Department of Electrical Engineering (Bachelor of Engineering)

First-year Curriculum and Course Registration

First-year Curriculum

Subject Area Course Code Course Title Credit Units (CU)
Gateway Education (12 credit units)
English a GE1401 &
University English (3CU)
English for Engineering (3CU)
LC0200A &
English for Academic Purposes 1 & 2 (6CU)
College-specified GE courses MA1200/
Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra I/
Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I
Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra II/
Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra II
EE2066 b Engineers in Society  
College Requirements c (6 credit units Science subjects)
Physics PHY1101  Introductory Classical Mechanics (3CU) 6
Computing CS1302 Introduction to Computer Programming (3CU)
Major Requirments (12 credit units)
EE Level-1 courses EE1000 Programme Induction 0
  EE1001 Foundations of Digital Techniques 12
EE1002 Principles of Electrical Engineering
EE1004 Foundations of Information Systems and Data Analysis
GE1354 Introduction to Electronic Design


  1. Students whose entry qualification in HKDSE English Language is below Level 4 are required to take LC0200A & LC0200B English for Academic Purposes 1 & 2 (EAP) before progressing to GE English courses. Please see more details by referring to the Section ‘Curriculum Structure of 4-year Degree'.
  2. Students will take EE2066 Engineers in Society in their final year of studies.

Recommended Study Plan for First-year Students

  1. All unnecessary changes to pre-arranged timetable should be avoided. Students wishing to drop/change a pre-assigned course should do it online or using the electronic form on AIMS during add/drop period. Places given up are not guaranteed if they are required to be retrieved.

  2. Students are advised to keep the suggested semester study load to 15 - 18 credit units as suggested.

  3. Students are advised to refer to their own timetable pre-arranged according to the recommended study plan as below and avoid possible time conflict when considering adding any GE course during the course add/drop period.
Semester A Semester B
English (GE1401/ LC0200A) English (GE2410/ LC0200B)
*MA1200 Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra I/
MA1300 Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I
*MA1201 Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra II/
MA1301 Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra II
EE1000 Programme Induction  
Group I Students
CS1302 Introduction to Computer Programming EE1001 Foundations of Digital Techniques
EE1002 Principles of Electrical Engineering GE1354 Introduction to Electronic Design
EE1004 Foundations of Information Systems and Data Analysis PHY1101 Introductory Classical Mechanics
#Any ONE GE course of distributional requirement OR GE1501 Chinese Civilization – History and Philosophy  
Group II Students
CS1302 Introduction to Computer Programming EE1002 Principles of Electrical Engineering
EE1001 Foundations of Digital Techniques EE1004 Foundations of Information Systems and Data Analysis
GE1354 Introduction to Electronic Design PHY1101 Introductory Classical Mechanics
  #Any ONE GE course of distributional requirement OR GE1501 Chinese Civilization – History and Philosophy
Total: 15-18 CU Total: 15-18 CU

Students are highly encouraged to take MA1200 and MA1201 in which the engineering mathematical contents already fit the needs of the following studies in their majors.
# Students will need to register for the GE course on web during the add/drop period.

Course Registration


All first-year courses have been pre-registered for students according to recommended study plan above. For more information about course registration, please visit ARRO’s website.

Last Updated : 9 Augest  2024