
Programme Requirements

Students must complete a total of 30 credit units (CUs) including:

  • At least 24 CUs of technical elective1 courses where at least 6 CUs must be information engineering related courses (denoted by an asterisk * on the list below)
  • At least 12 CUs must be level-6 courses

Industrial Research (IR) Option2
Students must complete a total of 45 credit units (CUs) including:

  • At least 24 CUs of technical elective1 courses where at least 6 CUs must be information engineering related courses (denoted by an asterisk * on the list below)
  • At least 12 CUs must be level-6 courses, excluding EE6691.
  • 15 CUs of EE6691 Applied Research Internship Scheme in Electronic Engineering

Business Management (BM) Option3
Students must complete a total of 45 credit units (CUs) including:

  • At least 24 CUs of technical elective1 courses where at least 6 CUs must be information engineering related courses (denoted by an asterisk * on the list below)
  • At least 12 CUs must be level-6 courses
  • At least 15 CUs but not more than 18 CUs must be Business Management (BM) elective courses (denoted by sign # on the list below)

Note 1: Technical elective courses consist of all EE, CS and MSE elective courses.
Note 2: The award title will be Master of Science in Electronic Information Engineering with Industrial Research
Note 3: The award title will be Master of Science in Electronic Information Engineering with Business Management

Elective Courses Available (3 credit units each, except for EE6680 Dissertation and EE6691 Applied Research Internship Scheme in Electronic Engineering):

The following table shows the electives which are on the curriculum. Whether an elective will be offered in an academic year is subject to be reviewed based on various considerations such as past enrolment record, timetabling constraints, etc.

Course Code Course Title IR Option MSEIE/
BM Option
EE5410 Signal Processing
EE5412 * Telecommunication Networks
EE5415 * Mobile Applications Design and Development
EE5430 Advanced CMOS Technology
EE5434 * Machine Learning for Signal Processing Applications
EE5435 * Advanced Topics in Applied Electromagnetics
EE5436 * Fundamentals and Applications of Photonics
EE5437 * Internet of Things Technologies for Future City Applications
EE5438 * Applied Deep Learning
EE5606 ^ Artificial Intelligence for Antennas in Wireless Communication
EE5805 * Java Network Programming
EE5806 * Topics in Image Processing
EE5808 *  Topics in Computer Graphics
EE5811 * Topics in Computer Vision
EE5815 * Topics in Security Technology
EE6428 Optical Communications
EE6435 * Multi-Dimensional Data Modeling and its Applications
EE6603 * Wireless Communication Technologies
EE6605 * Complex Networks: Modeling, Dynamics and Control
EE6610 * Queueing Theory with Telecommunications Applications
EE6611 Directed Studies for Taught Postgraduate Students
EE6615 * Nanotechnology for Devices and Microsystems
EE6617 * Detection and Estimation- Theory and Applications in Communications
EE6619 * Antenna Design for Wireless Communications
EE6620 * Linear Systems Theory and Design
EE6621 ^ Computational Physiology and Neural Systems
Dissertation (9 CUs)  
EE6690 Internship Scheme in Electronic Industry  
EE6691 @ Applied Research Internship Scheme in Electronic Engineering
SYE6009 # Project Management
SYE6012 # Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship
SYE6015 # Supply Chain Management
SYE6037 # Managing Strategic Quality
SYE6204 VLSI/ULSI process integration
CS5351 * Software Engineering
CS5348 * Software Quality Engineering
EF5010 # Economics for Business
EF5042 # Corporate Finance
EF5052 # Investments
EF5342 # Financial Systems, Markets and Instruments
MSE6814 Reliability Engineering in Electronics Industry
MGT5204 # Organizational Behaviour
MGT5205 # Management and Organizations
MGT5316 # Human Resources Management


* Information Engineering (IE) related course - Students are required to earn at least 6 CUs of IE related courses.
# Business Management (BM) elective course – Students choose Business Management (BM) option are required to earn at least 15 CUs, but not more than 18 CUs from BM elective courses.
@ EE6691 Applied Research Internship Scheme in Electronic Engineering (15 credit units) is for full-time students who opt for Industrial Research (IR) exit route only.
^ New Course subject to approval by College Board

Last Updated : 10  Sep  2024