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Teaching Laboratories
Applied Electromagnetics Laboratory
The Applied Electromagnetic Laboratory, equipped with EM software and various teaching kits, supports teaching in topics related to antenna designs, RF circuit designs, millimeter-wave applications and terahertz investigations. Students can study EM waves through simulations and verify theory with the lab facilities . Laboratory sessions of the following courses are normally scheduled in the Lab.

- EE3109 Applied Electromagnetics
- EE4036 Wireless Communications
- EE4107 - 5G Circuit Design
- EE4108 Antenna for Wireless Communications and Sensing Connectivity
- EE5425 Fundamentals of Radio Frequency (RF) Circuit Engineering
- EE5435 Advanced Topics in Applied Electromagnetics
- EE6680 Dissertation
- EE6619 Antenna Design for Wireless Communications
- Final Year Project
Computer Networking and Data Communications Laboratories
The Computer Networking Laboratory is equipped with general computing equipment and switches/routers to provide laboratory supports for the teaching and training of computer networking and related subjects. Students can acquire hands-on experiences on the configuration and analysis of computer networks. Laboratory sessions of the following courses such as EE3009 Data Communications and Networking, EE3315 Internet Technology, EE4014 Business Data Communication Networks, and EE5412 Telecommunication Networks are normally scheduled in the Lab.
Computer Terminal Laboratory
The Computer Terminal Laboratory is equipped with 130 sets of high-performance computers. The laboratory provides both hardware and software resources to support a series of teaching and learning activities in the department. For example, the Altera DE0 Development and Education board is used to facilitate learning of digital logic concepts, and the Cisco Packet Tracer offers students a simulated environment to experiment with network behavior. The laboratory also provides various software tools to support courses on computer programming such as Python, Java, C++, OpenGL, Matlab programming, Android Studio for Android App Design and Xcode for iOS App Design. In addition, the engineering training course on Computer System Administration on Linux and Windows is conducted during the summer.
Control Systems Laboratory
The Control Systems Laboratory aims to assist and promote teaching and experimental research in various fields, including automatic control, robotics, wireless and networked control systems, complex networks, optimization, computational intelligence, nonlinear systems, and circuit design. It serves as a base for conducting interdisciplinary research in systems engineering, focusing on advanced theoretical development and practical design. Additionally, it supports quality teaching in EE department by offering core and elective courses at both the undergraduate and master's degree levels. These courses include Introduction to Electronic Design (GE1354), Analogue Circuit Fundamentals (EE3122), Introduction to Electric Power Systems (EE3123), Systems and Control (EE3114), Design Project (EE3070), and Engineering Training (EE4090).
Digital and Mobile Communications Laboratory
The Digital and Mobile Communications Laboratory aims to support research activities in the fields of digital and mobile communications and provide training in fundamental communication theory for students in EE department. It also enhances the quality of teaching by supporting undergraduate degree courses, including Introduction to Electronic Design (GE1354), Foundations of Digital Techniques (EE1001), Principles of Electrical Engineering (EE1002), Design Project (EE3070), and Engineering Training (EE4090).
Digital Systems Laboratory
The Digital Systems Laboratory is dedicated to the teaching of digital electronic technologies, especially those related to microprocessors and microcontrollers. It provides laboratory support for undergraduate courses such as EE2004 Microcomputer Systems and EE3220 Embedded Systems Design, aiming at enhancing students' practical skills in both hardware and software development of microprocessors. In addition to basic equipment like personal computers, digital oscilloscopes and logic analyzers, the Lab is equipped with digital circuit learning tools such as field programmable gate array (FPGA) training boards, in-circuit emulators, microcontroller soft core and interface, etc. With these tools and equipment, students are able to acquire the knowledge of microprocessor design and applications, for further extension to system-on-chip integration.

Electronic Circuit and Projects Laboratory
The Electronic Circuits and Projects (ECP) Laboratory is a cozy corner of the campus that has been supporting the hands-on learning experience of first- and second-year courses for EE majors. It serves as a hub for our undergraduate students who are new to electronics, providing them with the opportunity to build their very first circuit and discover the excitement of electronics. Over the years, the ECP Laboratory has witnessed the growth of numerous students from electronics novices to application-driven product designers. Equipped with all the necessary instrumentation hardware, it also supports our signature GE course.
Machining Laboratory
The Machining Laboratory provides support for teaching and research activities, as well as offering advice and assistance to other sections within EE department as needed. The laboratory is equipped with a variety of machining equipment, including lathe, milling machine, drilling machine, and wire cut machine. The wire cut machine is used to fabricate precision parts for experiments, such as antenna patches and optical fixtures. Additionally, jigs and fixtures are designed for various experiments and research projects. In terms of teaching, technical support is provided for the course Design Project (EE3070). Students are taught how to use hand tools and are provided with basic mechanical knowledge, while also emphasizing the importance of safety measures and alerting them to potential hazards.
Multidisciplinary Projects Laboratory
The Multidisciplinary Projects Laboratory offers an interactive, advanced, and enjoyable learning environment for students and faculty to brainstorm research and projects. Its dynamic setting, along with the provided IT equipment, facilitates discussions, testing, and demonstrations for multidisciplinary project teams. The laboratory's opening hours comply with the regulations of City University of Hong Kong, allowing students access until 11 p.m. daily throughout the semester.

Optoelectronics, Electronics, Power, Nanotechnology, and Biosystems Laboratory
Power Electronics and Intelligent Systems Laboratory
The Power Electronics and Intelligent Systems Laboratory provides our students with a platform for conducting research on future energy generation, distribution and utilization technologies. It also plays an effective role in the development of energy conversion and utilization technologies in conjunction with the industry and to provide extension services so as to contribute to the social and economic development of Hong Kong.
Team Projects Laboratory
Team Projects Laboratory is designed for group projects discussion and learning. It is equipped with computers for online learning, PCB designs software and prototypes testing equipment. It serves the course Design Project throughout the year as well as Summer Exchange Camp.

ROBOCON Contest Team Laboratory
ROBOCON Contest Team Laboratory is a dedicated place for developing robots to join a year-based competition among all tertiary students in Hong Kong. Students from different departments work together as teams in a multi-disciplinary atmosphere, designing and implementing their robots according to the game rules given by the host organizer every year. The setting aims to provide a mutual learning environment for students to sharpen their problem-solving and leadership skills and also nurture friendships in developing their passion for being professional engineering in their future careers.

Underwater Robotics Team Laboratory
Underwater Robotics Team Laboratory aims at providing a co-working space for CityU students to achieve international recognition in global and national competitions, to encourage cross-disciplinary working environment, and ultimately to apply what we have learned in CityU to solve real-life problems using Robotics/ AI / Electronics Mathematics technology and knowledge. Every year, the robots developed in this lab will join the MATE ROV competition, the Singapore AUV Challenge and other competitions. With the strong support from CityU including College of Engineering, Department of EE, CS, MNE, BME, MSE, SDSC and SDS, we are committed and confident to advance our work and to gain recognitions around the world.

Last Updated : 24 Aug 2023