Staff Achievements 2017

Prof K M Luk, Chair Professor of EE, has been selected to receive the 2017 IEEE AP-S John Kraus Antenna Award for his invention of “L-shaped Probe Fed Microstrip Antenna and the Magnetoelectric Dipole Antenna for Wireless Communications”. It is one of the highest awards in the antenna field globally and Prof Luk is the first academic from an Asian institution to receive this award.
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (IEEE AP-S) is recognized as the leading Society in antenna field in the world. Established by John D. Kraus, an American physicist known for his contributions to electromagnetics, radio astronomy and antenna theory, this award aims to honor an individual or team that has made a significant advance in antenna technology.
To further advance the frontier of antenna research, “Water Antenna” will be next research focus of Prof Luk. To know more about Prof Luk’s story of researching unconventional yet highly efficient wideband antennas that find applications in modern wireless communications, please have a look of the following news reports.
CityU News Centre:
News reports: Wen Wei Po; Oriental Daily; Hong Kong Commercial Daily
Article by Sing Tao Daily:
Interview by Croucher Foundation:

EE research team, comprising Prof Henry Chung, Dr Ricky Lau and two research students Mr Cheng Chun-sing and Mr Liu Chun-for, has successfully developed a smart real-time battery state and health diagnostics system for testing the state of a battery on a vehicle which proved to significantly reduce diagnosis time from hours to three minutes and save the loss of energy by 90%.
With the support and collaboration of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), the team has successfully obtained Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) to develop the system. The completed work has been tested on government vehicles and data centers of the government, and is now being considered for installing the system on government vehicles to further assess its battery monitoring performance. The system has been granted patent, and was developed into a handy and compact design with its business partner for launching to the market for wider use.
CityU News Centre:
News reports in: Headline Daily, Ming Pao, Sing Tao,Ta Keung Pao, Wen Wei Po
Live TV News:
Video clip: MP4 by CityU and Yahoo 教學研習
Blog of Secretary for Development:

Prof K S Chiang, Dr Jin Wei (Senior Research Assistant), Dr Wu Yunfei (PhD graduate) and Mr Huang Quandong (PhD student), have won the Best Paper Award at Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) 2017. The winning paper is titled “Six-mode multiplexer with cascaded vertical asymmetric waveguide directional couplers”.
ACP is currently the largest conference in Asia-Pacific region on optical communications, photonics, optical sensing and relevant optoelectronic technologies. There were about 300 oral contributed papers submitted to the conference and the named paper is one of the only two papers being selected to receive such award.

CityU fared well in Highly Cited Researchers List for 2017 announced by Clarivate Analytics, formerly the Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters. Seven faculty members from CityU are on the list. Prof Ron Chen is on the list for the fifth year – in Engineering and Mathematics for 2017. He has been put on the Highly Cited Researchers List of respective fields for different years:
Engineering – 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2001
Mathematics – 2017, 2016, 2015
Physics – 2014
Highly Cited Researchers from Clarivate Analytics is an annual list recognizing leading researchers in the sciences and social sciences from around the world. The List of 2017 contains about 3,400 Highly Cited Researchers in 21 fields of the sciences and social sciences. These researchers’ highly cited papers which are indexed in the Web of Science rank in the top 1% by citations in their respective fields over the 11-year period from 2005-2015.

Have you ever imagined a nice ornament at home could function powerfully as an antenna for wireless communications? This first-class research, being one of the masterpieces of Prof Ben Leung Kwok-wa, EE Chair Professor, was publicized earlier and demonstration of which has attracted acclaim from industry, and a comment of "Incredible" by the academic experts in the field. This first-ever invention has also earned Prof Leung the highly prestigious First Class Award (Natural Science) in the 2016 Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) of the Ministry of Education, China.

The research team at Centre for Biosystems, Neuroscience, and Nanotechnology (CBNN), comprising Dr Ziyu Liu (Postdoctoral Fellow), Dr Weiguan Zhang (Postdoctoral Fellow) and Prof Stella Pang (Centre Director), has won the Best Poster Award at the 43rd International Conference on Micro and Nanoengineering (MNE) 2017 for the paper “Migration of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells through Porous Membrane”.
MNE is a major annual conference in micro and nano-engineering and manufacturing. It brings together engineers and scientists from across the world to discuss recent progress and future trends in research, fabrication, and applications of micro and nano devices. There were four Best Poster Awards and the posters were evaluated per topic. The winning team has won the Best Poster Award for the topic “Micro – and Nanotechnology/ Engineering for the Life Sciences and Biology”.

The paper “Sidelobe Suppressed Wideband Array Antenna for 60 GHz Applications”, co-authored by Prof C H Chan (Chair Professor), Dr Ng Kung Bo (Senior Engineer at State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves) and Miss Zhu Qian (PhD student), has been conferred the Outstanding Paper Award at 2017 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Wireless Conference (2017兩岸四地無線電技術研討會 – 優秀論文獎) which was held on 21 -24 July 2017 in Chenzhou, Hunan, China.
CSQRWC held annually aims to strengthen the communication of cross-strait in the field of radio technology and promote cross-strait common development and cooperation in the field of wireless communications.

Prof K W Leung, Prof K M Luk, Prof Quan Xue and Dr Steve Wong were presented awards and certificates for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the field of antennas and propagation in the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation held during 9 – 14 July 2017 in San Diego, USA.
Prof K W Leung – Certificate of recognition and appreciation of valued services and contributions as the Editor-in-Chief in IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation (TAP) from August 2013 to July 2016. TAP is the prestigious and leading international journal in the field of antennas and wave propagation. Prof Leung was the first Chinese Editor-in-Chief and also the first appointed from Asia since the journal was found in 1952.
Prof K M Luk – 2017 IEEE AP-S John Kraus Antenna Award, the highest award in the antenna field globally, for his contributions to the invention of L-shaped Probe Fed Microstrip Antenna and the Magneto-electric Dipole Antenna for Wireless Communications.
Prof Quan Xue – H.A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award 2017 for the paper titled “High Gain and Low Cost Differentially Fed Circularly Polarized Planar Aperture Antenna for Broadband Millimeter-Wave Applications”.
Dr Steve Wong – Certificate of recognition and appreciation for exceptional performance from June 2016 to May 2017 as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation (AWP) Letters. AWP Letters is devoted to the rapid electronic publication of short manuscripts in the technical areas of antennas and wireless propagation.
Founded in 1949, the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society is an international and highly recognized organization active in over 40 countries.
Dr Steve Wong, Assistant Professor of EE, has received the Best Paper Award at Les Journées Nationales Microondes - JNM2017 (National Microwaves Conference 2017) which was held on 16 - 19 May in Saint-Malo, France. The winning paper, co-authored with his collaborators from XLIM, University of Limoges, is titled “The Optical Activation of Phase Change Materials and Demonstration of an Optically-controlled Agile Antenna at Millimeter Waves”.
JNM is a national conference involving 28 major laboratories from France. This year, there were 515 participants and 395 papers presented. Two Best Paper Awards were given by European Microwave Association and Dr Wong is one of the award recipients.
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