Student Achievements 2019

Best Student Paper Prize at the 2019 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference

Mr Ding Chen, PhD student, has won the Best Student Paper Prize at the 2019 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC). The winning paper, supervised by Prof K M Luk and co-authored by Ms Jovi Mok (Scientific Officer) and Dr K F Chan (Engineer, SKLTMW), is titled “Phaseless Far-Field Gain Measurement of Circularly-Polarized Antennas”.

APMC dates back to 1986 in New Delhi, and it is now recognized as one of the premier international conferences of microwave community. The conference covers the entire scope of microwave and millimeter wave engineering, including RF/microwave/THz, antennas & propagation and EMC/EMI. Students who are the principal author and also the presenter are eligible to compete for the Best Student Paper Prize.

Champion in J.P.Morgan Code for Good Challenge 2019

Mr SENTHIL KUMAR, Nikil (CDE, Year-3), who teamed up with students from The University of Hong Kong and University of Science and Technology, has won the Champion in J.P.Morgan Code for Good Challenge 2019. The winning project, a CRM system prototype developed for the NGO - Premier Performances, will further be developed by J.P. Morgan software engineers for commercialization. Mr Senthil Kumar has been seeking advice and coaching from Dr Ray Cheung since he was a Year-1 student and has been motivated and encouraged to excel oneself by taking different challenges like competition.

Organized by J.P.Morgan Chase & Co., the Code for Good Hackathon provided a platform for participants to collaborate with coders from different institutions to develop innovative technology solutions for non-profit organizations. Participants could also get the unique opportunity to meet technologists of the company and learn about starting their tech career.

Winning Second Prize at 16th "Challenge Cup" National College Students’ Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Contest

Mr ZHANG Yiqing (CDE, final year) has been awarded Second Prize at 16th "Challenge Cup" National College Students’ Extra-curricular Academic Science and Technology Contest. The winning project supervised by Dr Alan Lam (Adjunct Professor of EE) is called “Smart Baseball Training System”.

Challenge Cup is a biennial national competition since 1989. The theme this year is “Challenge for Dream, Innovation for Country”. Over the past 30 years, the contest has developed from a small arena for over 300 participants from 19 universities to the “Olympic Games” for more than two million students from over 2,000 universities. It has brought to the public a large number of pieces of original student scientific and technological works, motivated and trained a multitude of outstanding talents in the fields of science, technology, education and economy, promoted the transformation and application of scientific and technological innovation by college students, and enhanced the development of innovation and entrepreneurship education in universities.

Winning Two Prizes at IEEE International Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering-Asia 2019 (ISPCE-CN 2019)

Our PhD students and research staff have been awarded two prizes at IEEE International Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering-Asia 2019 organized in Hong Kong by IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society (PSES). The theme of the symposium is "Product Safety for Smart City" covering various topics such as 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), safety services and applications, etc..

  Paper Competition PPT Competition
Award Second Runner Up First Runner Up
Title Standardized Heart Monitoring Scheme based on Collaborative NB-IoT Structure Safety IoT Healthcare – A Driver Monitoring Scheme with Safety Analysis
Winning Students Liu Yucheng (PhD student)
Wei Yang (PhD student)
Wang Hao (PhD student)
Cheon Hoi Koo (Research Assistant)
Liu Yucheng (PhD student)
Wang Hao (PhD student)
Zhu Hongxu (PhD Student)
Supervisor(s) Dr K F Tsang Dr Y T Chow and Dr K F Tsang
Winning Gold Prize of HKEIA
Winning Gold Prize of HKEIA Innovation & Technology Project Competition Award 2019

Mr Chan Sheung Long (2019 graduate, major in Computer Engineering) has won the Gold Prize of HKEIA Innovation & Technology Project Competition Award 2019. His winning project, supervised by Dr Ricky Lau, is titled “Design and Development of Quadruped Robot”. It’s the 4th time our EE graduates clutched prizes in this competition. There were EE graduates winning the Silver Prize in 2015 and Merit Prizes in 2016 and 2018.

Jointly organized by The Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association (HKEIA) and Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association Education Foundation (HKEIAEF), the Award is designed to recognize and reward students with outstanding final year projects which demonstrate excellence in technology and innovation.

PhD Student Winning Guan Zhao-Zhi Award 2019

Our PhD student, Mr CHEN Jianqi, has won the Guan Zhao-Zhi Award 2019 at the 38th Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2019). The winning paper supervised by Prof Jie Chen, is titled “Exact Computation of Delay Margin by PID Control: It Suffices to Solve a Unimodal Problem!”

The award was established in 1994 to memorize and honor Professor Guan Zhao-Zhi who was an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a world famous mathematician and expert on control theory, and to promote the development of control theory in China. The award is normally limited to no more than two papers. This year, the award is made out of 40 nominations from more than 2400 submissions to CCC 2019. Mr Chen is selected to be the awardee after five rounds of intense evaluations by the Guan Zhao-Zhi Award Committee including a final round competition of oral presentation of the paper.

Highly Acclaimed EE Team
Highly Acclaimed EE Team Honored by IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society

In the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting held during 7 - 12 July 2019 at Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., our faculty members, PhD student and graduates were presented with the most significant international awards and certificates for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the field of antennas and propagation.

  • Prof C H Chan – 2019 IEEE AP-S Harrington-Mittra Computational Electromagnetics Award, an international award to recognize the past technical accomplishments and future potential of an outstanding contributor to the area of Computational Electromagnetics. The citation for this award is “For fundamental contributions to fast solutions of integral equations using FFT with applications to scattering, antennas and interconnect structures in homogeneous and layered medium”. More can be found at CityU NewsCentre.
  • Mr Chen Ding, supervised by Prof K M Luk – 2019 First Prize Student Paper Award for the paper entitled "Wideband Omnidirectional Circularly Polarized Antenna for Millimeter-Wave Applications Using Printed Artificial Anisotropic Polarizer".
  • Dr Steve Wong – Outstanding Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.
  • CityU Team from SKLTMW, Dr K K So (PhD graduate 2005), Dr K F Chan (PhD graduate 2007), Dr Keeson Shum (PhD graduate 2007) and Dr K X Wang (PhD graduate 2019), leading the IEEE AP and MTT Hong Kong Joint Chapter - IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Outstanding Chapter Awards (3rd place).
  • Dr Wei Lin, PhD graduate 2016 supervised by Dr Steve Wong – Raj Mittra Travel Grant Award. The selection is based upon the candidate's potential or demonstrated aptitude for research.

Many EE alumni participated in the conference including Dr Bisharat Diaaaldin J M, a PhD graduate in 2019 and now a Postdoctoral Scholar at University of California San Diego, was there to receive the IEEE AP-S John Kraus Antenna Award (the highest award in the antenna field globally) on behalf of the awardee, Professor Daniel Sievenpiper, his postdoctoral supervisor. 

Founded in 1949, the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society is an international and highly recognized organization active in over 40 countries. It is wonderful that our EE faculty, students and graduates were given the highest honour and extensive recognitions by this prestigious, leading international society. Please join me to congratulate all of them being so strong and distinguished in the named area!

More about the successful stories can be found here.

Winning Two Student Innovation Awards
Winning Two Student Innovation Awards at ICT Awards 2019

Mr Kwong Hau Shing (CDE, Year-3) and Miss Lam Nga Wai (CDE, Year-2), who teamed up with student from Department of Mechanical Engineering, have won the Student Innovation Grand Award and the Student Innovation (Post-Secondary and Undergraduate) Gold Award at the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019. The winning project “Talktag - NFC Audio Labeler for Visually Impaired” was developed through the TEDY (Technologies for the Elderly and Disabled People by Youths) program and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.

The Hong Kong ICT Awards was established in 2006 with the collaborative efforts of the industry, academia and the Government. It aims at recognizing and promoting outstanding information and communications technology (ICT) inventions and applications, thereby encouraging innovation and excellence among Hong Kong's ICT talents and enterprises in their constant pursuit of creative and better solutions to meet business and social needs. There are eight categories under the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019. There is one Grand Award in each category and the CityU team is the champion of the Student Innovation Award. To know more about the winning project and the competition, please check the CityU News.

Winning Two Prizes in the HKIE Hong Kong Electronics Project Competition 2019

Two EE teams have been awarded the Champion and the First Runner-up in the Hong Kong Electronics Project Competition 2019 organized by the Electronics Division of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).


Project Title An AI-based Multi-Leak Identification Scheme for Smart Water Infrastructure
Team Members:

Mr Liu Li (Research Assistant), Mr Liu Yucheng (PhD student),
Miss Wei Yang (Research Assistant), Mr Wu Chung Kit (PhD student)

Supervisor: Dr K F Tsang

First Runner-up

Project Title An Intelligent IoT Aware Anomaly Identification System
Team Members: Mr Liu Li (Research Assistant), Mr Liu Yucheng (PhD student),
Miss Wei Yang (Research Assistant)Mr Zhu Hongxu (PhD student)
Supervisor: Dr Y T Chow and Dr K F Tsang

Hong Kong Electronics Project Competition 2019 – “Innovations for Tomorrow” aims to uplift the awareness and knowledge of IoT technology in Hong Kong and to nurture engineers and students to effectively apply innovative IoT technologies to improve the quality of life.

Winning Most Innovative Award in PwC Data-lympics 2019
Winning Most Innovative Award in PwC Data-lympics 2019

Mr Hui Kam Leung and Mr Sin Bo Chi (INFE, Year-4) under the supervision of Dr Ray Cheung (Associate Professor of EE) who teamed up with two CS students have won the Most Innovative Award in PwC Data-lympics 2019.

Organized by the PricewaterhouseCoopers Hong Kong, the competition is a two-day event that provided an opportunity for university students to demonstrate how data and analytics is used to address business challenges.