
Master of Science in Multimedia Information Technology (MScMIT)
Optional Exit Routes
  • Business Management (BM) Option
  • Industrial Research (IR) Option
Entrance Requirement
  • possess a BSc or BEng degree in related disciplines such as Information Technology, Information Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, Electronic/Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics ( Preferably with a minor in computer science) and Applied Physics ( Preferably with a minor in computer science ). OR
  • have obtained an equivalent qualification, or provided evidence of academic and professional attainments acceptable for this purpose to the University.
English Proficiency Requirements

Applicants whose entrance qualification is obtained from an institution where the medium of instruction is NOT English should also fulfill the following minimum English proficiency requirement:

  • a score of 79 (Internet-based test) in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)@#; or
  • an overall band score of 6.5 in International English Language Testing System (IELTS)@; or
  • A score of 450 in band 6 in the Chinese mainland’s College English Test; or
  • other equivalent qualifications.

@ TOEFL and IELTS scores are considered valid for two years. Applicants are required to provide their English test results obtained within the two years preceding the start of the University's application period.

# Applicants are required to arrange with the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to send their TOEFL results directly to the University. The TOEFL institution code for CityU is 3401.

Credit Unit Requirements, Duration and Tuition Fee

  MSMIT MSMIT - BM Option MSMIT - IR Option1
Programme Code P59 P59 P59
Credit units (CUs) required 30 45 45
Normal Duration Full-time : 1 year
Part-time/combined mode2: 2 years
Full-time : 1.5 years
Part-time/combined mode2: 3 years
Full-time : 1.5 years
Maximum Period of Study Full-time : 2.5 years
Part-time/combined mode2 : 5 years
Full-time : 3.5 years
Part-time/combined mode2 : 7.5 years
Full-time : 3.5 years
Fee per course
(3 CUs)
HK$19,200 ($6,400 per credit unit in 2024/25)
Total Programme Fee HK$192,000 HK$288,000 HK$288,000

Note 1: Only students taking full-time study mode can opt for Industrial Research (IR) Option.

Note 2:Combined mode: Local students taking programmes in combined mode can attend full-time (12-18 credit units per semester) or part-time (no more than 11 credit units per semester) study in different semesters without seeking approval from the University. For non-local students, they will be admitted to these programmes for either full-time or part-time studies. Non-local students must maintain the required credit load for their full-time or part-time studies and any changes will require approval from the University.

Semesters in 2024/25
Semester Start Dates
Semester A 2 September 2024
Semester B 13 January 2025
Summer Term 9 June 2025
Application Period and Forms

Application for admission in September 2024 (Semester A): starting from early December 2023. Click here for application and programme details and deadline.













Last Updated : 8 Dec 2023