Student Achievements 2016

Mr CHEUNG Yiu Chung (ECE, 2015 entering major), who teamed up with students of School of Creative Media, has won the Champion of Disney ImagiNations Hong Kong Design Competition 2016 with the proposal "Monster City University (Draboland)".
The competition aims to encourage students to use their technical, artistic and creative skills to propose concepts for a Disney attraction, resort hotel, restaurant or an entirely new entertainment experience or product. This is a great opportunity for participants to showcase their talent for integrating innovative and globally diverse ideas. This year, about 350 students in 78 teams were attracted to participate in the competition. Being the Champion, the CityU Team has been awarded $25,000 cash prize and an 8-week internship in the US Disneyland.

Mr Lai Chun Tak, ECE graduate in 2016 and now PhD student of EE, has won the Merit Prize of HKEIA Innovation & Technology Project Competition Award 2016. His winning Final Year Project, supervised by Prof Henry Chung, is titled “Smart Charger”.
Jointly organized by The Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association (HKEIA) and Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association Education Foundation (HKEIAEF), the Award is designed to recognize and reward students with outstanding final year projects which demonstrate excellence in technology and innovation.

Dr K F Tsang (Associate Professor), Mr Zhu Hongxu (Research Assistant), Mr Wu Chung Kit and Mr Hung Faan Hei (PhD students), have been awarded Best Session Presentation at 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Society (IEEE-IECON2016) for their co-authored paper “BER Performance Evaluation of Spatial Modulation via Numerical Simulations”.
IECON 2016 is the 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, focusing on industrial and manufacturing theory and applications of electronics, controls, communications, instrumentation and computational intelligence. The objectives of the conference are to provide high quality research and professional interactions for the advancement of science, technology, and fellowship.

Two CE Year-4 students, Mr Fan Hin Wai and Miss Xin Yan, who teamed up with student from Department of Economic and Finance, have been selected to join The Cyberport University Partnership Programme (CUPP) 2016 and have been awarded HK$100K seed fund to develop their FinTech start-up project “TicketChain” (a blockchain ticketing system), which is supervised by Dr Ray Cheung, Associate Professor of EE.
CUPP is a FinTech-focused entrepreneurship programme for local university students to unleash their potential, gain insights into the global market. Awardees will receive a 10-day world-class Entrepreneurship Boot Camp at Stanford University and mentorship in Hong Kong and at Silicon Valley. Selected team will also be given a chance to pitch their FinTech business idea to investor and interview opportunity for Cyberport Incubation Programme .
More details of the successful story can be found at this link.

The paper “Modeling and Experimentation of Loosely-Coupled Coils with Transmitter Having Orthogonally-Placed Windings”, co-authored by Prof Henry Chung (Professor), Dr Leanne Chan (Assistant Professor), Mr Sai Chun TANG (Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School; EE PhD graduate 2000), Mr Chow Po Wa (PhD student), Mr Cheng Chun Sing (MPhil student) and Mr Abdulmecit Gungor (ECE graduate 2015), has been evaluated as 2015 ECCE First Prize Oral Paper Award. This award was presented to the team by The High-Performance and Emerging Technologies Technical Committee of the IEEE Power Electronics Society at the 2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) held at Milwaukee last week.

Mr Wong Chun Kit (ECE, 2014 entering major) has recently won the IET Prizes 2016, which was organized by The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET)
IET’s vision is to inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community, and to support technology innovation to meet the needs of society. The IET Prizes were set up to recognize excellent students who have achieved excellence at selected programmes that falls within the IET’s scope of interest. Being the top student in ECE and actively participated in numerous co-/ extra-curricular activities such as EE Student Ambassador Scheme, Robocon Hong Kong Competition, Overseas Internship Scheme and Student Tutor for the Department, Mr Wong was nominated to compete for the prizes.
Miss XIE Mingying (ECE, 2015 entering major) who teamed up with two CS students has recently received the Second Prize in the 2016 Intel Cup Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest - Embedded System Design Invitational Contest . The supervisor of the team is Dr Tan Chee Wei, Assistant Professor (CS).
The competition, jointly organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Intel, is held every two years, providing an opportunity for students to design a working system based on an assigned Intel embedded platform over a period of three months. This year, the Contest attracted 160 teams from 74 universities in the Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Singapore, India, Mexico, Brazil, and the United States.

Mr LAI Chun Tak (ECE graduate 2016) has recently received the Silver Award in ASM Technology Award 2016. This year, 10 outstanding final-year project teams have been nominated by 5 local universities and compete with each other for the best of the best. The winning project, supervised by Prof Henry Chung, is called “Smart Charger”.
This is the second year the ASM Pacific Technology Limited (ASMPT) organizes the ASM Technology Award. It aims to recognize and reward students with outstanding Final Year Projects demonstrating excellence in technology and innovation.

EE postgraduate students have been awarded 2 prizes in IET Young Professionals Exhibition & Competition (YPEC) 2016 - Postgraduate Session.
- Champion: Mr Cheng Chun Sing (MPhil student) and Mr Liu Chun For (MPhil student), supervised by Prof Henry Chung and Dr Ricky Lau, for the project “Smart Battery Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics System”.
- 2nd Runner-up: Mr Zhu Hongxu (MSc student), supervised by Dr K F Tsang, for the project “An Ultra-fast and Secure Beamforming Scheme For Next Generation Network”.
The theme of YPEC 2016 is “Convergence”, which highlights the converging trend of engineering technologies as well as the art of idea integration and focusing in presentations. YPEC aims to act as a dynamic platform for prospective or young engineers to exhibit their engineering projects in presentations and booths.
PhD student, Mr Wu Yunfei, has received the “Young Scientist Award” at The 21st Optoelectronics and Communications Conference/ International Conference in Photonics in Switching (OECC/PS) 2016. The winning paper, supervised by Prof K S Chiang, is titled “Four-Mode-Selective Photonic Lantern Base on Two-Layer Polymer Waveguide Branches”.
OECC is a leading international conference for researchers and engineers working in the fields of optoelectronics, fiber transmission, and photonic network systems. OECC 2016 was held jointly with Photonics in Switching 2016, offering a great opportunity to seek out and explore a wide variety of R&D topics from basic research to system technologies.
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