Professor Henry Shu-hung Chung is currently professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Director of the Centre for Smart Energy Conversion and Utilization Research. He is Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is Editor-in chief of the IEEE Power Electronics Letters from 2014-2018. He was recipient of the CityU President’s Award in 2016 and Teaching Excellence Award in 2018. He was voted for by EE students as outstanding teacher in the Department from 2008 to 2018 consecutively. His research interests include renewable energy conversion technologies, lighting technologies, and smart grid technologies. He has received numerous industrial awards for his invented energy saving technologies.
He was invited to speak on the topic “Application of a Problem-Based-Learning Model in Designing Electronic Engineering Curriculum” on 26 April 2019.
In his talk, Prof Chung discussed how “Problem-Based Learning” (PBL) is applied to a EE signature course – GE1354 “Introduction to Electronic Design” in order to nurture students’ learning motivation and attitude; and to improve students’ ability in learning, and potentials for creative problem solving. These allow students to go beyond factual knowledge and to reach a deeper understanding of the course materials.
After the presentation, many questions were raised in the discussion with additional comments from Henry on the implementation, and comparisons between Problem-Based-Learning Model and Lecture-Based Model. All attending staff found the talk rewarding and understand more about the Problem-Based-Learning teaching model.