Research Student Symposium 2022

Research Student Symposium was held on 19 May 2022. All research students and research staff were invited to submit poster and a total of 64 submissions were received. Selected EE faculty in the related research areas were invited to be judges for deciding winners of the Best Presentation Awards which were set up to recognize outstanding presenters according to five research areas. Participants enjoyed the exchange with faculty members and the chance to know more about what other research students are doing. The day rounded off with invaluable conversations and encouragement.

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The judging team was composed of EE faculty members with diverse research background and expertise. They are:

Research Area Judging Team
Applied Electromagnetics Prof C H Chan, Dr W S Chan, Dr Alex Wong
Optoelectronic, Electronics, Nanotechnology & Biosystems Dr Derrick Jiang, Prof Edwin Pun, Prof Michael Tse
Networking & Wireless Communications Dr Albert Sung, Prof Moshe Zukerman, Prof Michael Antonie Van Wyk
Computer Engineering & Control Systems Dr Rosa Chan, Dr Bernard Chiu, Prof Andrew Leung, Dr Haoliang Li, Dr Ehsan Nekouei, Dr Peter Tsang

Here we are proud to present the winners:

Applied Electromagnetics

  Student Name Project Title Supervisor
First Prize YANG Ye 2-D Beamforming Network Dimensionality Reduction Method and Implementation of Broadband Compact 2-D 3*3 Nolen Matrix Dr W S Chan
Second Prize TO Yat Sing A Dual-Polarized Meta-lens Antenna using Gradient Refractive Index (GRIN) Meta-surface in Ka-band Dr Steve Wong
Third Prize WONG Tsz Ming Miniaturized Simple Magneto-Electric (ME) Dipole Antenna Fed by Substrate Integrated Coaxial Line on Reactive Impedance Surface Prof K M Luk


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Optoelectronic, Electronics, Nanotechnology & Biosystems

  Student Name Project Title Supervisor
First Prize WANG Muting Polydimethylsiloxane Surface Modification for Nasopharyngeal Epithelial and Carcinoma Cell Separation Prof Stella Pang
Second Prize LI Meixuan Cascading Failure Propagation and Mitigation Strategies in Power Systems Prof Michael Tse
Third Prize HONG Xiao Interaction of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Epithelial Cells in Microwell Array Prof Stella Pang


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Networking & Wireless Communications

  Student Name Project Title Supervisor
First Prize WANG Zhiyong Robust Matrix Completion based on Factorization and Truncated-Quadratic Loss Function Prof H C So
Second Prize LIN Shuhong Music-driven Choreography Generation Prof Moshe Zukerman


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Computer Engineering & Control Systems

  Student Name Project Title Supervisor
First Prize ZHANG Wenxu Fully Automatic Carotid Artery Segmentation on 3D SNAP MR Images with Uncertain Annotations Dr K L Chan
ZHANG Zhewen A Pipelined Hardware Defense Mechanism against Spectre-type Attacks on RISC-V Processor Dr Ray Cheung
Second Prize TANG Xubo Sensitive RNA Virus Read Classification Using Learning-Based Models Dr Yanni Sun
WU Wuwei Neural Network Synthesis with Stability Guarantees Prof Jie Chen
Third Prize LIU Xinyu Towards Robust Adaptive Object Detection under Noisy Annotations Dr Yixuan Yuan
ZHANG Houwang Self-supervised Network for Low-light Traffic Image Enhancement Based on Deep Noise and Artifacts Removal Dr Leanne Chan


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