MIT Distinguished Scholar Shared High Impact Research and Education

Professor Stephen P. Boyd
Prof Vincent W. S. Chan, the Joan and Irwin Jacobs Professor of Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Massachusetts institute of Technology visited EE from 29 – 31 January 2018 to share his views and expertise in high impact research and education.

Prof Chan having spent his research focus on communication and networks all along shared with faculty and student audiences the latest innovation and technologies in the field through two seminars titled “Frontier in Networks” and “Disruptive Changes in Optical Network Architectures”.

Prof Chan’s visit was further enriched by exchange sessions with faculty members and management teams focusing on research and educational strategies, and made highly intensive but meaningful by meetings with individuals interested in exploring research collaborations.

Photo with staff

Constructive exchanges have fostered opportunities in research collaborations, interdisciplinary research and high impact education.