Staff Achievements 2024

Prof Rosa Chan Winning CENG Outstanding Teaching Awards 2023-24

Prof Rosa Chan has received the Outstanding Teaching Awards (OTA) 2023-24 from the College of Engineering (CENG) in recognition of her innovative and effective approaches to teaching.

OTA of CENG has been established since 2019/20 and totally there are four EE recipients to date.

International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva
EE Winning Twelve Awards at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva

EE teams achieved remarkable results at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (IEIG), winning 12 awards, including one Special Prize, five Gold Medals with Congratulations of the Jury, two Gold Medals, one Silver Medal and three Bronze Medals. The results are encouraging and demonstrate the international recognition of EE's research and scientific achievements.

The exhibition is the world’s most important event exclusively dedicated to inventions. It offers a unique opportunity for universities, inventors and researchers, industrial and commercial companies, associations, private and state organisms and institutions to present the results of their research, their inventions, and their new products. The 49th IEIG, held from 17 to 21 April in Switzerland, featured more than 1,000 inventions from 38 countries and regions around the world. The Hong Kong delegation has won 6 Special Prizes. The team led by Prof Stella Pang is one of the 6 winners of Special Prizes and the only team from CityU to clutch such a prestigious award.

For the list of winning teams and projects, please visit here

More details about this good news can also be found at CityU NewsCentre.

Prof Chenjie
Prof CHEN Jie elected Fellow of Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) 2024

Prof CHEN Jie has been elected a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) 2024 in recognition of his breakthroughs in fundamental limitations of feedback control, system identification, model validation, and delay systems.

A total of twenty-six esteemed members were elected for the class and nominated for their outstanding research and service to the community. The crucial group of individuals will continue with contributing in advancing the fields of applied mathematics, computational science, and data science.

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is an international community of over 14,000 individual members. Almost 500 academic, manufacturing, research and development, service and consulting organizations, government, and military organizations worldwide are institutional members. SIAM was incorporated in 1952 as a nonprofit organization to convey useful mathematical knowledge to other professionals who could implement mathematical theory for practical, industrial, or scientific use.

Prof Stella Pang being Elected Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) 2023
Prof Stella Pang being Elected Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) 2023

Prof Stella Pang has been elected the Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) 2023, a supreme recognition that Prof Pang is an eminent leader in low damage nanofabrication technology for microsystems and devices as well as an outstanding educator in Electrical Engineering and STEM.

HKAES is an organization of Hong Kong’s most eminent engineers of various disciplines who are recognized leaders of the profession with distinguished achievements in engineering sciences or applications. The Fellowship is characterized by dedication to serving Hong Kong, Mainland China and the region with top-quality engineering expertise. Fellows are elected annually for personal achievements of exceptional merit and distinction. A total of 13 Fellows were newly elected in 2023.