Graduate Employment Statistics 2021

The following statistics are based on the result of the Graduate Employment Survey conducted by City University of Hong Kong. The cut-off date of the survey was 31 December 2021.

BEng in Electronic and Communication Engineering (BEngECE)
BEng in Computer Engineering (BEngCE)/Computer and Data Engineering (BEngCDE)
BEng in Information Engineering (BEngIE)

BEng in Electronic and Communication Engineering (BEngECE)

The survey shows that 86.21% of the BEngECE graduates were engaged before the cut-off date, with 62.07% in the job market and 24.14% in full-time postgraduate studies.

BEng in Computer Engineering (BEngCE)/ Computer and Data Engineering (BEngCDE)

The survey shows that 94.64% of the BEngCE graduates were engaged before the cut-off date, with 75% in the job market and 19.64% in full-time postgraduate studies. 

BEng in Information Engineering (BEngIE)

The survey shows that 88.46% of the BEngIE graduates were engaged before the cut-off date, with 76.92% in the job market and 11.54% in full-time postgraduate studies. 

* The statistics are extracted from Employment Survey of 2021 Graduates conducted by the Department of Electrical Engineering in December 2021.

Last Updated : 11 Oct 2022