:05 pm – 3:45 pm |
List of Delegation: |
Ms. Ada Wong | Executive Director, Wong's International (Holdings) Ltd. |
Mr. Subbar Poy | AVP of QA, Wong's International (Holdings) Ltd. |
Mr. Tim Cheung | Senior Manager of R&D, Wong's International (Holdings) Ltd. |
Prof Hong Yan | Dean, College of Science and Engineering |
Prof Robert Li | Associate Dean, College of Science and Engineering |
Prof C H Chan | Director, State Key Laboratory of Terahertz and Millimeter Waves |
Ms. Cecilia Tang | Development Manager, Development Office |
Mr. Silas Foo | Manager (External Liaison), Co-operative Education Centre |
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Title: |
Visit from Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm, Germany |
Date: |
14th July, 2017 |
Time: |
4:00 pm – 4:45 pm |
Delegation: |
Professor Michael Braun, President
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Title: |
Visit from Huawei |
Date: |
4th July, 2017 |
Time: |
3:45 pm – 4:45 pm |
Delegation: |
DaYong Wang (王大勇) | Director, Wireless Network Research Dept. |
Ju Liu (刘炬) | Director, Wireless Network Research Planning Dept. |
Long Qin (秦龙) | Expert, Wireless Network RAN Research Dept. |
ZhongMing Qin (秦忠明) | Expert, Wireless Network system Technology Research Dept. |
Wei Zhou (周伟) | Expert, MBB Research Dept. |
Wei Zhou(周玮) | Cooperation Manager, Wireless Network Technology Cooperation Dept. |
Winnie Chow (周泳妍) | Cooperation Manager, Technology Cooperation Dept. |
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Title: |
中國載人空間站工程空間站系統總設計師楊宏先生一行拜訪香港城市大學 |
Date: |
28th June, 2017 |
Time: |
9:45 am - 10:20 am |
Delegation: |
中國載人空間站工程空間站系統總設計師 楊宏
中聯辦教育部副部長 肖家虹
中聯辦教育部副處長 盧金榜
香港專業及資深行政人員協會會長 陳紹雄
香港專業及資深行政人員協會前會長 謝偉銓
香港專業及資深行政人員協會 Brenda Leung |
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Title: |
何梁何利基金会拜訪香港城市大學 |
Date: |
7th June, 2017 |
Time: |
12:00 noon - 12:30 pm |
Delegation: |
朱麗蘭 何梁何利基金評選委員會主任
段瑞春 何梁何利基金評選委員會秘書長
蒙向東 何梁何利基金評選委員會辦公室主任
任小明 何梁何利基金評選委員會秘書
葉水球 中聯辦教科部處長
郭明華 京港學術交流中心副總裁
鄒重華 京港學術交流中心學術與培訓部主管
林麗娟 京港學術交流中心科學與技術部主管 |
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Title: |
Visit from Prof. Frank Chang & Prof. Chun-Yen Chang |
Date: |
22nd May, 2017 |
Time: |
10:15 am to 11:00 pm |
Delegation: |
Prof. Frank Chang Prof. Chun-Yen Chang |
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Title: |
張善政博士訪問香港城市大學 |
Date: |
28th April, 2017 |
Time: |
9:40 am - 10:20 am |
Delegation: |
張善政博士 |
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Title: |
Visit from Santa Laurensia Senior High School |
Date: |
20th March, 2017 |
Time: |
11:30 am - 12:15 pm |
Delegation: |
Santa Laurensia Senior High School
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Title: |
揚州市科學技術局和揚州大學到訪 |
Date: |
22nd February, 2017 |
Time: |
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm |
List of Delegation: |
揚州市科技局 陳星局長 |
揚州市科技局 張煜處長 |
揚州市科技局 朱雷霆處長 |
揚州大學 秦旭處長 |
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Title: |
上海大學訪問香港城市大學 |
Date: |
13th January, 2017 |
Time: |
10:30 am - 11:30 am |
List of Delegation: |
上海大學科技園區總經理 施利毅 |
科技處副處長 朱曉錦 |
科技發展研究院副院長 劉桂華 |
技術轉移中心辦公室主任 趙朋衛 |
上海大學知識轉移產權學院 詹宏海 |
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