Featured Panel Discussion on Jumpstarting Students’ Career in Engineering by Dr Alan Lam
Ir. Dr. Alan Lam, CEO of Sengital Limited, inspired over a hundred students to jumpstart their engineering dreams by sharing his own stories and how he sees the bright future of this blooming industry in a technology-led era, in his talk titled “Jumpstart Your Career in Engineering” held on 13 March 2017. The talk was facilitated by Dr Ray Cheung, EE Associate Professor.
The talk made influence to the student audiences in a way that the real experiences had laid paths for students to envision their future in an engineering career, especially those thinking about launching their start-ups. As an entrepreneur, Ir. Dr. Lam rendered useful tips on how students could make themselves “most visible” from making job application to attending an interview. A good final year project could be something impressive to potential employers and add credits to student portfolios.
He reassured students about the promising future of professional engineers while the technology and engineering industry is thriving. Chances are always with those with persistence and passion in their careers.
The talk ended with questions and answers addressing diversified concerns from students. This is absolutely a meaningful event to our students.